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Nick Buoniconti - CTE

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Here is the deal, and there is no getting around this, it is not JUST and NFL issue. This started in pee wee, then JR High, High School and College. These are cumulative over years, but they go after the NFL blaming them pretty much solely because of the deep pockets.


If I were the NFL I would now have all Rookies and those getting new contracts, sign an assumption of risk waiver. It is known, you play football, odds are you get CTE. You assume the risk


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Here is the deal, and there is no getting around this, it is not JUST and NFL issue. This started in pee wee, then JR High, High School and College. These are cumulative over years, but they go after the NFL blaming them pretty much solely because of the deep pockets.


If I were the NFL I would now have all Rookies and those getting new contracts, sign an assumption of risk waiver. It is known, you play football, odds are you get CTE. You assume the risk

I doubt the NFL would need to do that anymore. The risks are well known and documented. Anyone entering the NFL now knows the risks.

Who needs the assumption of risk waiver, in my opinion, is to have every parent of every player through high school sign one (if they don't already). As you stated, that's where it begins. If the player later in life looks to sue someone for their CTE from football, the pee wee etc. leagues can offload the lawsuit to the players parents.

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