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I'd Rather Be Judged By 12

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There are 20,000 laws on the books covering gun ownership. There is NOTHING more regulated in the United States.


There is no such thing as a "Gun Show Loophole". If you're a registered gun dealer, you have to follow the law regardless of where you perform your transaction - EVEN if you're selling one of your PRIVATE weapons.


An FBI study released in 2006 showed that 97% of weapons used to crimes against law enforcement were obtained through illegal means. CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW LAWS.


Now we can spend a lot of time, money, and effort trying to stop the .7% of guns used in crimes that are procured at gun shows or we could actually enforce the 20,000 gun laws on the books and make a serious dent in the other 99.3%. The government is great at passing laws, horrible at enforcement. One of the first things they take off the table to get criminals to plea is the gun charge - which generally means violent scummers get out way earlier.


I'm not sure why it would matter that there is guns/ammo for sale at a supermarket.

Well spoken point.

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Wrong mind set.Many potential assaults /murders are prevented by the intended victim showing a gun, with no shots fired. Those do not show up in your beloved"stats"


Most burglars don't carry guns due to armed robbery carrying a heavier sentence. There are a lot of reasons (Actual or Anecdotal) to discount stats But for my own personal perspective I feel like the odds of me stopping a crime with a gun are far less then having an accident occur with that gun.

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Most burglars don't carry guns due to armed robbery carrying a heavier sentence. There are a lot of reasons (Actual or Anecdotal) to discount stats But for my own personal perspective I feel like the odds of me stopping a crime with a gun are far less then having an accident occur with that gun.

Yeah I am sure thats what they are thinking of when they kick your door in. Fine defend yourself at home with a can opener. They may not have a gun. but I sure do. As Sean Connery said in the untouchable's "leave it to a wop to bring a knife to a gun fight".

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Most burglars don't carry guns due to armed robbery carrying a heavier sentence. There are a lot of reasons (Actual or Anecdotal) to discount stats But for my own personal perspective I feel like the odds of me stopping a crime with a gun are far less then having an accident occur with that gun.


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