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Why is ALynn getting a pass for Cheats gameplan?

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Ugh. I spent 40 minutes this morning painstakingly going over the play by play from the first half. I wanted to show that all this "Mike didn't get the rock more because the Bills fell behind" is a bunch of crap. ALynn designed a game plan to come out throwing on a rainy and windy day, when TD Mike was ripping off huges chunks of yardage on the ground. I'll spare you all the details, but bottom line, this was the Bills play mix in the 1st half


12 runs (not including TT scrambles)

30 passes (when TT dropped back)


That's right, ALynn dialed up 2.5x as many pass plays as running plays, in a game they didn't trail by more than 11 points. So please don't give me the BS that the Bills fell behind. We abandoned the run, just like Gailey, Fairchild, Hackett, and all other Bills OC's since Wade Phillips.


The worst sequence was with :48 secs left, 2TO's from the Cheats 31 yard line. Three incomplete passes later, Carp doinks the FG and Marcia gets :32 to work. So when Gostokowski makes the 51 yd FG at the end of the half, what do I read in the articles describing it? It's karma, Bills v Pats in a nutshell. No, it's not karma, it's because our coaches are consistently stupid in critical game situations. ALynn had plenty of time and TO's to call a running play. Sweep to the sidelines? Up the gut? Why not? Because we are stupid. We saved all that time for the Cheats and just handed them a 6 point swing.


I am so tired of stupid coaches and coordinators for the Bills. I swear that most people on this board could have done a better job than ALynn. We certainly would have given Mike the rock as often as possible. ARGH.


There is a lot of merit to what you are saying here.


Fact of the matter is that it is an offensive coordinator's job (and other coaches job as well) to choose and call plays that the players have demonstrated that they are capable of executing with a reasonable amount of reliability.


You have to wonder how well this offense is executing plays in practice (especially in the passing game). Are they executing these same passing plays well in practice and just not getting it done on game day? Or are they executing at an unacceptable percentage in practice and then trying to execute on game day anyway?


This many games into the season you would think you would start seeing a number of passing plays that are repeated week after week because they are executed at a high percentage rate, even if they are short passes like screens and quick slants. A lot of that blame has to be on the coaches. This offense should be executing some of these plays with precision by now. You would be hard pressed to find a handful that they are executing with any precision game after game.


A Lynn is not off the hook. We just haven't seen enough yet. Time will tell.

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