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[closed]Chan is pass happy...not


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'“Chan is a creative offensive coach and we like it. We’re not predictable and that’s how you create a good offense,” said Eric Wood. “Some weeks we’re going to run the ball a ton, some weeks we’re going to pass the ball a ton. A lot of it has to do with what the defense is going to give us. I don’t think you can stamp this offense and say we’re a particular type of offense. We’re just trying to be whatever is going to work."


I realize so many of the fine posters on this board know more than Eric Wood and Chan Gailey, but it's time to put this "Chan is pass happy" crap to rest. How many people around the organization, as well as in the media, need to praise Gailey's versatility before you all get it?


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I rememer back in the early 90s when everyone used to say "not" at the end of thier sentences. It reminds me of how everyone used to put "ster" at the end of peoples names. We also wore Skidz overalls with the one shoulder strap hanging down and our pants and shirts backwards.


On to the point your trying to male, I just heard an interview yesterday with Stevie (no link), where he said the exact opposite. Said that they have mostly passed and right now the run is working so that's what they do for now until it doesn't work. Then commented on when teams do stop the run, the WRs will just have to pick it back up again.

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