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[closed]Tom Brady


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As Gisele has revealed, Tom Brady cannot throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I am sure she is aware of many other multitasking shortcomings Tom may have.


We all already know he can't go down a water slide and retain his composure at the same time.


We already know he can't watch a parade and dance properly at the same time.


What other stuff do you think he can't do?

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I don't think Tom Brady can drive his car and fix his mascara at the same time.




Get it now? It's easy. Lighten up and have a little fun. Evidently some people may have to remove a stump from somewhere first.




crayonz I'll do it only because you are getting upset...and honestly, I don't think I've seen that from you before. Twice, nonetheless, and almost pouty.



Tom Brady can't be for Brad Pitt and George Clooney to win the Academy Award for Best Actor.



...that's why Gary Oldman is going to win.

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