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Question about roster strategy


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When we cut down to 53, how do we sign other players that have also been cut from other teams? Do we sign them and then cut the player that the new signed player takes?


Talk about a punch in the gut, eh? Yay I made the 53 man roster, Oops, no, sorry Ma I was today coz Nix signed some other dude.. :)



Talk about sucking!




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Well, a newly signed player does not know your scheme, so he is dead wood until he learns the team systems. 2-6 weeks, depending on postion. And, if somebody gets hurt, just the brain deficit alone will hurt you. So, you have to be careful. You assess your rookies, and determine who is goig to be a great pro....they make the roster. Average to below average rookies get waived, and put on the practice squad for injury protection (and to develope them) But, they know your scheme, so if you sign them, they can play in a knowledgeable manner immediately. Similar comments, really on any practice squad eligible guy currently on the roster....so you can make use of those guys as backups in case of injury in addition to development and assessment purposes.

Anyhow, that has to be part, at least, of any roster stragedy, imo.

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