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The flight number (I think?)



Yup. It's come up quite a few times, e.g. on the toy airplane in the safe deposit box.


Anyone catch that Hurley owned a cardboard box company that burned down? Wasn't it Locke who worked at a place that made... bum-bum-BUM(!) cardboard boxes? (Or was it Michael, I forget).


These people are all interlinked. It's like that math thing where you have to draw a line to all of the vertecies.


BTW, anyone catch the ref to Hurley as being mistaken for a drug dealer? Jorge played one in Curb Your Enthusiasm for a bit. :doh: Lots of in-jokes on the show....

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Yup. It's come up quite a few times, e.g. on the toy airplane in the safe deposit box.


Anyone catch that Hurley owned a cardboard box company that burned down? Wasn't it Locke who worked at a place that made... bum-bum-BUM(!) cardboard boxes? (Or was it Michael, I forget).


These people are all interlinked. It's like that math thing where you have to draw a line to all of the vertecies.


BTW, anyone catch the ref to Hurley as being mistaken for a drug dealer? Jorge played one in Curb Your Enthusiasm for a bit. :doh: Lots of in-jokes on the show....


Michael was mostly unemployed, so it must have been Locke that was in the box company. Also I missed that 815 was on the airplane, is that true?

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Hurley's box company was in France...it was his sneaker company in Canada that burned down. And yes, Locke did indeed work for a box company.


I thought Hurley was going to crush Danielle when he hugged her! ;)


Good episode...I like the line by Hugo's financial adviser asking, "How could the police think you were a drug dealer?" The obvious reference to the Larry David appearance. :lol:


What's the deal with next week? A couple of repeats? What did we get, two new episodes in a row? :doh:

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I thought Hurley was going to crush Danielle when he hugged her!  ;)


I'll repeat it. That was a great scene. Saw a lot of who Hurley is. The guy who holds it all in --- internalizes things (and the weight thing as a physical manifestation of this) --- and he finally just goes all "I WANT ANSWERS!" to a crazy lady w/ a rifle to his head.


And then the, "Dude, I'm spry!" :lol:


What was the signif. of the strung-up boar that he passes when he's following the wire?


What's the deal with next week?  A couple of repeats?  What did we get, two new episodes in a row?  :doh:


It seems there won't be a new ep until 13 April.

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"Dude, I'm spry!"  ;)


It seems there won't be a new ep until 13 April.



"Dude, I'm spry" was freaking hysterical. Once thing we didn't find out is what put Hurley in the psych ward to begin with. Perhaps another episode.


These guys are killing me with the on-again off-again new eps. :doh:

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It seems there won't be a new ep until 13 April.



Gee, way to get people uninterested in your only hit show ABC. What a bunch of fuggin morons. This is exactly the reason why 24 is still the best show on TV. No reruns. On every Monday, same bat time, same bat channel.

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"Dude, I'm spry" was freaking hysterical.  Once thing we didn't find out is what put Hurley in the psych ward to begin with.  Perhaps another episode.


These guys are killing me with the on-again off-again new eps.  :doh:


He was a druggie.

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Can I please request that when you guys post, you DO NOT post any spoilers without first labeling it so, and giving us a chance to not read it? UConn James, you mentioned something about the baby and said "as if that's a big surprise to anyone". Well, in this show, anything and everything is a surprise. Just a friendly request. Thanks.


It's like last week someone put in a regular post about Hurley winning the lotto. It did take away from this week's a bit, so please just watch it with the spoilers. I didn't read the rest of this thread, even though I'm interested because I want to avoid spoilers.



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Hurley's box company was in France...it was his sneaker company in Canada that burned down.  And yes, Locke did indeed work for a box company.


Actually, the box co he owned was in Tustin, which means it was the same box co that Locke worked for. And for the shoe co that burned down....8 people died. 8 being one of Hurley's "lucky" numbers.


What a show!

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Actually, the box co he owned was in Tustin, which means it was the same box co that Locke worked for.  And for the shoe co that burned down....8 people died.  8 being one of Hurley's "lucky" numbers.


What a show!


I sometimes think the writers are just playing with us, throwing in those little details to get us all agitated over everything... lol.


Ok, as per requests: SPOILER: Next new episode, they're on an island still. :doh:

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"Dude, I'm spry" was freaking hysterical.  Once thing we didn't find out is what put Hurley in the psych ward to begin with.  Perhaps another episode.


These guys are killing me with the on-again off-again new eps.  :doh:



That's a question I asked kind of rhetorically, b/c from what was said, I really couldn't make any judgment on how Hurley knew this guy, Leonard, either as a fellow patient or as a ward attendant.... Just before the numbers come up, he had on a chicken joint uniform, tho, and was telling his mum that he knew that everyone was down/ragging on him. At this point, I'd say he was a patient, but I would guess not very long and not a very severe thing. Maybe anger management issues? see: his blowup to Danielle and bottling things up as mentioned before.

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And if you call something a spoiler, don't just write:


spoiler: and then write it. Not all of us read one word every 3 seconds.... :doh:



exactly. scroll down a bit, or type it in white so we have to highlight it, ... something.


But please don't assume we all somehow know something (like about the baby).

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Just a suggestion, can't we split the thread in half, one with spoilers, and one without? It'd just be a whole lot easier for those who need the suprise aspect to be in a safe forum.

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