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Stanley Cup or Vince Lombardi Trophy?

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Vince Lombardi Trophy!!!!


hmmmm the highest prize in USA sports or the highest prize in Canadian sport.



Im so sick of every one in this town going gaga over Pegula and trying to compare him to Ralph. They are two completely different sports w/ two different systems.


In the NHL you can spend until your hearts content and take home the trophy. Thats the bottom line. Pegula will eventually get his trophy. He is going to buy it.


In the NFL you are punished for throwing money around. i.e. Redskins, Cowboys, Eagles. Those teams have not done a thing this decade and they have been signing every big name free agent name available. Meanwhile they have drafted terrible and as a result the core of there team is a failure each and every year.


Look at the Super Bowl winning philosophies this decade.

Patriots- Stable Coaching, Amazing Drafts, QB, Get rid of anything you can replace for future value

Steelers- Coaching, Amazing Drafts, QB, Get rid of anything you can replace for future value

Ravens- Coaching, Amazing Drafts, Occasional free agent for the RIGHT price

Giants- Coaching, Drafts, QB, virtually no big name free agents

Saints- Coaching, Drafts, QB, Occasional free agent that makes sense i.e Brees, Greer

Colts- QB, Drafts, no free agents

Packers- Coaching, drafts, QB, a FA that made sense at the right price i.e Woodson


Free Agents in the NFL are other teams trash. When are you people going to get that? I think the Bills fall in category much closer to the Redskins, Eagles when it comes to spending.

i.e. Spikes, Fletcher, Bledsoe, Sam Adams, Terrell Owens, Rob johnson, Lawyer milloy, troy vincent, etc

The past 3 seasons the Bills have been trying to get on the right track as far as building a football team. That takes time. Especially since you only get 7 draft picks a year.

How can you spend until your hearts content in a sport with a hard salary cap? Hey don't let facts get in the way of a good argument!

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The Sabres have a bonified owner in Pegula whose only desire is to win the Stanley Cup! He said in one of his interviews that if he was into being an owner to make money then he would just build more oil wells. The Sabres existence from there on out was to win the cup. So far the man has not shown he's cheap not only with the signings he's done but all the other things he has done for the club. Buying the Amerks was the seal for me.

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The Sabres will get the Cup within 3 years. I've resigned to the fact the Bills will never win the Super Bowl. It will be cool when the Cup is paraded around Buffalo and we can all bask in its glory. I want to drink a beer out of it.


exactly. the cup seems a reasonable, almost expected goal. the super bowl seems an impossible dream.


this speaks to my views on ownership. one seems willing to do anything to win. the other...eh...

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Since I regard hockey as a borderline cult sport (no offense, hockey fans -- it's just the way it is, although I like the sport too), I'll take the Lombardi trophy without a second thought. That's the biggest championship of all. If you go outside of Buffalo, people will strike up conversations with you about the Bills once they find out that you're from Buffalo. Not so with the Sabres.

Edited by dave mcbride
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