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Humans are not all predisposed to be what society deems to be acceptably thin.

The descrimination shown twords overweight people is disgusting and truly the last group without rights. Whould you ever laugh at someone for thier race, not in public because it is considered taboo.


Some of you should open your mind before you open your mouths.




(I know insert fat joke here ingnorance is not bliss)

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Guest Jenny Craig
Humans are not all predisposed to be what society deems to be acceptably thin.

The descrimination shown twords overweight people is disgusting and truly the last group without rights. Whould you ever laugh at someone for thier race, not in public because it is considered taboo.


Some of you should open your mind before you open your mouths.

(I know insert fat joke here ingnorance is not bliss)



You're right, but sadly you're wasting your time. It's socally acceptable to pick on fat asses. You'll even get a few people to justify why it's okay to do that. What you can't do is pick on anyone who asks for help for homework, or makes even the slightest racial joke. Just have to know the fraternity rules and fat protection is not one of them.

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Humans are not all predisposed to be what society deems to be acceptably thin.

The descrimination shown twords overweight people is disgusting and truly the last group without rights. Whould you ever laugh at someone for thier race, not in public because it is considered taboo.


Some of you should open your mind before you open your mouths.

(I know insert fat joke here ingnorance is not bliss)



making fat jokes is one thing, but in the end the joke is on the fat guy in the pic. society may deem it not acceptable to be fat, but medical science may also have a thing to say about that guy. if he doesn't do something about his weight, he'll be dead within 10 years.


no joke

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Humans are not all predisposed to be what society deems to be acceptably thin.

The descrimination shown twords overweight people is disgusting and truly the last group without rights. Whould you ever laugh at someone for thier race, not in public because it is considered taboo.


Some of you should open your mind before you open your mouths.

(I know insert fat joke here ingnorance is not bliss)



if you're fat and don't like it:


eat less and work out.

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if you're fat and don't like it:


eat less and work out.



amen to that bro. I get sick of people bitchin about their weight and not doing a damn thing about it; especially the girls that do it, then go drink a $#!toad at a party

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dev i agree that they are loveable, but i want a real challenge as I hate the easy girls that give their bodies up easily


That makes one of you

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