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One of the most epic radio calls ever: The Holy Roller

Wing Man

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The rule that gave the Bills their game winning safety dates back to September 10,1978. John Madden's Oakland Raiders were at San Diego trailing 20-14 with ten seconds left. Oakland had the football at the San Diego 16 yard line. Kenny Stabler dropped back to pass and was about to be sacked so he fumbled the ball forward. Raiders running back Pete Banaszak was in position to pick up the fumble but realized he would be tackled so he pushed the ball forward. The Raiders tight end Dave Casper then got in on the act kicking and shoving the ball until it crossed the plane and he fell on it. Referee Jerry Markbreit ruled it to be a touchdown because it couldn't be determined that they had purposely did what they did. The Chargers couldn't believe they got away with it and the Raiders on the field that day remained mum for years about their duplicity. The controversy forced a rule change that off-season that said the only player who could advance a fumble after the two-minute warning was the player who fumbled the ball.


The only thing more epic than the play itself was the radio call from the Oakland play-by-play announcer Bill King.


King: "... The Oakland Raiders have scored on the most zany, unbelievable, absolutely impossible dream of a play! Madden is on the field! He wants to know if it's real! They said yes! Get your big butt out of here! He does!"



Markbreit says he cringes whenever he sees the replay on television.

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The rule that gave the Bills their game winning safety dates back to September 10,1978.

Game saving or clinching, but not winning...I was waiting anxiously in the stadium for the official ruling, place was going nuts. HEY HEY HEY HEY and high fives all the way out of the stadium. What a great feeling....

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