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County lawmakers host discussion on new BILLS stadium TONIGHT

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You think that being on the lakefront would suck?


Oh yes! Late November, gale force winds, you will be cursing the people who put the stadium next to the lake. Think it won't be that bad? Try walking to the FNC when the winds are gusting. Even if there is a dome (assuming it doesn't get blown off in a gale) tailgating will be painful. The Buffalo waterfront is great in the summer. Too bad football is played in the fall and winter.




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The proposal is for a dome. I myself don't want to move anywhere, because I have it made with where it is...........But, it would look good on the lake, and Buffalo tailgaters aren't scared of that. Just make sure there are more barrels to start fires in!


I know Cleveland's stadium is right on the lake. Has that been a problem for tailgaters, etc?

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Yes and you point is?


I'm asking a question. I already said that I would rather the stadium stay where it is. It's super convenient for me.........I haven't heard about this tailgate on the lake problem until you two brought it up, and I have been by the stadium in Cleveland, so I wanted to know it effects them.

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