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Live feed...Bald Eagle soon to hatch her eggs..


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COOL! Checking it out now!!!! Thanks!


We have roosting bald eagles here in South Chicago now! The Chicago Police were going to build an outside shooting range here and they had to cancel the plans when they found out eagles were here:


Here is some enviro nut's video... Take from it what you want, turn and puke @ the drama if you need to! :doh:




Also, if you like more eagles, I work for the USACE... Here is the "eagle cam" @ Lock 15 on the Up MS:




"During winter months, weather and sunlight permitting, the Locks and Dam Visitors Center will attempt to pan the camera for a view of the visiting Eagles! At all other times the camera will be angled from south to north along the LD 15 Dam, to view barge traveling down river, approaching the lock."





Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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