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(LAMP) Been two years to the day


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Question for you...did you start an exercise program at the same time as quitting? I've been thinking about quitting myself, but work a fairly sedentary job and have two little ones at home (leaving less time than I would like for an exercise program). You quit and lost weight. Was that part of the plan and were the two co-dependent? Also, did you use any aid (like Chantix, the patch etc.) or go cold turkey? Thanks in advance for your resposne.


I used nicorette. It works because it is usable whenever you have a craving. Note: I didn't follow the directions on the box, just used it when I needed it. My philosophy was that I was going to fix one problem at a time and smoking had to be first. It's a lot easier to take care of the weight when you're no longer a smoker.

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In terms of the quitting, I think I ,like every other smoker tried every imaginable way to quit, cold turkey, patches, Chantix, hypnosis etc. Then a friend who had quit told me to get this book."The Easy way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr.


The book is great, changes your mind set on why you smoke, does not try to scare with you pictures of black lings etc. As a matter of fact, you should take about two weeks to read the book, smoke the entire time you are reading it, and there are points in the book where you are instructed to go outside and smoke right then and there. When done with the book, you will have one last smoke and say"I am done, that was the last smoke of my life" and thats it. You are now an ex smoker, no patch, no chantix, no extra pounds etc.


I can tell you that I know of 6 other people have read the book, and I know 5 have quit and stayed quit for at least a year now, the 6th is a member here and not sure if has stayed quit or not. Either way, over 80% success in a stop smoking method is unheard of...and the best thing is it really does make it easier than you think it could ever be.


Here is the guys website




And his book on amazon




And yes, I planned the exercise from the start. Amazing how much better sleep you get when you stop smoking, so getting up in the AM before my kids were up was easy and I still had way more energy throughout the day then when i was smoking and getting two more hrs in bed.


Very jealous of the 1/2 Ironman, that's on my life's to do list. A few questions. What kind of training program did you follow? Did you do a lot of triathlons to prepare?

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Very jealous of the 1/2 Ironman, that's on my life's to do list. A few questions. What kind of training program did you follow? Did you do a lot of triathlons to prepare?

I used this free plan with some modifications on long training days, I did a few more, and longer bricks(bike+run) than what was suggested here. I also had somehwat of an advantage, as I was a competitive swimmer through college, so i did not follow any of the swim workouts here but just did my own. I know for a lot of folks, the swim is thier main fear/weakness, but i cannot address whether these workouts are effective or not for the the swim.




In terms of doing other tri's, I did not do any formal ones. However I would do one every month on my own, so really did three of them before this race. :ast one was 2000 yd swim/46 m bike/10 mile run. I don't think you need to spend money entering shorter ones, as you really can do them on your own, that is if you have some endurance background. If you have not run a marathon etc, then I would highly suggest a sprint or Olympic distance, especaiily if the open water swim is going to be new to you.


Also, this freakin sport is expensive. I was lucky and found a used tri bike for $600 ($1600 new, and thats bottom entry level), plus had to buy bike shoes, pedals aero bars etc, was over $1000 bucks just for the bike, and most will tell you i got away very cheap for a decent set up. Add in the fees to swim etc, it creeps up on you.


I will also tell you reason I went tri route was my ankles and heels were killing me when just running. Spent $500 on custom orthotics and it was the best money I have ever spent outside of my Lasix!! Pain went away as soon as the breakin period was over.

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I used this free plan with some modifications on long training days, I did a few more, and longer bricks(bike+run) than what was suggested here. I also had somehwat of an advantage, as I was a competitive swimmer through college, so i did not follow any of the swim workouts here but just did my own. I know for a lot of folks, the swim is thier main fear/weakness, but i cannot address whether these workouts are effective or not for the the swim.




In terms of doing other tri's, I did not do any formal ones. However I would do one every month on my own, so really did three of them before this race. :ast one was 2000 yd swim/46 m bike/10 mile run. I don't think you need to spend money entering shorter ones, as you really can do them on your own, that is if you have some endurance background. If you have not run a marathon etc, then I would highly suggest a sprint or Olympic distance, especaiily if the open water swim is going to be new to you.


Also, this freakin sport is expensive. I was lucky and found a used tri bike for $600 ($1600 new, and thats bottom entry level), plus had to buy bike shoes, pedals aero bars etc, was over $1000 bucks just for the bike, and most will tell you i got away very cheap for a decent set up. Add in the fees to swim etc, it creeps up on you.


I will also tell you reason I went tri route was my ankles and heels were killing me when just running. Spent $500 on custom orthotics and it was the best money I have ever spent outside of my Lasix!! Pain went away as soon as the breakin period was over.


Thanks. I'm doing my 5th marathon at the end of the month and want to move on to a new challenge. I actually don't mind the swimming at all but I'm not a big fan of the bike. I tried to get into it last summer but it wasn't as fun for me as running or swimming and unfortunately you're on the bike the longest.

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Thanks. I'm doing my 5th marathon at the end of the month and want to move on to a new challenge. I actually don't mind the swimming at all but I'm not a big fan of the bike. I tried to get into it last summer but it wasn't as fun for me as running or swimming and unfortunately you're on the bike the longest.


Thats true, and I was of the same thought going into the training, but man o man, was that run way harder than i thought it was going to be, especaially in the heat.


BTW, i also think running marathons is way harder both pysically and mentally than doing this race. With your background, you should have no problems not only finishing but putting up a strong time in the HIM. That site I sent you to has a wealth of info for newbies like me and you, do some poking around there and you will get some great info.

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And i celebrated by completing a half ironman. Thats a 1.2m swim, 56m bike, and 13.1 m run. Did it in White Lake NC, and the conditions were brutal (94 and very windy and humid), so didn't hit my goal time, but not many people did!! But ,I got across the finish on my feet , and was damn proud of myself. :P



I wanted to post this in this thread, http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...&hl=chantix

but it would not let me. Seems like yesterday I was trying quit..man if I can do it, anybody on this board that is thinking about it can, and I am serious about that.


Weighed 226 at my heaviest back then and huffed and puffed getting up a flight of steps, now weigh 184 and can propel my fat behind 70.3 miles on my own power :thumbsup:


Time for many of these tonight as I cook our Mothers Day meal :lol:

Good Stuff man. <_<

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