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seantrel Henderson facing 4 game suspension

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marijuana indeed opens flood vessels which in turn decreases inflammation. so I'm not sure where that came from. MOST pain is a result of inflammation.


speaking as someone with sickle cell disease, I can tell you that cannabis as been the best treatment for pain I could have ever come across. a little background. my sickle cell is not exacerbated by cold temps, like most. Rather elevation (oxygen levels), and stress. when it does act up, my blood cells essentially "stick" together (not the same as a clot) and restrict blood flow. anyway, i've been hospitalized more times than I can count and I'm usually in there for a couple of weeks. I haven't been hospitalized since 2014 (pneumonia and a sickle cell crisis) and I really attribute that to cannabis.


the doctors had me on sooo many opioids growing up. I didnt use them daily until got to college. I was in SF on my own, in school full time (history), and working full time at Verizon. this was at the age of 20. I was zombified throughout the day. these pills subsequently led to depression. next thing I know I am on zoloft and other crap. it was the worst. when i turned 26 i went back to school to study music, so i wasnt fully employed, and had no health insurance. I needed to find an alternative to something that I really hated but needed. after research and discussions with MANY doctors outside of NY, an overwhelming amount suggested I at least try it. my biggest concern initially was how it would interfere with my sickle cell...but the doctors assured me that it wouldn't. I have never tried weed before. never. most of my friends growing up smoked, and the same with my college buddies.


anyway, fast forward 2 years and I feel great. THC and CBD are two completely different aspects of the flower itself, and both play a different role. I benefit from both. CBD for pain, and THC to relieve the stress and anxiety. flower, edibles, extracts (dabs, and no not the dance), and liquid extracts.


cannabis isnt for everyone. just like anything else in life, it can be abused, and the THC element is not recommended for young adults because their brain is still in development, but the CDB (charlotte's web strain) has literally saved lives.


this plant really needs to stop being vilified. not to mention this is the most versatile plant on EARTH! food, fuel clothing, medicine...this plant contains more fiber per plant than any tree. this plant could literally stop deforestation. i mean, the original drafts of the declaration of independence were written on hemp...again, the irony is almost orgasmic.


but hey...money rules all. big pharma, big oil, the lumber industry, would all take a HUGE it if hemp were researched and used the way the earth intended. it's there for a reason. it's literally a weed.


stop with the reefer madness approach

Excellent write up here.


I have read enough personal exp. and scientific data to agree with your points. And the difference between the derivatives THC and CBD from the plant need to be duly noted.

We have long discussions about this and in great detail here. Everyone should be fully educated by now !


I am looking forward to Seantrel's return. I am hoping he becomes the long term answer at Bills RT position next to John Miller

Someone here corrected me a few weeks ago when I suggested Seantrel is not the brightest ... and now I fully agree. He's smart. Really smart.


Check out this positively (Bill) Clintonian [note: this is not a political message! I am focusing on the lawyerly phrasing, no on the politics] phrase in the BN interview posted on the home page:



1. You have the strange phrasing. Not "I have not used recreationally." Instead, "there's no recreational use ... ." Recall "there is no sexual relationship" followed by "it all depends what the meaning of 'is' is."


2. Earlier on: "I hadn't even been thinking about marijuana until it was brought up to me by a doctor." O.K., I understand that one. But not "until a doctor recommended (doctors can't prescribe; they can only recommend) it." Just "until it was brought up to me ..." Weird passive voice, but then with "by a doctor" tacked on. He's not throwing a doctor under the bus (because really, what doctor wouldn't say, "I understand you're a professional athlete; have you considered whether this might affect your career?"), but he is putting into our minds the idea that he used it because a doctor recommended it.


As smart as Seantrel is (and really, this is good lawyerly talk) I find it hard to believe that he went ahead and used medically (not recreationally) without understanding the consequences. Maybe it did provide him relief, and he thought "I'll take my chances ... even if I get caught, 4 games is worth it for the pain relief." I'm just pointing out, again, that this is one smart kid ...

I think at one point he was not thinking about football as much as survival and quality of life.


If that is the case, he gets all my sympathy to be in that position.

The emotional aspect he explained really struck me.

No thats not what he said. And to shorten it devalues his commentary.

But. if that is your take away, it is sure better than "weed is BAD "

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