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Decline the holding penalty late in the game?


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The problem is the mentality behind Jauron's decision. Its his whole "lets play a gutless dickless brand of football" attitude. Instead of pushing them back out of FG range and telling his deense to make the stop, he sits on the sidelines and hopes that the other team screws up.

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First let's get all the facts straight.


When they attempted the 60 yarder at the end of the first half, the LOS was the 42. Jackson caught that ball about 5 yards deep in the end zone, (but directly between the uprights) so it was more than 5 yards short, let's estimate roughly 6 yards short.


On the play in question, the LOS was the 29, and it was 3rd and 6. The play lost 4 yards, and there was a holding penalty. So you're only gaining 6 yards by taking the penalty, not 10. The choice was between:

- decline the penalty. It's 4th down, and they're going to attempt a 51 yard FG.

- accept the penalty. It will be 3rd and 16 from the 39. If they gain no more yardage, the FG attempt would be from 57 yards.


Dick probably decided that since it was "only 6 yards", the right choice was to decline the penalty, because if you're defending a 3rd and 16, they'll have a good chance to throw something underneath and picking up 6+ yards, even if they don't get a first down.


Here are the reasons why Dick was wrong:


1. As others have pointed out in this thread, when you are behind, generally speaking the proper strategy is to always try to extend the game as long as possible. A 51 yard FG is roughly a 50/50 shot, and if he makes it, you're chances of winning the game drop to virtually nil. Giving the other team a 50/50 chance to essentially end the game is something that should only be done as a act of desperation.


2. Given the choice between "hoping the other guy screws up", and "giving your players a chance to make a play", a good coach will in most cases opt for the later. That's how you instill confidence in your players; making them believe that you feel they'll make plays if given the opportunity.

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