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'Wanna buy some Girl Scout Cookies, Mister?'

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I am shocked... Girl Scouts got the Boy Scouts beat when it comes to capitalism and good business model. Now, the Girl Scouts won't turn a buck and go where the customers are! They mine as well go to the Boy Scout model and do cheerful service and help others for free... That is so 1910!


The Boy Scouts get me for a 20 dollar tin of popcorn every year. Lowest priced item on the menu. You just can't say no!!

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The Boy Scouts get me for a 20 dollar tin of popcorn every year. Lowest priced item on the menu. You just can't say no!!


LoL... Boy's were late to the game with that popcorn... After getting schooled by the girls, they had to jump into the business market! That stuff is outrageously priced! I just give them money and have the popcorn shipped to our military overseas.

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