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Nice Article On Free Agency

Mark VI

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It's hard to say what is exaggerated and what isn't. This last year, for example, he started and played against the jets with a slight concussion and got schooled by Abraham for three sacks I think. He even admitted that he was foggy and he probably shouldn't have played at all. That is officially a game started but in actuality was a game missed due to injury. He's had a lot of nagging and significant injuries.


so does almost everyone in the nfl, dog. even an iron man like bledsoe lost time in 01 for a while. there are very, very few guys in the nfl who don't miss time. just look at jennings' former colleagues on the bills offense (excepting bledsoe):


campbell - missed half the season

villarrial - a 16 gamer

teague - missed 4 games last year

moulds - ok this year, but lost significant time to injury in both 99 and 03.

reed - missed 4 games this year

evans - 16 games, but missed season 2 years ago with acl.

mcgahee - nuff said

henry - missed significant time in 01, 03, and 04

tucker/pucillo/other guy - not sure

m. williams - missed 6 games in 3 years (3 last year, 1 this year)

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no offense, but this is argument by anecdote, meaning taking one example (of which none of us really know what was said) and extrapolating that into a defining element of one's character. i don't buy it.


None taken. But when I see one player yelling at another to "buck up" in a pretty public way, that tells me that there's something to the story. Like I said, it won't surprise me at all if I see Jonas start missing time now that he's gotten his.

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so does almost everyone in the nfl, dog. even an iron man like bledsoe lost time in 01 for a while.  there are very, very few guys in the nfl who don't miss time. just look at jennings' former colleagues on the bills offense (excepting bledsoe):


campbell - missed half the season

villarrial - a 16 gamer

teague - missed 4 games last year

moulds - ok this year, but lost significant time to injury in both 99 and 03.

reed - missed 4 games this year

evans - 16 games, but missed season 2 years ago with acl.

mcgahee - nuff said

henry - missed significant time in 01, 03, and 04

tucker/pucillo/other guy - not sure

m. williams - missed 6 games in 3 years (3 last year, 1 this year)


True, and fair enough. Definitely, 95% of the players in the NFL misses games or several games over the years. There is also no question, however, that some guys have a tendency to get hurt that have nothing to do with their heart or their toughness. Jim McMahon comes to mind. Jonas seems to be one of those guys. He has missed time each year he has been with the Bills I believe. He is often face down on the field and needs assistance and later comes back. I do not question Jennings heart as some do. I do question spending all that money on a guy who seemingly plays 75% of his games. He's missed 11 outright in four years, and large chunks of several more, including the above mentioned Jets game. To me, his has missed an entire year of his four, and it would be different if he just got one season long ending injury, like, say, your example of Evans. It's more like he plays four, misses one, plays six, misses two, plays three misses one, plays five misses two, etc.

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True, and fair enough. Definitely, 95% of the players in the NFL misses games or several games over the years. There is also no question, however, that some guys have a tendency to get hurt that have nothing to do with their heart or their toughness. Jim McMahon comes to mind. Jonas seems to be one of those guys. He has missed time each year he has been with the Bills I believe. He is often face down on the field and needs assistance and later comes back. I do not question Jennings heart as some do. I do question spending all that money on a guy who seemingly plays 75% of his games. He's missed 11 outright in four years, and large chunks of several more, including the above mentioned Jets game. To me, his has missed an entire year of his four, and it would be different if he just got one season long ending injury, like, say, your example of Evans. It's more like he plays four, misses one, plays six, misses two, plays three misses one, plays five misses two, etc.


i am in complete agreement that he's not worth that much money. my only point was is that claims that he's injury prone are exaggerated. i guess it's all about what injury prone means -- does a player lose dribs and drabs of time to relatively minor injuries, or does he lose large periods of time sandwiched between consistently showing up for duty? some guys will miss 2 entire seasons in an 8 year career, but play 16 games in 5 of the other 6. i guess with jennings you're pretty much banking on him losing 2-3 games every year and never being a 16 game guy. that said, he doesn't get the big injuries (yet, at least).

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FA is a suckers bet.  The draft is how teams are built and this is where TD and TM find "superior talent at budget prices."


I agree....but if you do not retain their talent when their market value increases....what have you gained?

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