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POTD (Puzzle of the Day ) - June 25


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YESTERDAY: Wedding stuff (although Dan's answer was better :thumbsup: )




The unusual four-letter words below are all acceptable tournament Scrabble words. Even if you don't know them, see if you can match them with their meaning through your knowledge of common words that contain them.











a. cave

b. royal treasury

c. a challenge

d. shudder of fear

e. loudness unit

f. live like an unmarried man

g. palm tree

h. wife

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YESTERDAY: Wedding stuff (although Dan's answer was better :thumbsup: )




The unusual four-letter words below are all acceptable tournament Scrabble words. Even if you don't know them, see if you can match them with their meaning through your knowledge of common words that contain them.


1. PHON - loudness unit (prefix phon implies sound)

2. FEME - wife (feminine)

3. COCO - palm tree (coconut)

4. FISC - royal treasury (fiscal)

5. GROT - cave (grotto)

6. BACH - live like an unmarried man (bachelor)

7. DEFI - challenge (defiance)

8. GRUE - shudder of fear (no logic behind this one, it was just the last one left :lol:)


a. cave

b. royal treasury

c. a challenge

d. shudder of fear

e. loudness unit

f. live like an unmarried man

g. palm tree

h. wife

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YESTERDAY: Wedding stuff (although Dan's answer was better :thumbsup: )




The unusual four-letter words below are all acceptable tournament Scrabble words. Even if you don't know them, see if you can match them with their meaning through your knowledge of common words that contain them.


1. PHON - e

2. FEME - h

3. COCO - g

4. FISC - b

5. GROT - a

6. BACH - f

7. DEFI - c

8. GRUE - d


a. cave

b. royal treasury

c. a challenge

d. shudder of fear

e. loudness unit

f. live like an unmarried man

g. palm tree

h. wife

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YESTERDAY: Wedding stuff (although Dan's answer was better :thumbsup: )




The unusual four-letter words below are all acceptable tournament Scrabble words. Even if you don't know them, see if you can match them with their meaning through your knowledge of common words that contain them.


1. PHON-e

2. FEME-h

3. COCO-g

4. FISC-b

5. GROT-a

6. BACH-f

7. DEFI-d

8. GRUE-c


a. cave

b. royal treasury

c. a challenge

d. shudder of fear

e. loudness unit

f. live like an unmarried man

g. palm tree

h. wife


How'd I do?

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I got the same as Sage and SDS using the following process of elimination


1. PHON - e. loudness unit (know this from my engineering studies)

2. FEME - h. wife (female - femme fatale)

5. GROT - a. cave (grotto)

6. BACH - f. live like an unmarried man (bachelor, bacchanal)

4. FISC - b. royal treasury (fiscal)

3. COCO - g. palm tree (coconut)

7. DEFI - c. a challenge (defy)

8. GRUE - d. shudder of fear (last left)

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1. e : PHON = loudness unit (phonograph)

2. h : FEME = wife (feminine)

3. g : COCO = palm tree (coconut)

4. b : FISC = royal treasury (fiscal)

5. a : GROT = cave (grotto)

6. f : BACH = live like an unmarried man (bachelor)

7. c : DEFI = a challenge (defiance)

8. d : GRUE = shudder of fear (gruesome)


Well, done Sage, linkfiends and Scott (bonus for nailing gruesome as well).


Nanker, you and I had the same wrong answer (flip-flopping 7 & 8). I thought GRUE would be "a challenge" as in GRUELING.

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