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You'll never work in this town again John!

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Link...is...gone! :lol: Yahoo's poor IT skills on display. What a shocker.


Here, new one: My link (they screwed up something that is freshman-level programming)


Oh man...this HAS to get legs. F'ing hysterical. No way they can spin out of this one. Kevin Smith....is either a genius or...no, he's a genius.

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Link...is...gone! :lol: Yahoo's poor IT skills on display. What a shocker.


Here, new one: My link (they screwed up something that is freshman-level programming)


Oh man...this HAS to get legs. F'ing hysterical. No way they can spin out of this one. Kevin Smith....is either a genius or...no, he's a genius.

I'm guessing this is the interview you're referring to?



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I guess I'll put this here in the SNL thread........


With Barack Obama in the White house, there is simply no one in the administration to make fun of. Its been a very frustrating few years. On the other hand, if Romney is elected, there will be limitless material. Romney is funny, you see. The Obamas? I mean, there is just nothing that lends itself to parody.


- Anonymous NBC producer




They can't find anything amusing about 57 states, Marine Corpse, dog eating, Teleprompter of the United States? and I haven't even brought up Biden !


Obama provides plenty of comedy material and (as I am sure some here will point out) there are a few instances that they have tried to parody this administration, but as anyone who has watched this (election) year can tell you its one unfunny GOP sketch after the next


The problem is that liberals hate being the butt of the joke.



Edited by B-Man
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I guess I'll put this here in the SNL thread........




- Anonymous NBC producer




They can't find anything amusing about 57 states, Marine Corpse, dog eating, Teleprompter of the United States? and I haven't even brought up Biden !


Obama provides plenty of comedy material and (as I am sure some here will point out) there are a few instances that they have tried to parody this administration, but as anyone who has watched this (election) year can tell you its one unfunny GOP sketch after the next


The problem is that liberals hate being the butt of the joke.

Dude, somebody comes up with a good parody, one liner, etc. of Obama every week on this board. Is this producer telling us that we are all funnier than they are? :rolleyes: Ludicrous statement. Makes me want to do a Good Morning Vietnam-esque bit, but instead of "news that didn't happen", "things that aren't funny about Obama".


Lovitz owns all of these people.


On the flip side....I am wondering if today's SNL is becoming near impossible to do, because of political correctness, unwillingness to offend anyone, etc. There are people who are screaming out to be made fun of: Biden, Pelosi, even Paul Ryan. But the problem is: if you set out trying to be mean-spirited, or personify Democratic talking points(um, Al Franken, Air America), there's little chance you are going to do something that is actually funny. And, if a bunch of things are off-limits(ahem, Obama) then you have no chance.


Gumby was f'ing hysterical. So was Mr. Rogers neighborhood. So was the church lady. I doubt somebody would have the balls and the ability to do that now....after all, we are talking mostly about liberals here.

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Dude....you cant do 3/4 of the **** you used to.


They are going to remake Cannonball Run. If they take out all the politically incorrect stuff, the illegal driving, and of course ,the drinking and driving, the !@#$ing movie is going to be about six minutes long.

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