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My tribute to the patriots....


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I'm actually glad they waxed the pansy-@ss Colts. They showed the Colts what happens to fluffy overated indoor football teams in January. A team that thought the Pats were "ripe for the picking". Give me a break! Holding Manning and the Colts to 3 points was a truly amazing feat. The Pats are a great football team and should be shown a little props from Buffalo fans. I can appreciate what playing great football looks like in 2005 because they are it, end of story.

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I wrote a haiku during the game:


I hate New England.

I f---ing hate New England.

I hate New England.


As haiku goes, it's not bad...but it lacks the lyrical flow of your tribute...  :doh:



I love it. Mind if I borrow it? My girlfriend's boss is a Pats troll and I have to go to her job today to take her to lunch. :(

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The Pats are a great football team and should be shown a little props from Buffalo fans. I can appreciate what playing great football looks like in 2005 because they are it, end of story.



Props and (measured) respect are in order, but that doesn't mean I have to like them! Since 1995 the Bills are 6-14 against them - with more than a little bit of help from the refs in two infamous games and thanks to Donahoe being snookered into a trade that brought their weakest link to us, freeing them to leave us as the sole AFC East team without a Super Bowl win! On top of that, their coach has all the warmth and personality of a vinegar-soaked rag... and their obnoxious troll fans, bragging rights in hand, have infested the Wall for more than two years now.


I really hate the Patriettes more than I ever hated the Dolphins and I will probably continue to hate them until we ditch the Statue and figure out a way to beat their arses in humiliating fashion twice (or more) each season.


So there!


Die, Patriots, Die!!!

DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!

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