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Why the Bills shouldn't trade for Campbell

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Tell me something how can you determine whether a QB has potential SUPERBOWL CALIBER. Please inform us as a matter of fact inform the other 30 teams in the leaugue thayt dient make it tot he superbow last year. What tangibles determine whether or not they are Superbowl Caliber. I love how veryone keeps talking draft one of these QBS in the first round this year that arent even 1st round worth they only are becuase theres noone better then them in this QB class. Its a joke you dismiss a players who has proven to get better statistically each year, you route for the plyaer who has declined each year and want the QB whos never thrown a pass in the NFL and believe they are going to be the saviors. Really? look at the history more qbs have failed then they have succeeded, other qbs did better when they went to a different team. I for one would prefer Jason Campbell over anyone in this years draft. Not only because he is NFL ready but becuase hes going to have that huge chip on his shouler to prove to washington that they made an error not allowing him to be the starter.


In my quote, I stated that I trust Nix's decision in finding that superbowl caliber QB. If I were an NFL talent scout, I wouldn't be on here now would I? Nix was the Top Scout on the Chargers when they drafted Drew Brees in the 2nd round in 2001. Nix was the Assistant GM/Top Scout when the Chargers drafted Phillip Rivers in 2005. So it's safe to say that Nix knows how to pick a QB. I don't think Campbell is a horrible QB, but after watching the Skins games over the past few years down here in VA, I would have rathered seen Todd Collins as the starter. Maybe a new start with a new team and better coaching would help Campbell, but from what I've seen, I'd rather the Bills go in a different direction.

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Tell me something how can you determine whether a QB has potential SUPERBOWL CALIBER. Please inform us as a matter of fact inform the other 30 teams in the leaugue thayt dient make it tot he superbow last year. What tangibles determine whether or not they are Superbowl Caliber. I love how veryone keeps talking draft one of these QBS in the first round this year that arent even 1st round worth they only are becuase theres noone better then them in this QB class. Its a joke you dismiss a players who has proven to get better statistically each year, you route for the plyaer who has declined each year and want the QB whos never thrown a pass in the NFL and believe they are going to be the saviors. Really? look at the history more qbs have failed then they have succeeded, other qbs did better when they went to a different team. I for one would prefer Jason Campbell over anyone in this years draft. Not only because he is NFL ready but becuase hes going to have that huge chip on his shouler to prove to washington that they made an error not allowing him to be the starter.


It seems like a lot of people on here are making excuses up for why Jason Campbell hasn't been a successful QB so far. Bad O-line, mismanaged etc..., the exact same things can be said about Trent Edwards.

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It seems like a lot of people on here are making excuses up for why Jason Campbell hasn't been a successful QB so far. Bad O-line, mismanaged etc..., the exact same things can be said about Trent Edwards.


Good point. Like another poster already stated, 17 months ago, Edwards started the season 5-1 with an okay O-line (at least had a good LT in Jason Peters), no true #1 WR, and a good RB. I'm not saying Edwards can be the guy, but if you look at Drew Brees' stats in SD, they weren't that good either. Brees had 31 games where he didn't pass for 200 yards and had 6 games where he didn't throw for a 100 yards. Maybe under different circumstances, both Edwards & Campbell can be successful, but that's for Buddy Nix & Chan Gailey to decide.

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Can you provide some epirical evidence to support your conclusion or should I just take your word for it?

I look at a 4yr NFL starting QB who has put up solid stats and who has improved every year despite numerous coaching staff changes and personnel changes around him. I see a hard working kid, who by all accounts is intelligent and has never been in any sort of trouble. I see a QB who is just entering his prime at 28 and who is athletic and durable.


Sounds pretty good to me. But you made such a compelling argument.....

It wasn't a conclusion nor was it an argument. It was a question in the form of a comment.

Speaking of empirical evidence, I'm all eyeballs for whatever"empirical evidence" exists that proves Jason Campbell is going to take the Bills into the playoffs, if that is what you are inferring.

I happen to agree with your points above.

I do not happen to think that Jason Campbell will take the Bills to the playoffs.......because I don't think Drew Brees or Peyton Manning would take the Bills to the playoffs. There is way too much that is new and still way too many holes to fill on the team.

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That might be the dumbest thing I've ever read and that is saying a lot considering how much time I spend on this site.

The guy write how good Campbell is and how tough he is. He writes how Campbell is smart and has a great arm. He writes about how Campbell has been under pressure in Washington because of a terrible O-line and how he has had a new OC ever year. All of this praise and then finally makes his case for Campbell not being a good fit for Buffalo because his winning percentage as a starter was low.

"I have come to bury Jason Campbell, not to praise him . . ."


I agree that the article did a much better job of making the case for trading for Jason Campbell than it did making the case against. But . . . dare I say it . . . I have mixed feelings about Jason Campbell. The article made him sound good. But his asking price is a fourth round pick, and I don't see a whole lot of teams queued up to trade for him. After four years in the league/the chance to prove himself, I'd expect more interest from other NFL teams than just that. At least, if he had the potential to be the long-term answer.

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while im not going to argue that Campbell would be great, I'm fairly certain that he is better than anything on our roster now.


If it were up to me, I'd pick up Campbell (with Grossman and now McNabb, he'll most likely be released). Then I'd also draft a QB (Clausen or Tebow or whoever).


I'd then go into camp with Campbell, Drafted QB, and 1 or maybe 2 of the QBs currently on our roster. Most likely Brohm and Edwards.


Let those 4 battle it out and see who comes out as the top 3. If nothing else, Campbell can start while the rookie learns for a bit.


My main goal being, we should only have maybe 1 QB from last year's roster left on the team.

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I'll never understand the football mentality with Buffalo fans, why is another teams trash better then what the Bills have?


Then again most Philly fans wanted the QB that took them to the playoffs last year gone, and the kid who won two games can start...unreal.


Anyone who thinks the the Redskins were the worse offensive is crazy as they had the 16th rated passing attack to Buffalo's 30th. The Bill had the 16th to the Redskins 26th rushing offense.The Washington defense was the #10th and the Bills was 21st.


Campbell was the 15th rated QB in the league last year ahead of Joe Flacco and McNabb, Fitz was rated 30th and yet the Bills won more games.


If Campbell is that much better then what Buffalo currently has on their roster, then why didn't the Redskins win more games, isn't it all about winning?

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I'll never understand the football mentality with Buffalo fans, why is another teams trash better then what the Bills have?


Then again most Philly fans wanted the QB that took them to the playoffs last year gone, and the kid who won two games can start...unreal.


Anyone who thinks the the Redskins were the worse offensive is crazy as they had the 16th rated passing attack to Buffalo's 30th. The Bill had the 16th to the Redskins 26th rushing offense.The Washington defense was the #10th and the Bills was 21st.


Campbell was the 15th rated QB in the league last year ahead of Joe Flacco and McNabb, Fitz was rated 30th and yet the Bills won more games.


If Campbell is that much better then what Buffalo currently has on their roster, then why didn't the Redskins win more games, isn't it all about winning?




How many re-tread QB's have we seen in the league over the years? Aaron Brooks, Joey Harrington, Tony Banks, sorry but we don't need to pick-up another re-tread.

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I'll never understand the football mentality with Buffalo fans, why is another teams trash better then what the Bills have?


Then again most Philly fans wanted the QB that took them to the playoffs last year gone, and the kid who won two games can start...unreal.


Anyone who thinks the the Redskins were the worse offensive is crazy as they had the 16th rated passing attack to Buffalo's 30th. The Bill had the 16th to the Redskins 26th rushing offense.The Washington defense was the #10th and the Bills was 21st.


Campbell was the 15th rated QB in the league last year ahead of Joe Flacco and McNabb, Fitz was rated 30th and yet the Bills won more games.


If Campbell is that much better then what Buffalo currently has on their roster, then why didn't the Redskins win more games, isn't it all about winning?


I can't speak for everyone, but IMO:


The QB position is different than others. Edwards has lost the confidence of the fans and to an extent that none of them wants to publicly say, his teamates. Buddy and Chan have pretty much said by their words and actions they don't think the current trio on the roster is the answer. So whether its McNabb (too late), Campbell, Clausen, Tebow, or any of the other QBs that have been mentioned, we pretty much know there is going to be a new QB in town, probably sooner rather than later. So most people, myself included, would rather see the Bills make a change and do anything different in the name of trying to improve, than to waste time on the same old, same old.

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Good article on why the Bills should not try and trade for Jason Campbell.


To be quite honest I didn't think this was a good article. I love Buffalo Rumblings and frequent their site a lot. But IMO the writer makes a very weak case against trading for Campbell. He has only one argument, poor winning percentage, and then he goes on to explain the reasons why it isn't even Campbell's fault!


Campbell for a 4th is a good price IMO. I'd offer a 5th but I'd be on board with shipping a 4th for him to come in a compete for the starting job. And I think he'd win it quite easily.


Personally, I've always liked Jason Campbell and thought he was quite talented. He had the unfortunate situation of having to deal with the constant shuffle of coaches and played behind a so-so line with average weapons at his disposal. I think if he's properly motivated he would do extremely well here in Buffalo, or anywhere for that matter. A fresh start would be great for him and I would be happy if we landed him.

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