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The curse didn't start with Flutie, it started w/ Belichick

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After watching the Four Falls of Buffalo I was rudely reminded that Bill Belichick was the Giants Defensive Coordinator who crashed the Bills K-Gun and robbed them of their First SuperBowl.


Granted a lot of partying was going on and the Bills were riding high after throwing down 51 against Oakland. These Bills were unstoppable, but Belichick through them for a loop with his 2-5 defense.

No one had seen a D like this and the Bills never really adjusted their tempo or game plan to exploit what the Giants were doing.


Twenty five years later that little scoundrel still has our number. He's confounded our coordinators for two decades, laying the Bills into a stupor and sending them into the wallowing halls of mediocracy.


When I think back on how many times he has out coached us, it turns my stomach a bit.


Watching the Four Falls was nostalgic but I couldn't help but think of what would have become of the Bills is they won that first one. I understand the 4th loss a little better and saw the pressure of 2 and 3. We may never see a run like that in the NFL again.


It made me proud to be a Buffalonian, but also very sad. Those were the days of my youth and all these years later seeing everyone come and go and still not a whiff of the glory. How I wish Rex could pull it together and get this team over the hump.


And just like Beebe knocking the ball out of Lett's hand, I will keep going, keep believing and keep following my beloved Bills.

I know what those words mean, but not in that order.

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