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Herm thinks Bills will go 8-8; EJ should start

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As for my take on the topic at hand, count me amongst the optimists. I've been critical of this franchise for half a decade now, but I always go into the season blindly optimistic because 0-0 = hope. Or, now that I look at it print it might also = boobs. I guess it's in the eye of the beholder but I digress... My attitude is always to embrace that hope because, as others have more eloquently pointed out above, anything can happen. The difference for me this year compared the recent past is that I believe there is real talent on this roster and I've bought into Marrone's pitch.


Admittedly, I knew nothing about him prior to the hire -- I didn't follow Cuse because a man can only take so much suffering in his sports life -- and it's possible he could crash and burn. But I'm a fan of what they are trying to do. An up-tempo attacking offense is the present of NFL offenses (can't say future anymore because it's been here for 2 seasons). It makes sense from a strategic standpoint and from a personnel standpoint. In fact it favors a young roster over a veteran one. So I get what he's trying to do and I think there's a good chance that it'll be successful -- at the very least the players seem to have bought into it.


I also believe the talent on the defensive side of the ball, especially the D-Line, ranks up there in the top third of the league. Last year's abomination was self inflicted in many ways. Pettine won't make the same mistakes and this defense could easy end up being in the top 10 by the season's end. If that happens, there's no reason this team can't win 9 or 10 games this year and seriously contend for a wild card spot; if not the division.


And of course EJ should be the starter. That's a no-brainer. However, if they do go with Kolb to start the year, that isn't the worst thing in the world either. EJ's mentality and approach so far has really impressed me. I believe him when he says he's working hard and thinking only about winning... which is not something I've been able to say about other QBs through the years. So I don't think he will be somehow compromised mentally if he has to hold a clipboard for a bit this season. Still, he has the tools, he has the attitude, but he needs game experience; which is why he should be in there from the get go.


I'll make my official win total prediction after the third pre-season game.

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Moments ago on Sportscenter, Herm predicted the Bills would go 7-9... I guess he saw something this afternoon that made him determine we would lose one additional game...





I saw that too. Poor Herm! Somewhat entertaining, but God love him, he's not very bright.

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Moments ago on Sportscenter, Herm predicted the Bills would go 7-9... I guess he saw something this afternoon that made him determine we would lose one additional game...



Well, once he saw the injury to Butler he had to modify his prediction.

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