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OT Rap is not Music!!


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you are taking it out of the context of the song


if i were to transcribe a Zeppelin riff, they are usually only a few notes, lets say Dazed and Confused, amazing, classic song.... 8 notes, i can write 8 notes here and say, "OH, it takes a genius to write 8 notes?!?!"  well, yes and no


but put into its own context, with feeling and being performed its genius



You're comparing musical notes to lyrics.


You could read the lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven" and it would stand on its own.

Nice imagery, clever use of metaphor, and it is written in ENGLISH.


Since when did "the" become "da"?


As long as we a talking about Led Zepplin, don't you think "Led Zepplin 3" and "Presence" are underated?

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You're comparing musical notes to lyrics.


You could read the lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven" and it would stand on its own.

Nice imagery, clever use of metaphor, and it is written in ENGLISH.


Since when did "the" become "da"?


As long as we a talking about Led Zepplin, don't you think "Led Zepplin 3" and "Presence" are underated?



No. Like I said before... An earlier generation would rip LZ for being repetitive... Especially the way Plant would "scream" out the lyrics... I gotta admit, it gets to me... How many times can you tolerate "She's buying her way to heaven."?

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Guest tim in AK

Alaska Darin has a date with the five finger widow, dreaming about rugged Toby Keith and his cool USA, USA beat. AK is now hip hop land biiiiiacth.

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You're comparing musical notes to lyrics.


You could read the lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven" and it would stand on its own.

Nice imagery, clever use of metaphor, and it is written in ENGLISH.


Since when did "the" become "da"?


As long as we a talking about Led Zepplin, don't you think "Led Zepplin 3" and "Presence" are underated?



alright, but tupac has books of poetry out that blow away or at least stand up to Zeppelin lyrics, its just that one is spoken on beat in a dialect suited to his tme and place of upbringing, and the other is screamed in key in a dialect suited to his time and place of upbringing


the has become da since thats how a large group of people are saying it, Plant sang with a british accent because he's british, deal with it


ion YOUR OPINION, YOU could read stairway to heaven and it would stand on its own because YOU LIKE IT. so then why cant you see that some people would think that a tupac song is poetry? its not up to you to decide

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Guest Tupanc's Mom

im suprised that you are even able to get online with all this new fangled technology, and the way the kids wear their hair these days.... havent they even heard of a comb.


and the music they listen to, bunch of noise if you ask me, with their long hair and all they do is scream, this "rock and roll" ITS NOT MUSIC, they just bang on their guitars and scream, no melody, whatever happened to harmonies

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alright, but tupac has books of poetry out that blow away or at least stand up to Zeppelin lyrics,  its just that one is spoken on beat in a dialect suited to his tme and place of upbringing, and the other is screamed in key in a dialect suited to his time and place of upbringing


the has become da since thats how a large group of people are saying it, Plant sang with a british accent because he's british, deal with it


ion YOUR OPINION, YOU could read stairway to heaven and it would stand on its own because YOU LIKE IT. so then why cant you see that some people would think that a tupac song is poetry? its not up to you to decide



Exactly... It is all in the "ears of the beholder" :lol: It is for nobody to judge except the individual... Respect it for its artictic element... You don't have to like it...

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for music must involed create something using some type of an instrument.


Using a computer doesn't count!


Rap is an art form and tip my hat to those who have the ability to create that type of art, but in my view it isn't music.


Plus, far too many hip hop / rap (R&B) artists don't play their music live. They lip sync on stage and that 90% of the fun with music, being able to hear it preformed live in raw, with mistakes and all.


that my $0.02 and take it for what is worth (which isn't that much)

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You're comparing musical notes to lyrics.


You could read the lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven" and it would stand on its own.

Nice imagery, clever use of metaphor, and it is written in ENGLISH.


Since when did "the" become "da"?


As long as we a talking about Led Zepplin, don't you think "Led Zepplin 3" and "Presence" are underated?



well, i only half agree with you


Led Zeppelin 3 is definitely under-rated but i think a better term would be "over-shadowed". Being bokk-ended by 2 and Zoso, it just gets lost in the shuffle if youre not too careful, but the fact that it contains Immigrant Song, Since I've Been..., Gallows Pole, Bron-y-aur stomp and the fact that i can pull those off the top of my head must mean its not too under rated or over shadowed


Presence is just the begining of the end, it sounds like theyre going through the motions. Nobody's Fault But Mine, while classic Zep, almost comes off as they are trying desperately to still sound relevent in their own niche. After which they fall apart through drugs death and half-ass song writing


and there's another point, rap has artist killing eachother with guns and knives

rock has people killing themselves through drug addiction and alcoholism


and im pretty sure that one or two rock stars have killed people in their day, and a rapper or 2 has OD'ed, so, see how life comes around


im also pretty sure that if i wanted to discuss some hip hop albums youd probably not have the insight on them cause you ran scared pigeon-holing yourself to one or two types of music. cant let anything new in, new means change, change means maybe learning something, learning something may mean realizing that you dont know everything, but good luck

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the has become da since thats how a large group of people are saying it, Plant sang with a british accent because he's british, deal with it



How is speaking with an accent the same thing as being functionally illiterate?


Seriously, talking in broken phrases and intentionally miss-spelled words is making it "cool" to be uneducated and inarticulate.


Not to mention the frequent use of the "F" bomb.



Bill Cosby has made many good points about this subject in some of his recent speeches.

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for music must involed create something using some type of an instrument.


Using a computer doesn't count!


Rap is an art form and tip my hat to those who have the ability to create that type of art, but in my view it isn't music.


Plus, far too many hip hop / rap (R&B) artists don't play their music live.  They lip sync on stage and that 90% of the fun with music, being able to hear it preformed live in raw, with mistakes and all.


that my $0.02 and take it for what is worth (which isn't that much)



this is the same thing that my grand-father(who played in a big band throughout the 30-40s) said about the electric guitar. people are afraid of different things so they are uninformed of its uses and go around making statements such as "you cant base a band around an electric guitar, its not music, you at least need an accordian" and "music made on computers isnt music"


and im sure your extent of hiphop/rap shows are the 3 minute performances on Jay Leno and Saturday Night Live but Ive never been to a hiphop show and seen lip-synching. are you kidding? the whole thing is about being able to come up with lyrics on the spot if need be


turn off the tv, get off the couch

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im also pretty sure that if i wanted to discuss some hip hop albums youd probably not have the insight on them cause you ran scared pigeon-holing yourself to one or two types of music. cant let anything new in, new means change, change means maybe learning something, learning something may mean realizing that you dont know everything, but good luck



So now people who don't like rap are "scared"?


Man, it must be nice to the embodiment of enlightenment that you are.

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Guest Tupac's Mom
How is speaking with an accent the same thing as being functionally illiterate?


Seriously, talking in broken phrases and intentionally miss-spelled words is making it "cool" to be uneducated and inarticulate.


Not to mention the frequent use of the "F" bomb.

Bill Cosby has made many good points about this subject in some of his recent speeches.



oh, well, sh--, bill cosby said so


bill cosby has now solidified his uncle tom status unintentionally


he was trying to send a message to the black youth/community


instead he gave every white conservative bigot a sound bite to play and go "see, SEE, one of THEM agrees with me"

it like when people preface a point by saying "im not racist, one of my best friends in college was black", great, that doesnt mean crap


no one said it was "cool" to be uneducated, thats not what the language barrier is about, i personally cant stand how r&b and hiphop has set the trend to leave off the "-ly" as in "dont take it personal" "PERSONALLY!"

but every generation and every group within that generation has historically bent and broken the common language to fit their lives and to seperate themselves just a bit


its why there are hundreds of completely different languages all conatined in the dialects of Italian, thats hundreds of years of it at work

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So now people who don't like rap are "scared"?


Man, it must be nice to the embodiment of enlightenment that you are.


no, not necesarily, but yes on some level


hatred is the manifestation of a fear, now its one thing if you really try to give something a fair chance but after a while just cant get into it. and maybe thats what you did


but, judging from the way you word your posts(and thats all i have to go by, so sorry if i misjuge, but i only work with what you give me), yeah, youre scared of something

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no, not necesarily, but yes on some level


hatred is the manifestation of a fear, now its one thing if you really try to give something a fair chance but after a while just cant get into it. and maybe thats what you did


but, judging from the way you word your posts(and thats all i have to go by, so sorry if i misjuge, but i only work with what you give me), yeah, youre scared of something




Well said...


At dinner with 2 young kids... I call that a "No Thank You Bite."



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Guest Tupac's Mom
How is speaking with an accent the same thing as being functionally illiterate?


Seriously, talking in broken phrases and intentionally miss-spelled words is making it "cool" to be uneducated and inarticulate.


Not to mention the frequent use of the "F" bomb.

Bill Cosby has made many good points about this subject in some of his recent speeches.




and i know someone on the side of RocknRoll isnt going to bring the amount of swearing into an arguement.

Cause there's just as much swearing in Rock as in Rap, so we'll just ignore that comment

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oh, well, sh--, bill cosby said so


bill cosby has now solidified his uncle tom status unintentionally




Boy, now you are proven loser.


A black man who is educated, self-reflective, and not afraid to think independently from the "party line" is an Uncle Tom.


Yes, we all know it is your political perspective that truly makes your ethnic background.


Nice thought process....

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no, not necesarily, but yes on some level


hatred is the manifestation of a fear, now its one thing if you really try to give something a fair chance but after a while just cant get into it. and maybe thats what you did


but, judging from the way you word your posts(and thats all i have to go by, so sorry if i misjuge, but i only work with what you give me), yeah, youre scared of something



If you don't like to eat horse sh--, does that mean your scared of it?

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If you don't like to eat horse sh--, does that mean your scared of it?




if you dont like to eat horse sh-- because you tried it once and didnt like it then no, it means you dont like it




if you never tried it, and someone holds it up to you and says try it its delicious, and they take a big bite and you still say no, than YES, the only reason you could say you dont llike it is because you are scared of it and scared to try it

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if you dont like to eat horse sh-- because you tried it once and didnt like it then no, it means you dont like it




if you never tried it, and someone holds it up to you and says try it its delicious, and they take a big bite and you still say no, than YES, the only reason you could say you dont llike it is because you are scared of it and scared to try it


You mean like registering? :lol:

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