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NFL jokes


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So the jeff Reed thread surprised me - I get the reaction to suicide jokes being uncomfortable, especially if you have a close friend, family member, or other history.... What surprised me was the fact that several people had never heard that joke told before. I'm curious to hear some NFL humor, and maybe lighten the mood around here some.


So what are your favorite NFL jokes?


Staying bills relevant: what do the lions and a possum have in common? Both play dead at home, and get killed on the road!


Sorry- that was bad, but I was curious to hear some more.




And feel free to remove this but it's an article (blog post? Depends on how you view deadspin I suppose) including a ton of kicker jokes (and mocking of the cliche ones)... Including the one that was removed here. As always, deadspin can be off color or nsfw



Ok so a child's Parents are getting divorced and the judge is trying to figure out who gets custody of the child.


Judge:Ok sonny Do you want to live with your mother?

Child:No she beats me!

Judge: What About You're dad?

Child:No He beats me too!

Judge:What about your grandparents, aunts or uncles?

Child: NO! They beat me even worse!

Judge: Well the jury has come to a verdict, we will put you in custody of the Detroit Lions, as they are incapable of beating anyone.

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