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Since We're in Complaint Mode

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I'm gonna go into grammar police mode. Three mistakes I see on TBD all the time for some reason.


1. Rooting =/= "Routing" (ie. I'll be routing for the Patriots tonight)


2. Dominant =/= "Dominate" (ie. He was good, but it wasn't a dominate effort)


3. Worst =/= Worse (ie. That was the worse game I've ever seen!)



Why, people, why?

Edited by SageAgainstTheMachine
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I think the Bills fans ahr sum of the bestest peeple a live. Anyone hoo bleeds red white and blew is good people. You can take your grammer and right English stow it...Pashun drives us fans, not nowing how to spell. If yer a bills fan, we here you loud and cleer.

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I'm gonna go into grammar police mode. Three mistakes I see on TBD all the time for some reason.


1. Rooting =/= "Routing" (ie. I'll be routing for the Patriots tonight)


2. Dominant =/= "Dominate" (ie. He was good, but it wasn't a dominate effort)


3. Worst =/= Worse (ie. That was the worse game I've ever seen!)



Why, people, why?


i know that when i am following the shoutbox, i'm watching the same people who cheered for the lions in the coliseum while they ate gypsies. and the same people who would line the streets shouting "hail to the king!" i don't expect perfect spelling. and it is easy enough to have typos on handheld devices. though, i reckon i'd double-check the title of a new topic. i stared at that 'routing' one for a couple days.

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