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Bicyclists, Do you ride properly in the bike lane?

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so I ride a bike a ton! not to commute , but to train for triathlons I rarely ride in urban areas, mostly in semi rural to rural areas. I obey all laws, always wear bright clothing, etc. I will say 99% of motorists are cool, but everyone in a while you will get a douche that is pissed cause he had a feakin 10 second stretch where he had to slow down from 50 to 30 in order to wait to pass me. A whole friggen 10 seconds. I have actually had a dude push me from the paaenger side window on a pickup cause he had toslow down for 5 seconds.


you guys pissed about bikes on these roads is just another example of the me first attitude that has pervaded our society and seen a degradation of common courtesy across the board. yep, , a 5 second delay is absolutely not acceptable, let's lay on the horn or hit a cyclist! he is eating into MY time! I have been hit by a car in an intersection cause,in his words, the light was yellow, he did not want to wait to next cycle, and I was on a bike and should have avoided him.


follow all rules yes! not be on the road? no

The spandex mafia screams for common courtesy and guess what they do next. They drive on heavily traveled roads instead of the trillions of residential area roads which make so much more sense. They drive two or three abreast and expect people in cars to wait for them or to be clairvoyant around blind curves.


Guess what the people in cars are typically doing. Driving to work. You know, to support a family or the economy so the spandex mafia will have plenty of free time to pick out lime green pants and blow through stop signs and cruise up the shoulder passing 15 cars stopped at a light and then get pissed when the guy at the front of the line takes a right.


Common courtesy should be a two way street but it is not.


And then there is THIS little case study...


I stopped the video at the words


Car Culture has ruled the streets for 50 years

The term car culture is clearly biased. If were accurate it would have said:


Productive members of society have ruled the streets for 50 years
Edited by ieatcrayonz
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