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Jason Giambi Admits to Using Growth Hormone


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i am not a big fan of Barry Bonds but why would this effect Bonds?


at the time he was allegedly taking "juice" (which i have no doubt he was) the stuff wasn't a banned substance by MLB was it?



i believe performance enhancing drugs have been banned for quite some time in baseball -- they just hadn't got around to testing for it until last year.......


if it was legal before last year, why are he and giambi (and company) going out of their way to lie about their use?? certainly seems they have expended an awful lot of effort over the last FEW years to proclaim their innocence.......

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This is going to be the biggest scandel in sports in a long long time.




Absolutely. And it will yet again change the way people think about baseball...it happened in 1994 and is happening again 10 years later.


People have always had these suspicions, but now its confirmed.


I think MLB and its players should just get together and just come clean with this whole thing already, the longer you let it drag on, the worse it will get. Just admit to the mistakes and come up with real solutions for this problem.


Giambi should and never will be looked at the same way again.

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And since this is becoming another referendum on Bonds, just remember that this is a guy who won three MVPs when he was rail-thin. These other jokers (Caminiti, Giambi, Dykstra, et. al.) didn't become dominant players until they went on the juice, with the exception of Mark McGwire. And then their bodies -- McGwire's included -- completely broke down fairly quickly. Meanwhile Bonds chugs along at age 40 with nothing more than a sore back here and tired legs there. There are a lot of differences between Bonds and the people whom we KNOW took the juice.

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And since this is becoming another referendum on Bonds, just remember that this is a guy who won three MVPs when he was rail-thin.  These other jokers (Caminiti, Giambi, Dykstra, et. al.) didn't become dominant players until they went on the juice, with the exception of Mark McGwire.  And then their bodies -- McGwire's included -- completely broke down fairly quickly.  Meanwhile Bonds chugs along at age 40 with nothing more than a sore back here and tired legs there.  There are a lot of differences between Bonds and the people whom we KNOW took the juice.





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And since this is becoming another referendum on Bonds, just remember that this is a guy who won three MVPs when he was rail-thin.  These other jokers (Caminiti, Giambi, Dykstra, et. al.) didn't become dominant players until they went on the juice, with the exception of Mark McGwire. 



so if bonds wasn't using steriods to enhance his performance, why was he using them? for the long-term health benefits?


bottom line - there all cheaters......

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so if bonds wasn't using steriods to enhance his performance, why was he using them? for the long-term health benefits?


I'm sorry, I missed the article with the proof he used them. Link please.

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I'm sorry, I missed the article with the proof he used them.  Link please.



So, when you see a guy with a knife in hand, standing over a dead body that was stabbed 50 times, you need video tape of the crime to put 2 and 2 together?


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and hangs out at Balco Labs, it's a steroid using duck.

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So, when you see a guy with a knife in hand, standing over a dead body that was stabbed 50 times, you need video tape of the crime to put 2 and 2 together?


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and hangs out at Balco Labs, it's a steroid using duck.



hahahaha..........well said stevo.........looks pretty damn obvious to me and the rest of the world......what do you say BRH, care to make this interesting? name the terms..........

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So, when you see a guy with a knife in hand, standing over a dead body that was stabbed 50 times, you need video tape of the crime to put 2 and 2 together?


I'd need a little bit more. Like, is the knife bloody? Does the blood belong to the victim? Any other prints on the knife? Any other blood at the scene? Any witnesses who saw the guy stab the victim? And so on. Obviously the guy's a suspect and you might have enough to charge him. But what you described isn't enough to convict, without more.


Sorry, I'm a lawyer. :w00t:

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hahahaha..........well said stevo.........looks pretty damn obvious to me and the rest of the world......what do you say BRH, care to make this interesting? name the terms..........


No, I'm just satisfied none of you has any proof right now. :w00t:

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Sure does taint the outcome of the 2003 ALCS, doesn't it?



i dont think you can say that unless alot more yankees came out and said they take steroids.


this taints his whole carrer. HOF is out of the question now. other players were suspected, but none came out and said it. i guess cus no other player had to testify in court!!!!


i hope this leads to SERIOUS drug and steroid testing in baseball.


but i still remember a "MR. Mark M" saying that muscle mass has nothing to do with HR. then why take sterioids???


i also remember the other bash brother saying he took steroids and that 75% of players take it.


MLB brought this on themselves. maybe this will give the owners the balls to crack down on drug testing. (invasion of privacy my ass. highsachool kids take drug tests and they DONT GET PAID MILLIONS!!)

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