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spygate 2.0 in Buffalo


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That Miami Dolphins O line simply sucks, and when they get behind in points any defense would pin their ears back and go all out after the QB, just like the Bills did.


Any decent, smart QB that noticed his line is getting eaten every play would change up the snap count, cadences to draw the defense off sides on his own. NFL 101.



I can recall talking with a Bills player back in the 90's and Dolphin QB Dan Marino had so many tells in his play that the defense knew before the snap whether the Phins were going to run or pass. The Bills had so much film on Danny that he was their B word... then it also helps to have Bruce Smith.

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A team can/will alter the count (1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi...) between when the guard alerts the center and when he snaps the ball. What baffles me in all of this is the fact that McKinney felt the need to take it to the coaches. If the defense is jumping the snap repeatedly then you alter the count. Not sure why the fins wouldn't.


thats what i was going to say - that he commented that he had to bring it to the coaches seems like an indictment on them, not on anything the bills did as the thread originally implied.

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he commented that he had to bring it to the coaches seems like an indictment on them


every team has a talented roster with a handful of exceptional players.. the differences between winning and losing is preparedness.. prepared to take advantage of an opponent's tendencies.. prepared to disguise your own.. prepared for the environment in which you'll be playing.


not anticipating the additional advantage you're giving a dominant pass rush, by not staggering your QB's tempo, should have been high on their checklist. it never ceases to amaze me how such easily correctable errors aren't left on the practice field - especially at the pro level.. these guys aren't volunteering, or pressed for time.. it's their job. but like any other profession, some excel. those who pay attention to detail win. nothing is left to fate. they make their own luck through hard work.

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