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Standard Operating Procedure.


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If you have a comment about the State department's actions, I'd like to hear it.


If you just want to jerk off and talk gibberish........................start your own thread.


Does this surprise you at all, that they lied?

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Does this surprise you at all, that they lied?


Adam, I simply don't understand why they didn't learn a lesson from the Benghazi disaster.


If you don't know exactly what happened yet, just say that.


Don't tell the families of the deceased some narrative that you hope happened, that puts you in the best light.



I just think that they are so politicized, that EVERY move and announcement they make is based on whats best for the administration,


rather than the truth.

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Adam, I simply don't understand why they didn't learn a lesson from the Benghazi disaster.


If you don't know exactly what happened yet, just say that.


Don't tell the families of the deceased some narrative that you hope happened, that puts you in the best light.



I just think that they are so politicized, that EVERY move and announcement they make is based on whats best for the administration,


rather than the truth.

I agree with what you are saying completely. There is such a want to manipulate, and I find it repulsive.

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The Hillary standard


When Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed by Libyan terrorists in Benghazi last September, it had been 33 years since an American diplomat had been killed in the line of duty.


But it took just seven months for yet another American envoy to die violently.


Her name was Anne Smedinghoff. A 25-year-old Foreign Service officer at the US Embassy in Kabul, she was one of the five Americans killed this month by a terrorist bomb as they were delivering donated textbooks to Afghan children.


The other Americans killed with her were a Defense Department translator and three US soldiers.


Perhaps Smedinghoff’s death couldn’t have been prevented no matter how tight the security or well-planned the movements of US personnel. Still, it does suggest an answer to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s irritated response when asked whether the Benghazi attack was the work of a spontaneous mob: “What difference, at this point, does it make?”


It makes a difference because the good men and women of our diplomatic corps continue to operate in some of the most dangerous spots in the world. No matter how tight our security, we cannot keep them in a militarized bubble.


It shouldn’t take two dead diplomats in just seven months (and seven other US fatalities) before someone in Washington understands that there’s a serious problem in keeping our envoys safe.


This is not about finding political scapegoats. It’s about protecting Americans who serve our nation. Even those in relatively secure posts around the world cannot be secured 24/7. They have lives; they have homes; they have children.


Ask yourself this: In the US response to Benghazi, have we really sent our enemies the message that they should think twice about molesting an American diplomat?


The failure to exact a price for the murder of Chris Stevens did not kill Anne Smedinghoff. But it sure isn’t doing anything to keep their colleagues serving in equally risky situations safe.

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