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I called the Easley play in advance, I am a prophet!!

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Watching at home, texting with my sister in Denver who is out of her mind....and my friend Bob from the St. Louis Bills Backers. At one point, when it was 27-3 I texted my sister "Jacksonville will not score another point and the Bills will win." If not for the asinine pass interference call, I believe I had that one correct.


Later, while texting Bob, I noticed that Easley had downed that punt at the 1 yard line. I texted, "Maybe Marcus Easley could run a pass route. He's fast."
A short time later, my prophesy came true.


Here's my latest: The Bills will turn it around. They will come out of the bye relatively healthy, and will make the playoffs.


Flame on.

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i had the exact same thought when i saw that punt being downed. he really should be being used more in offensive schemes, although wood & hogan have also played very well, tough to find a spot for everyone. I also agree that this season is far from over, decimated with injuries, down due to some awful play, they nearly pulled it out and even the penalties were down yesterday. Growing pains. I think we will absolutely be fighting for a playoff spot later in the season.


Watching at home, texting with my sister in Denver who is out of her mind....and my friend Bob from the St. Louis Bills Backers. At one point, when it was 27-3 I texted my sister "Jacksonville will not score another point and the Bills will win." If not for the asinine pass interference call, I believe I had that one correct.


Later, while texting Bob, I noticed that Easley had downed that punt at the 1 yard line. I texted, "Maybe Marcus Easley could run a pass route. He's fast."
A short time later, my prophesy came true.


Here's my latest: The Bills will turn it around. They will come out of the bye relatively healthy, and will make the playoffs.


Flame on.

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