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NPR fires Juan Williams


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You mean assuming a bunch of Jews had hijacked our own planes, flew them into our own buildings, killing 3000 of our own people, all in the name of their religion?

so it would follow that it would be ok for a british newsreader to say that hes uncomfortable getting on an aer lingus flight full of people wearing crucifixes because of the existence of the ira?

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how bout this chief: i've seen you throw out "circular reasoning" as a counter argument multiple times. is that the concept they taught the one day you actually made your intro logic class?

Prove it. Where and when. You can't, but you support Obamacare, so I'm sure we will see plenty of straw grabbing. :rolleyes:


While you're at it, define circular reasoning for me, in the context of not being tolerant of somebody stating an reasonable response to an obvious threat, but demanding tolerance from everybody else, at the same time. :rolleyes:

there are limits to tolerance and i don't know anyone including liberals who argue otherwise.

No, the liberal definition of tolerance is now totally subjective.

The same as their definition of racism, homophobia, all the other psychobabble words, and are simply arguments of convenience and political expediency. You have far surpassed your quota of "calling wolf". Not only is this bad for you politically, it is also bad for people who are subject to real discrimination. But I am guessing you only care about the first part.

for instance, no society that i'm aware of openly tolerates murder or rape. some tolerate racism and discrimination based on religon but i would argue that most americans don't.

Bull. The crazy Muslims we are fighting are on record as pedophiles, to include raping little boys. They say their religion gives them the right to do this, and you want to be tolerant of these "religious" practices? Should anybody be tolerant of this activity, anywhere, never mind here?


Fire up your logic hoop birdog...I can't wait...

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Guys I know you are all close minded and hate actual information and all. But that one statement was not the only reason he was fired. As linked to before, he was fired for the culmination of many statements that his employer was uncomfortable with and had warned him about and discussed in meetings. If your employees don't listen to you, you have to let them go. That is how things work.


If this one statement was the only thing Williams had ever done, he'd still have a job.

Edited by conner
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The man told the truth and got fired for it, period.


Yeah, all of us were real idiots for being worried AFTER 9/11, especially since the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber....didn't happen, right? :rolleyes:


The bottom line is Michael Moore is an idiot, there IS a terrorist threat, and it's coming from Islamic nuts. Not Christians, not Jews, not Hari Krishnas, no, it's coming from Muslims. Crazy Muslims? Sure, but still, Muslims. I will start caring about what "moderate" Muslims think right after they prove they are doing something about the crazy Muslims. Until then, they can blow their issues and their complaining about our military interventions, right out their asses.

I am going to assume you are just trying to make a point, as I think your posts are typically well thought out and informed, even when I don't agree with them.


If you think moderate muslims need to do something about terrorism, then hey....the terrorists are Homo Sapien Sapiens, as are we, so we have a duty to denounce what they do or we are the same as they are. Although many muslims already have denounced Al Quaeda and similar faction, many have jobs and lives, just like you do, and don't have the time or resources to accommodate all the salivating american pavlovian dogs that want them to hold a press conference.


I apologize for any bad typing- just got back from PT and my arms are shaking as I type.....

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so it would follow that it would be ok for a british newsreader to say that hes uncomfortable getting on an aer lingus flight full of people wearing crucifixes because of the existence of the ira?

Yes if today was Monday, Jan 31st, 1972, the day after Bloody Sunday.


But it's not, and that was 38 years ago. Should we also be as concerned about Edi Amin and the Bader Meinhoff gang as we are about Islmaic terrorists today? :wallbash:


In other news, Gen. Francisco Franco is still dead. :rolleyes:

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I am going to assume you are just trying to make a point, as I think your posts are typically well thought out and informed, even when I don't agree with them.


If you think moderate muslims need to do something about terrorism, then hey....the terrorists are Homo Sapien Sapiens, as are we, so we have a duty to denounce what they do or we are the same as they are. Although many muslims already have denounced Al Quaeda and similar faction, many have jobs and lives, just like you do, and don't have the time or resources to accommodate all the salivating american pavlovian dogs that want them to hold a press conference.


I apologize for any bad typing- just got back from PT and my arms are shaking as I type.....

We ARE doing something about it, and all you have to do is search youtube with "insurgent getting owned" to see our efforts.


The point is: we aren't the people whose religion is being bastardized. They need to fix THEIR problem. I'd love to see a youtube of "terrorist getting owned by Syrian/Jordan/Saudi/Egyptian/etc. army", but we don't see that much do we?


Instead we see: "moderate" Muslim bitching that we have troops in the Middle East on some show...because they don't have the sack to fix their own countries and blame us for supporting their dictators...as if we wouldn't do business with whoever was in charge, and actually care enough about them to "repress" them. :rolleyes: This whole thing is absurd, and made more so by these attention-starved tools who are trying to make themselves relevant again after 800 years of sucking.


I have news for them: if they don't like how we are solving their problems, then why don't they take over and actually do something besides whining on CNN?

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Guys I know you are all close minded and hate actual information and all. But that one statement was not the only reason he was fired. As linked to before, he was fired for the culmination of many statements that his employer was uncomfortable with and had warned him about and discussed in meetings. If your employees don't listen to you, you have to let them go. That is how things work.


If this one statement was the only thing Williams had ever done, he'd still have a job.

So, you are admitting that this is all about Williams being on Fox News, and not about what he said specifically?


If not:

Did the comments you are referring to only happen on Fox, or were some also on NPR? I bet they won't say, and I bet you don't know.

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Yes if today was Monday, Jan 31st, 1972, the day after Bloody Sunday.


But it's not, and that was 38 years ago. Should we also be as concerned about Edi Amin and the Bader Meinhoff gang as we are about Islmaic terrorists today? :wallbash:


In other news, Gen. Francisco Franco is still dead. :rolleyes:

and 9/11 was over 9 years ago. do you recognize some statute of limitations for racism/religous discrimination? what is an appropriate amount of time to blame an entire culture for the actions of its extremists?

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This is still going?


Postscript: Williams going from NPR to Fox makes both networks smarter.


However, couldn't Fox have spent money instead on at least one correspondent outside of Jerusalem?

What do you mean? Conner, birdog, AND the big cat have been here, and therefore, the beatings have commenced! :D


How does anything about this entire issue make NPR look "smart", or actually be "smart"? Seriously, if I was on their board the CEO and PR people are looking for jobs immediately. They just endangered 5-10% of their operating budget, and are certain to face cuts, because they couldn't keep their egos/wingnut agenda in check? Not smart by anybody's standard. Obama is failing, and the immaturity of firing Juan Williams does nothing to change that.


FOX, on the other hand, gains a huge PR bump via the goodwill of the 80+% of people familiar with this issue. The real winner is Williams himself, as I said, who already got a financial windfall from this. He may have been stiffed for only $2 mil or whatever. The free PR bump from this is worth 10x that at least.


How about 100 "journalists"(read: hacks) to spend all their time doing opposition research, like Soros is hiring for NPR?

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This is still going?

and 9/11 was over 9 years ago. do you recognize some statute of limitations for racism/religous discrimination? what is an appropriate amount of time to blame an entire culture for the actions of its extremists?

See Benedict? This crap is still going because birdog seems to have forgotten that some tool tried to blow up Times Square this year. A tool that applied for and received citizenship, but then decided to dishonor himself by breaking his oath.


Tell you what Birdog, I will stop being aware of the Muslim terror threat if we can go 2 whole years without a Muslim terror attack. Seems like a fair standard to me. I will gladly fly with "all Muslims" the second "all Muslims" show some balls and go after crazy Muslims. How are we supposed to HONESTLY say that we don't face an ongoing threat from people that seem normal, but are nuts inside? Sorry, but your "tolerance" isn't going to protect us from these nuts.


And, until the cowards start wearing uniforms, how are we supposed to tell who is who? HONESTLY, we can't. And, again, as long as the "moderate" Muslims allow these nuts to hide amongst them in civvies, they are going to have to get used to the occasional civilian casualties and profiling.

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What do you mean? Conner, birdog, AND the big cat have been here, and therefore, the beatings have commenced! :D


How does anything about this entire issue make NPR look "smart", or actually be "smart"? Seriously, if I was on their board the CEO and PR people are looking for jobs immediately. They just endangered 5-10% of their operating budget, and are certain to face cuts, because they couldn't keep their egos/wingnut agenda in check? Not smart by anybody's standard. Obama is failing, and the immaturity of firing Juan Williams does nothing to change that.


FOX, on the other hand, gains a huge PR bump via the goodwill of the 80+% of people familiar with this issue. The real winner is Williams himself, as I said, who already got a financial windfall from this. He may have been stiffed for only $2 mil or whatever. The free PR bump from this is worth 10x that at least.


How about 100 "journalists"(read: hacks) to spend all their time doing opposition research, like Soros is hiring for NPR?

and of course that's what it's all about. that's how fox and it's acolytes "win": good pr and monetary gain. never mind objectivity, respected analysis, finding the truth and disseminating it. those things are unimportant. if we can win the pr and money battles, we can shape opinion regardless of the truth. thanks rupert, now i get it.

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and of course that's what it's all about. that's how fox and it's acolytes "win": good pr and monetary gain. never mind objectivity, respected analysis, finding the truth and disseminating it. those things are unimportant. if we can win the pr and money battles, we can shape opinion regardless of the truth. thanks rupert, now i get it.

If I am on the board of NPR? You bet your ass I am worried about my brand and my money. Most of these media outlets run on very tight budget, and many are failing economically(see: Newsweek sold for 1(one) dollar). As a board member, it is my responsibility to protect the corporation's assets first. With the Federally funded safety net being one of our top assets, you better believe I will protect it like a hawk.


Seeing these assets, and the organization on the whole put at serious risk, over what amount to an immature hissy fit? In the middle of our development(fund raising) campaign week? Yeah, the child that originated that hissy fit, and all children who propagated it, have to go. NPR is a corporation, not a nursery school.


Edit: If I am a foolish board member, then I take Soro's cash this year, and self-congratulate, and go along with firing Williams...and then I cry the blues 2 years from now when NPR is broke and Soros is long gone.


You have defined it:

Rupert Murdoch = results = the Varsity

Soon to be fired NPR lady = fail = the modified team.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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We ARE doing something about it, and all you have to do is search youtube with "insurgent getting owned" to see our efforts.


The point is: we aren't the people whose religion is being bastardized. They need to fix THEIR problem. I'd love to see a youtube of "terrorist getting owned by Syrian/Jordan/Saudi/Egyptian/etc. army", but we don't see that much do we?


Instead we see: "moderate" Muslim bitching that we have troops in the Middle East on some show...because they don't have the sack to fix their own countries and blame us for supporting their dictators...as if we wouldn't do business with whoever was in charge, and actually care enough about them to "repress" them. :rolleyes: This whole thing is absurd, and made more so by these attention-starved tools who are trying to make themselves relevant again after 800 years of sucking.


I have news for them: if they don't like how we are solving their problems, then why don't they take over and actually do something besides whining on CNN?

What happens is the same as other religions and politics- the whackos hijack everything and are considered to be the majority. Do the terrorists represent the voice of the muslim community? Of course not. Does the wacko that murdered the abortion doctor represent the christian religion? of course not.


Do the idiots who wanted something bad to happen to George W. Bush represent the liberals? No. Does the idiot(s) who murdered JFK represent conservatives (might be a bad example), no.


The majority of muslims and christian (and I am not a member of either) are very considerate and charitable people. Unfortunately, we hear the wackos more, because that's what the media wants us to hear. This country is bored by good people- they have zero shock value.


We haven't done much to stop terrorism either. Our war over their was well intentioned- anyone who argues that is a flat out moron. When we removed Saddam, they wanted a theocracy, but we refused to allow it. After we leave, the insurgency will create the theocracy that should have been formed in Iraq a few years ago- and it might not be as friendly towards us as it could have been, if we didn't originally block its formation.


Well intentioned actions are fine, but living in absolutes can corrupt the outcome. By the way- I was completely against removing Saddam, but research shows how close to Hitler he actually was. I hope to never unearth that kind of stuff again.....very depressing that people can do that kind of stuff. If only the world were ruled by four year olds......

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