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TJ signs

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Just got the text from the Bills. Now the panic can end.

One can only hope…


Why did it take so long? What gives this kid the right to have so much swagger? Why is Ralph so cheap? Why is life so hard? Why must I fail in every attempt at masonry?



he cant even hold out properly? what a fool.



I'm SO done with this team. Oh, wait, he signed? Nevermind.



1-on-1 With TJ Graham, post-signing. Sounds like a good kid.



Actions speak louder than words… this guy almost held out on us… I wouldn't believe a word he says…


I can't believe this thug held out for so long. We should trade him for a 4th round pick.

I'm inclined to agree…





Did anyone wear 11 between Norwood and Bledsoe?



That video was 2:58; the scared lemur spoke for about 2:30. :P

I love your "scared lemur" moniker for CB but have you considered "the frightened lemur?" I think it rolls off the tongue better. Anyways, the visual is almost as good as The Senator calling Jimmy Clausen, "The Emu."


At the end of the day, there were a lot of 3rd rounders that were later in signing to their respective teams. It has everything to do with how the CBA defined how rookies could be compensated. Early and later picks were much more straight forward. Has nothing to do with this kid's character what so ever.

I'm marking you in my TSW database as someone who doesn't know WTF he's talking about.


Did you hear? He was holding out for more money because he is a greedy bastard who was lucky to be taken in the third round

Burn him!


Haha.. I you beat me to it.. I was like.. wait.. no one posted Championship yet.. what gives.. LOL

THANK YOU for reading through the thread before posting.


It's on the tip of my tongue.....


<running out of bounds five yards behind the LOS>

… when there's no intentional grounding penalty once you're out of the tackle box… but god forbid an incomplete pass taints his passer efficiency rating…

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