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pennington laughing


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I was a little surprised to see Pennington laughing around with big Ben after the game. After a gut wrenching loss in which you led the offense to 3 points, I'd shake hands and walk off the field....


Pic of Chad's Post Game Smiles



Maybe when we stop reproducing human beings with differences - we can finally breed a master race that thinks/feels/acts/talks/walks and wipes their backsides the same way.


This criticism is bush league material. You have no idea what happened at that moment. People laugh at FUNERALS all the time, let alone a GAME.

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I just said I was surprised, nothing more.


Pennington has a history of appearing to take things too lightly, like when he was smiling and upbeat after they lost to the pats and called it a moral victory.



How does one take the outcome of a *game* to "lightly"...?

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this isn't a game of kickball in 3rd grade. It's his job.



it would be similar to completing screwing up at work, and losing a huge customer. Afterwards you are smiling and tell your boss you almost didn't lose the customer and the odds were against you so it was a moral victory.

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The thing is he's not just smiling. You would think immediately after you would have sort of pained smile. But, he's laughing his a** off like he's been out partying for a few hours and is on top of the world.


As for the coaching, it could not have been any more ridiculous at the end. Why would you possibly move back a few yards for a non chip-shot field goal??

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i dont like when i see guys who laugh and are all smiles after a loss, but you never know what roethlisberger said to him. it looked damn funny the way their both cheesin so hard. they could of been laughin at anything, we can probably safely bet it wasnt because of the loss.

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I saw that, Borat is one of the great comedy characters of all time!




For my country to remain free


Throw the jew down the well..


Throw the jew down the wel..


YeHaaaaaaaaaa ( country bar going nuts ).



Ah, my favorite comedy skit of all time.



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Every person on earth shows their emotions in different ways.


You're exactly right. It's really quite simple psychology. People and animals take things different ways. Some of us cry, laugh, smile or even get angry. What's the big deal?

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