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Random Blackout Question

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I was just looking over the Jets remaining schedule to see how difficult it will be for them to get back in the playoff race, and when I got to the Jets-Giants game, it made me wonder how the blackout rule would be implemented if somehow this game didn't sell out (which I know would never happen). But if it didn't, would the game be blacked out in NYC or not? The so-called home team not selling out would dictate a blackout obviously, but would the away team being in the same market compel the league to show the game?

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if... and it would never happen... but IF somehow the ny market doesnt sell out on its own, the NFL would either overtly or covertly purchase the remaining tickets so it wouldnt have to deal with that scenario. although the current blackout rules are archaic considering the state of the economy, etc., the NFL wouldnt want to have to defend its policy, especially on a national stage.


of course they could go all jville in the meadowlands and cover seats... could you imagine???


home/away has little bearing. by not blacking out a home game the league would set a precedent that would leave fans in SD (or wherever else theres trouble selling seats) calling BULL

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