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PETA vs March of the Pittsburgh Penguins


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I am about to eat a penguin if PETA doesn't stop.


They're not exactly tasty. Awfully oily, and they taste like rotten fish.


I make it a practice to have a bacon cheeseburger every time PETA does something awfully stupid. I've already got chicken cooking for today...guess I'll be having that cheeseburger tomorrow.

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The Pittsburgh zoo has a penguin march at the zoo in the winter every Saturday. I just went to it, but it's great-- they let these same penguins waddle down the sidewalk and everyone stands around next to them. The penguins love it and are really inquisitive. They get right up within a few inches.


Seems like if the pros at the zoo who know these animals think this is okay, I would defer to them, not PETA.

Exactly! Not some over emotional animal lover (don't get me wrong, who doesn't love animals).

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