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I actually heard that exact line from some idiot explaining how Elvis wasn't dead, he just went into witness protection, placed there by the DEA. When asked to prove it, he said "I can't. That's how I know it's a government coverup." Yeah. Or you're a !@#$ing moron.


My favorite MH370 conspiracy is still the theory that it was stolen, and the passengers killed with an infectious disease, by the Israelis, to turn it into MH17. Then the Mossad flew it to Amsterdam (without anyone noticing) so they could fly it on the Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur route but divert it while over Eastern Europe towards Tehran, where they would release the plague-ridden bodies of the original MH370 passengers. But it went off-course, causing the US Air Force to scramble a US Navy plane from Poland to shoot it down...but the bomb placed on the remotely piloted MH17/370 plane-full-o'-plague-bodies accidentally exploded before the US could shoot it down.


Because the Mossad likes to keep things simple, I guess...


I heard all the Jews stayed home from work that day too.

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