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NASCAR blows....

The Poojer

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I find it funny one man's excellence can ruin an entire sport. I find it funnier that you believe that.

I guess I was waiting to see what others replied with first. He is setting himself up as an easy target to root against which will help NASCAR. But, knowing that he will always succeed and that NASCAR will have the insane calls like they've had for many seasons drove me away.

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He is setting himself up as an easy target to root against



Why is he not liked? Is it because he if from California? Because he doesn't mangle the English language as bad as some of the others?


I'm joking, yes, but I really wonder why all these rednecks down here don't seem to like him. Does he drive dangerously? Is he particularly arrogant? I don't follow NASCAR much...well at all, really, but from what little I have seen and heard from JJ he seems like a relatively intelligent well spoken fellow.


It can't just be because he wins, can it? Was Richard Petty an easy target to root against?

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Why is he not liked? Is it because he if from California? Because he doesn't mangle the English language as bad as some of the others?


I'm joking, yes, but I really wonder why all these rednecks down here don't seem to like him. Does he drive dangerously? Is he particularly arrogant? I don't follow NASCAR much...well at all, really, but from what little I have seen and heard from JJ he seems like a relatively intelligent well spoken fellow.


It can't just be because he wins, can it? Was Richard Petty an easy target to root against?


It is because he has every waking moment of his life/career/team/car "dialed in"... Oh yeah, he is from San Diego. ;)

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