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Woah - Bills offered HC job to Harbaugh

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It's funny how the collective intelligence just gets lower and lower around here. This is as true as Cowher being a done deal. Stop supporting the media making stuff up because they heard it from another reporter.


OK, according to Casserly:


Buddy Nix conducted a stealth interview of Jim Harbaugh;

Harbaugh impressed Buddy so much that he wanted to offer him the job, but Buddy has already stated that the ultimate decision as to who gets the job is made by Ralph, so...

For Buddy's first real hire as GM, he offers the job to Harbaugh without Ralph's blessing, NOT LIKELY. Instead Buddy would say to Jim, if Ralph gives the green light, would you want the job. Harbaugh says yes?? and then Buddy gets Ralph's blessing and THEN Harbaugh says, oh sorry, just kidding, I want to stay in Palo Alto. I call BS.


All that happened here was Buddy called Harbaugh to inquire as to whether he was interested in the job. Harbaugh, either after sitting down with Buddy to discuss it, or maybe without the discussion, said no. This happens all the time, but is a far cry from Casserly's "Buffalo offered the job to Harbaugh." Casserly is still bitter about not getting an interview for the GM slot, because as he'll tell you at the drop of a hat, he is the greatest GM of all time...

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Precisely. Why is Charlie Casserly so worthy of being believed? Is this the same guy who was shredded by Belechick as a flat out lier for his report on Brady's injury? Is this report supported by any other "reporters" or any facts at all? This is an unconfirmed report by a discredited NFL hack with a burr up his butt because he did not get interviewed for the GM job. It may be true, but there is nothing to support it so lets just wait and see before jumping off the deep end on yet more unsubstantiated poor reporting by a TV talking head.


Yeah, Casserly is the same guy who said Brady was playing with broken ribs. As it turns out, he was right.


Amazing how many of our fans personalize this coaching search.


Cowher doesn't want to coach here? Screw him! He can go faulk himself.


Casserly says Harbaugh rejected the job?


Casserly is a know-nothing, bitter hack!


The fact that the Bills' job is not an attractive opening to the majority of candidates is not a personal insult to any of us. Funny how so many of our fans treat it as if it is.

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THATS FUNNY , CASSERLY WHO SITS RIGHT NEXT TO COWHER can't verify that Cowher had a meeting with the Bills but he want you to believe that we would offer position to a college coach because he says so REALLY..........................PEOPLE DONT BE SO GULLIBLE

Oh, and I forgot to mention those fans who personalize by denying that an interview even took place.


I guess because the rejection of the Bills is a rejection of the fans.


Read the entire thread, Kev.


No one knows for sure that this interview took place but there's no particularly compelling reason to think that it didn't.


All the media outlets are picking up Casserly's story. If they didn't think it was true they would either say so or not report it.


There have been no refutations, no denials. No other reporters are calling it hogwash.


In my mind I'm sure the "interview" (in whatever form) took place. The signs point much more strongly in that direction. Weeks ago Gaughan reported that Harbaugh was near the top of the Bills list.


So who's being gullible? Those that don't want to believe the Harbaugh interview story or those that do?


edit: And your point about Casserly and Cowher...it's a simple as Cowher saying, "Charlie, please don't say anything about me and the Buffalo job." Done.

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