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Springsteen on Broadway


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Got to see this on October 5th, before the official opening. My wife won the ticket lottery.  


If you are a fan, this is the Born to Run autobiography come to life.  The theater is 1000 seats with tremendous acoustics.  The show is Bruce, an acoustic guitar and a piano.  Bruce focuses the first hour on growing up in NJ through the teen years and sprinkles in songs throughout.  There is one new song.  A ballad to his mom.  Its beautiful.  It was a poignant moment for us.  My Stepson (Wife's son) passed from an overdose on September 13...we just held each other as best we could during this song.


The second half of the show brought us to now.  A lot of the dialog and songs focused on how Bruce developed his passions outside of music.  The best story was him stopping at a truck stop in AZ on his way from NJ to CA on a motorcycle.  He picked up Born on the Fourth of July at the truck stop and read it during overnights on the trip and once he got to LA.  A week later he is staying at a hotel on Sunset Strip where Rockers tended to hangout and for a couple of days he notices a guy in a wheelchair by the pool.  The guy comes up to him and says.."Bruce, I'm Ron Kovic".   Kovic takes Bruce to the Ventura VA hospital and Bruce dedicates "Born in the USA" as an anthem for returning vets.  Lots of stories like this. 


Patti came out for a couple of songs and rocked the house.  She has a killer voice -- no Yoko Ono here.


Again, if you love Bruce and his music, its a great 2 hours.  It seemed like it passed in a minute.  We shelled out $400 per seat -- but it was worth every penny.  We could have scalped the tickets for about double the face value but there is no way I would have missed this.  

Edited by JoeF
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Awesome. Would love to see it.


One  note. I think the song to his mom is The Wish, which is an old song, and on Tracks. He rarely sung it in concert although I know he did once at a show when she was in the audience. Really great little song about her, and getting married, and dancing with her in the kitchen.

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5 hours ago, Kelly the Dog said:

Awesome. Would love to see it.


One  note. I think the song to his mom is The Wish, which is an old song, and on Tracks. He rarely sung it in concert although I know he did once at a show when she was in the audience. Really great little song about her, and getting married, and dancing with her in the kitchen.

Thanks Kelly--I hadn't heard it before.  It was particularly moving for us that night -- given our loss 3 weeks earlier.....and a wonderful ballad for a very loved mother.

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