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[closed]Plantar fasciitis and Byrd's Contract


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Byrd's agent Eugene Parker (hard nosed agent ex..Jason Peters etc..) advised Byrd to sign the Franchise tender at the latest possible date so he can still collect his paycheck.

It was his plan to have Byrd avoid playing all year do to risk of injury and the the only way to do that would be to claim Byrd has Plantar fasciitis which is one of the only medical diagnosis that cannot be shown in any type of testing (X-rays etc..)


Think of of this way. Byrd claims he has Plantar fasciitis. He sits out all year, collects his 8 million dollars and has no risk of injury. Eugene Parker then knows the Bills will not risk Franchising him again next year and thus he is a free agent. Basically Eugene Parker is stealing from the Buffalo Bills claiming and advising his client to avoid playing and claim he has a bad case of Plantar fasciitis which cannot be properly diagnosed. I am sure the Bills lawyers are looking into this in every way possible.


I guarantee Byrd will not suit up for the Bills once this year.

Edited by Silvercrw
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