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Don't Drink and Shop

Chef Jim

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I so want this I've actually emailed the guy and asked if the price was negotiable. Of all my investments my Lovecraft books have increased the most over the past 10-15 years.

I thought with the "Don't drink and shop" thread title you actually bought it while under the influence.

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I thought with the "Don't drink and shop" thread title you actually bought it while under the influence.


No I had only had a couple of drinks when I posted that. I just emailed him last night to ask about the price. I got into work this morning and had an email from him saying it was somewhat negotiable and what did I have in mind. Not sure where to go from here. :worthy:

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No I had only had a couple of drinks when I posted that. I just emailed him last night to ask about the price. I got into work this morning and had an email from him saying it was somewhat negotiable and what did I have in mind. Not sure where to go from here. :worthy:


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