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(OT) I need advice


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I am sorry to hear that. I would document everything, have the police write up the incident, file small claims, and call animal control. I love dogs but do not care for German Shepards. Every Shepard I have ever been around is scary protective. Owners need to look after their dogs better. Too many people get a big dog as a puppy and let it sleep with them, walk through doors before them, and let the dog think its the alpha male. Totally irresponsible! Then when there is an incident its never their dog. I have had some problems getting chased with dogs on bike rides. Noone should have to deal with that

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I’d like to thank everyone for their ideas and concerns. Rocco is back home from the vet and should be fine in a few weeks. They had to operate on him to repair some muscle damage and then suture his lacerations. My vet gave me copies of the pictures they took of the wounds to show the police and animal control.


My first and foremost concern was the health and well being of my dog and thankfully my dog should recover. The vet bill came to just under $500 and I’ll get another one in 10 days for $150. If the dog owner pays me back without a problem great. If not I will try to get it back by other means. I am only interested in recovering the cost of the vet bills, not for pain and suffering. I’m not interested in profiting from my dog’s misery…talk about bad karma.


I am angry over what was an avoidable situation. If the owner had been responsible and kept his dog on a leash this entire incident would never have happened, which leads to my second concern, his dog never doing this again. I will be talking to my apartment complex manager regarding this guy staying here. I want this dog gone. The owner has already exhibited his unwillingness to leash the dog even though this has already happened in the past to other dogs two times before and I have no reason to believe this third incident will make any difference.


I called the police last night and did file a police report. They said they cannot do anything unless they personally see him walking the dog without a leash. If they did see that they said they would actually arrest him and charge him. They also said that I should report it to animal control, which I will be doing later today.

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They said they cannot do anything unless they personally see him walking the dog without a leash. If they did see that they said they would actually arrest him and charge him.


These are the people charged with protecting you. Of course, protection basically means outlining your carcass with that cool chalk and tape they carry.


Nice legal system.

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These are the people charged with protecting you.  Of course, protection basically means outlining your carcass with that cool chalk and tape they carry.


Nice legal system.



Actually, its called "misdemeanor not committed in the officers presence" and it was created so that people can't acuse people of committing illegal acts that are not felonies, and get people arrested. Its a good standard.

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Actually, its called "misdemeanor not committed in the officers presence" and it was created so that people can't acuse people of committing illegal acts that are not felonies, and get people arrested.  Its a good standard.


I guess your dog cut himself up?

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I think you missed my point.


I'm not saying the guys dog didn't do it. I'm saying the crime is a misdemeanor, and the crime of dog off leash is not serious enough for the police to arrest someone without witnessing it. According to the earlier post, the police were talking about the dog off leash. The dog attacking another dog, may or may not even be a crime, and if it is, it is probably a misdemeanor, and therefore must be committed in the officers presence for an arrest to be made. The owner of the dog can be charged with a crime, just not arrested.

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I think you missed my point.


I'm not saying the guys dog didn't do it.  I'm saying the crime is a misdemeanor, and the crime of dog off leash is not serious enough for the police to arrest someone without witnessing it.  According to the earlier post, the police were talking about the dog off leash.  The dog attacking another dog, may or may not even be a crime, and if it is, it is probably a misdemeanor, and therefore must be committed in the officers presence for an arrest to be made.  The owner of the dog can be charged with a crime, just not arrested.


I didn't miss the point at all. I simply don't agree with the law and things like this breed a lack of societal integrity (which you are currently the victim of).

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I'd be leary of going after the apartment, unless you are planning on moving. If you win, I suspect it would become a "no dogs allowed" complex.


As for your dog, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I would do in that situation, but somehow, I suspect I'd have a bite or two on my arms, but the GSD wouldn't have a pulse... I once had a GSD/Lab mix, who was great 99.9% of the time. One of the toughest things I ever did was take that dog to be put to sleep after he bit a neighbor's kid. If the former Bills player had any guts, he'd do the same thing with his dog.


A couple of neighbors of mine had a similar incident, only the injuries inflicted by the GSD ended up being fatal. The guy who lost his dog replaced it with an Akita, who broke the GSD's neck when the GSD attacked again. (There were no leash laws in the hills SW of Albany.)

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