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OT US soccer

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Oh, so you just signed up for a new screen name. How incredibly sad.


And either way, hitting the ball first or not, it shouldn't be a foul. No wonder Americans hate it - it's a kitty sport.


Go away. NO ONE is going to listen to this sh-- about soccer. It sucks. It always has sucked, and I would bet good money that it always will suck.



Obviously you are not listening. And the 10-12 pages this thread will spur proves no one else is as well.


I played college hockey ... a man's game that we can all agree on. Let me tell you that soccer is 10x harder to play competitively than any other sport I ever played. You actually have to think and be in shape to play it. But then again, fatasses -- which I image you being -- wouldn't know that.

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Personally, I think soccer is the purest professional game in the world. I think it's a shame that this country hasn't embraced it, and I wish the MLS nothing but continued success.


But this is really the last place you should try to bring it up as a topic.

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If anything, it's the only thing Buffalo's actually nothing falling behind on. Down south, soccer is a lot bigger than up north, for obvious weather reasons.


Yeah soccer is SO HUGE in Greensboro and NC in general, people have actually disowned college basketball, NASCAR, and professional wrestling and have become MLS fans. It's not even about Duke/Carolina anymore, it's all about...well I don't know the names of any of the MLS teams, but pick 2 of them and you'll get it. Soccer will never pass college basketball, college football, high school football, NASCAR, wrestling, bass fishing, or hunting in the South.


The only reason soccer is so popular as a youth sport is because it's cheap to play it and you really don't have to have any skills. Been to a youth soccer game? It's really just a group of 20 kids running around in a crowd chasing the ball. I'm sure I could dig up some articles that say the same thing about how youth hockey is taking over.

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But then again, fatasses -- which I image you being -- wouldn't know that.



I can't speak for anyone else, but sorry pal... wrong.


And if that's your last argument, I can see this is getting out of your league.


"Yeah.... yeah.... well.... well you're fat!!!"


hahah - dork.

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Obviously you are not listening. And the 10-12 pages this thread will spur proves no one else is as well.


I played college hockey ... a man's game that we can all agree on. Let me tell you that soccer is 10x harder to play competitively than any other sport I ever played. You actually have to think and be in shape to play it. But then again, fatasses -- which I image you being -- wouldn't know that.




Soccer is tougher than Hockey? Put down the pipe soccer boy. :o

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Right now on The Discovery channel, they are showing school bus figure 8 track racing. Now that is entertaining.


Last years champ said it is a tough "sport", last year only 2 of the 10 busses finished the race.


Spelling Bee on ESPN or soccer...you make the call?

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Yeah soccer is SO HUGE in Greensboro and NC in general, people have actually disowned college basketball, NASCAR, and professional wrestling and have become MLS fans. It's not even about Duke/Carolina anymore, it's all about...well I don't know the names of any of the MLS teams, but pick 2 of them and you'll get it.  Soccer will never pass college basketball, college football, high school football, NASCAR, wrestling, bass fishing, or hunting in the South.


The only reason soccer is so popular as a youth sport is because it's cheap to play it and you really don't have to have any skills. Been to a youth soccer game? It's really just a group of 20 kids running around in a crowd chasing the ball. I'm sure I could dig up some articles that say the same thing about how youth hockey is taking over.


I heard Tennesee, Alabama, and UGA are all tearing out their football fields and putting soccer fields. After all, it's gettin' huge down South.**




** Unless you're a high school graduate - when people with a brain realize that soccer is fun to play but sucks to watch.

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I heard Tennesee, Alabama, and UGA are all tearing out their football fields and putting soccer fields. After all, it's gettin' huge down South.**




** Unless you're a high school graduate - when people with a brain realize that soccer is fun to play but sucks to watch.


Same thing in Texas...they're cutting the high school football budgets across the board down there, all in the name of soccer!

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Soccer?  Oh god, please no.....the word soccer itself makes me wanna eat my own puke!




now that would be something you should do, especially if it helps you keep your opinion on the worlds most popular sport to yourself because it wasn't needed here. If it ain't your cup of tea, ignore it!

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