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call me crazy ...

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green has done it before with big armed qbs with bad reps and who were counted out - randall cunningham and jeff george. bledsoe would fit his offense too. donohoe said that this would be sorted out in "a couple of weeks" which according to my calendar falls long before march 1. so something is up. also, the gauntlet he's thrown down to bledsoe is exactly the same one as the one thrown down to RJ in early 2002 - take a pay cut or you'll be released. bledsoe is a goner, i think, and i wouldn't be shocked to see some sort of package deal where the bills send bledsoe and henry to AZ for a second and third (they're not going to get the #8 overall for them). then, they could use their 2 #2s to move up into the high teens if there is a player they really like. i'm not saying it's going to happen, but given that bledsoe will almost definitely not be a bill next year and henry certainly won't be, i do think something is up.

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green has done it before with big armed qbs with bad reps and who were counted out - randall cunningham and jeff george.  bledsoe would fit his offense too.  donohoe said that this would be sorted out in "a couple of weeks" which according to my calendar falls long before march 1.  so something is up.  also, the gauntlet he's thrown down to bledsoe is exactly the same one as the one thrown down to RJ in early 2002 - take a pay cut or you'll be released. bledsoe is a goner, i think, and i wouldn't be shocked to see some sort of package deal where the bills send bledsoe and henry to AZ for a second and third (they're not going to get the #8 overall for them).  then, they could use their 2 #2s to move up into the high teens if there is a player they really like.  i'm not saying it's going to happen, but given that bledsoe will almost definitely not be a bill next year and henry certainly won't be, i do think something is up.


So, whats your plan if JP isnt ready to start? Matthews? :D

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given that bledsoe most likely won't be on the bills, why is it a crazy speculation? what do you think will happen?


You say that Bledsoe "most likely wont be on the Bills roster" next year! But THAT is unlikely! He will be on the roster and probably start, given that he will restructure (which he WILL). So the bashers are going to have to suck it up and realize Bledsoe is on this team next year one way (back-up) or another (starter). We wont cut/trade him!

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The whole two week thing does not make sense to me, as the trading season doesn't commence until March. The Bills could make their minds up about Bledsoe & Henry at any time, but any moves are unlikely to happen until March 2.

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i would do it for a first rounder. better than cutting bledsoe for nothing, and trading henry for a 2nd rounder.



The future is now, trading our current back-up RB and our current starting QB for some fantasy league future consideration in what most view as a weak draft strikes me as akin to suicide.


Willis has been great and is certainly a validation of TDs trust in his medical team and his judgment with WM already producing over 1000 yards rushing in this partial first season as a pro. However, anyone who saw him go down and it looked like he was going to out knows we need a back-up RB capable of being our starter if this is unfortunately necessary (Shaud Williams looks like the real deal as a 3rd down back and even to give the starter a blow in games, but no one should expect him to carry the ball 30 times a game week in and week out and we want at least that capability in a back-up.


Likewise at QB, I hope the QB of the future becomes the QB of today as soon as possible, Watching JP I remain comfortable with the idea he may one day become a great one, but I agree with those who know he is not ready to start right now. The at length analysis which was on TSW from Outsiders does not prove that sitting a QB his first year is the way to develop him, but it provided ample statistical evidence that many QBs over the last 10 years have sat and learned initially and that has not stopped them from developing into the best QBs of today.


JP might step up and be ready to go in 2005, but then again he easily might not and even if he doesn't contributr immediately in 2005 real life events show that he is not a bust because of that nor is he condemned to never QB a team to the playoffs because of a slow start.


Trading two pivotal positions for a resource which MAY pay benefits in the 2006 or the 2007 season simply strikes me as all wrong in a league where going from worst to first in one season is possible like never before.

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given that bledsoe most likely won't be on the bills, why is it a crazy speculation? what do you think will happen?


Bledsoe restructures next week and starts for the Bills next season, end of discussion. So who's going to be starting at tightend? Can Willis make it through a whole season uninjured?

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The whole two week thing does not make sense to me, as the trading season doesn't commence until March.  The Bills could make their minds up about Bledsoe & Henry at any time, but any moves are unlikely to happen until March 2.


gerry, i'm only quoting donohoe, and i agree that the two week thing does seem weird. that is what he said, however. i do think that pitt game stuck in the entire organization's craw like no other, though, and someone's going to have to walk the plank. given the talk emanating from donohoe, that someone is most likely bledsoe.

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> call me crazy ...,


You're crazy.


i wouldn't be shocked to see some sort of package deal where the bills send bledsoe and henry to AZ for a second and third


If Donahoe pulls that off they should name a bridge after him.

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You're crazy.

If Donahoe pulls that off they should name a bridge after him.


i agree, simon. i'm just, as they say, speculatin'. given denny green's proclivities, though, to my mind it makes a certain amount of sense. probably won't happen, but AZ/green seems more likely than any of the other 30 teams in the league ...

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i agree, simon.

That you're crazy?-)


denny green's proclivities, though, to my mind it makes a certain amount of sense. probably won't happen, but AZ/green seems more likely than any of the other 30 teams in the league ...

It makes sense but I'm hesitant to try to get in the mind of a guy as freaky as Denny Green. He's displayed brilliance in getting years of good QB play out of some real dregs in Minnesota. Then he's going batty with the whole McCown thing in AZ. Only the shadow knows what lurks in that cat's mind.

It seems like there must have been some sort of unpleasantry re: McCown this year and if he's on the outs in AZ, you're right in that it wouldn't be all that surprising to see Green try to make a splash by picking up SSailsbury, errr I mean Randall Cunningham, errrr I mean Jeff George, errrr I mean Brad Johnson, errr I mean Drew Bledsoe.


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why would the Cardinals want our garbage????




Garbage.......Jesus freekin christ.......This is the same kinda talk coming from people (Bills fans) who actually cheered during a home game when RJ went down with an injury, Bills fans my A$$.


Henry is gone, he's unhappy, he gave the Bills all he had, broken bones and all, we just happen to have a better runner in WM, than him! DB, a class guy who if still in the Buff will fight like a Tomcat to keep his starting role, as BB QB! That said, I for one still think (hope ) JP wins the starting job


Garbage my A$$!!!!!!!!

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