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Oline beefing up with new trainers

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Oh god....isn't there anything else going on right now to create threads about? I'll admit, that "shake weight" commercial is pretty funny, but enough of the stupid threads already.


If you have a better one, create it!

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No disrespect intended Cotton.


It's just that when I saw the thread, I thought there might be some valid information with regard to our new strength and conditioning program. With half of our roster being on the IR last season, I think strength and conditioning is one of the factors that could really help to improve the team this coming season. In particular, our offensive line could stand to be stronger, quicker, and better conditioned. I envision our weight room last season....players sitting on the weight benches watching re-runs of Judge Judy and Jerry Springer.


That being said...I can appreciate your sense of humor.

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Word is that Levitre,Wang, Wood and the rest of the oline have started a new strength training regimen and have really beefed up this year. Apparently this is the routine they've been doing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbsSeVr5NSI&sns=em

Ok...I gotta ask...



What is the difference between the "Shake Weight" and "Rubbing one out"?


Looks like the same motions/movements...has to work the same muscles!?! Right?!?




LOL! (Sorry, couldn't resist...ESPECIALLY with the name of the players we are referring to!)

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Aside from the masturbation innuendo, there is a valid exercise physiology benefit to the type of exercise that the "shake weight" tries to emulate.


When I did my shoulder rehab (ruptured subscapularis tendon & slap lesion surgery) I used to do extensive work with something that looked like a rubber nightstick. I used to have to sit on a exercise ball with my right arm held sholuder high. I also had a theraband that was secured to the wall pulling my arm inward. The exercise was basically "wiggle the stick" for 30-45 seconds and repeat that 5 times.


Sounds idiotic, bizarre and stupid looking and it was. It also kicks your ass. Twenty seconds in and your shoulder is absolutely SCREAMING. The burn and fatigue that simple motion produced was absolutely amazing and I used to HATE that part of rehab. It has something to do with how it activates the muscles but it was nasty.

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