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  1. Has anyone else noticed that on every sight that talks about the FA Market, whenever something related to the Bills is mentioned, the writer makes some kind of comment about the Bills being invisible so far? Seriously, on ESPN, CNNSI, Rotoworld, they all makes comments about how the Bills haven't done anything yet, or how they are finally hearing anything from the FO. I'm not one to care about this stuff, nor do I believe that most of these guys know much more about the team than what they read from their co-workers, but it's still interesting to me to see how apparent and surprising it is to everyone how a 5-11 team feels like they only need the draft to turn things around.
  2. Is that all I'm supposed to get? I heard others mention a pin or something, which I did not receive. Or, is it something I'll have to wait for since this is only my first year as a season ticket holder?
  3. Sapp's bad talk is a cheap shot While wondering why certain NFL players don't pick on someone their own size ... The aptly named Warren Sapp is up to his old tricks with those who helped make him wealthy and popular — the local print media. Fans wouldn't know it by watching his interviews on TV, or when cameras pan the sidelines, because the Oakland Raiders veteran defensive tackle seems friendly and cooperative. Here's the reality: Sapp's rap is phony. I have witnessed Sapp's surly act in the locker room, complete with bug-eyed sneer, when he played for Tampa Bay. It is neither pretty nor professional. And that is why nine Raiders beat writers from the Bay Area are boycotting Sapp, whose behavior is described as "condescending, rude and intimidating" by Steve Corkran of the Contra Costa Times. The most recent incident involved the San Francisco Chronicle's Nancy Gay, whom Sapp recently called a "know-it-all (expletive)" because he thought she wrote an unflattering piece. One problem: It wasn't her story. Sapp is hostile, belligerent and foul-mouthed. How can one man weigh so much and be so small? Gay is not endorsing the boycott but already had decided that she wouldn't interview Sapp anymore. "It's my personal way of saying, 'Enough already,' " she said. "If he can't treat me with dignity and respect, I don't want to have anything to do with him." To the Raiders' credit, team executive Amy Trask asked Gay if she wanted Sapp to apologize; she declined. Best as we can tell, there isn't anything genuine that comes from Sapp, whose disingenuous yap will make him perfect for his next job: television. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/columnist/s...-saraceno_x.htm
  4. I think it is best for Drew and that string of wet toilet paper we call a O-line to start putting up. Drew is sounding like a bitchy little kid who got soup insted of pudding in his lunch. Hope we come out and spank NE but we need to also win after that. Not last season where we win and then get spanked for the next 3...
  5. As far as Im conecrned us fans and the media got everything they wanted on sunday short of a win. This is FAR from the home of the twelthe man anymore! Bills Daily is absolutely deplorable for there crappy negativity. This is not even remotely the same team that we saw last year. Drew was effecient, accurate, and avoided sacks. Not the Drew we saw last year. Mularkey and the coaches made the RIGHT call by punting the ball, GW would have gone for it! Yet, with all the first down, ball control offense, fiery defense, effecient QB'ing, quality schemes, playcalling, adjustments, and game day management, the media and fans here claim this is the same ole Bills? These arent MY fans, this isnt the home of the 12th man anymore! How fickle we have all become. It was 1 damn game, and just as easily we could have won it. Would you all still make the same negative posts if we had won? If they had not made that final play and we had won? If basically the ENTIRE game was the same except for that one play? I GUARANTEE you would not have slammed this team the way you have. I know better. I will be here slamming all of YOU when this thing is going strong by week 10. The media is the root of all evil, and this week, BillsDaily was the devil! Its so easy and irresponsible to simply post negative crap. Like he even admits, if hes wrong great, and if hes right he looses no face. Too many media and too many fans are just like that. Gutless worms who cant stand for anything or stick out for anything. Gutless. That aint the heart of the 12th man! That aint the heart of this team! None of you get to join us TRUE fans on the wagon to the superbowl. You stick to jumpin on wagons labeled "band". Take a hike with this disease you call realism. Its not realism its CRAP! It aint even real, its gutless crap that doesnt even remotely represent what this team is, or what its about. We dont know yet, but much of what I watched I liked alot. Ill stick my neck out right now, this squad is headed to the playoffs. They finally have quality coaching, schemes, and the right type of attitude. They had the talent already! I expect clowns like BillsDaily, ESPN, NBC, etc to finally wake up to the Bills by about the start of the playoffs. Those of us who earn the right to be called 12th men, knew it from game 1!!!!!!!!
  6. Don't they usually send the Season Ticket holders a nice little package with the media guide, pins, and decals for your car? What happened to those this year? I never got anything.
  7. The article on the TBD site leading to some WM comments about Henry are great to see. I'm sure that the media would love nothing more than to have some type of Henry/WM dispute over PT, or some type of DB/JP redo of the RJ/Flutie controversy or something which allows them to write PFW articles or sell newpapers about this alleged fight. Get over it! Look, these are competive athletes and they all wish they were playing and if they are going to be good believe that they are the world's greatest athletes who can do the job if you just put them in coach. However, this is a team game and perhaps the ultimate team game as a team's fortunes are going to depend most on how well the team works together than how well some individual player stars. Granted there is a paradox in that how well the team performs is going to come down to an individual making the right effort and doing the right the thing at the right time. However, these star moments are ultimately just moments and the game has been designed and built so that the individual must depend upon his teammates because no one player is on the field all the time and everyone is going to have a bad moment with injuries or the ball taking a funny hop and a lesser player is simply going to have to pickup for the star if the team is going to do well. The disputes which the media (The Buff news, WGR, Pro Football Weekly. etc) feed serve the media's interests and not winning and the teams as their primary driver. The apolosits like Bills Digest (it really needs to strive to not be a house organ) and Channel 2 News also do not serve the fans interest as their primary driver since they clearly depend upon their access to feed their families. Both the apologists and the rabblerouser media are the best source of information we have about what is going on with the team, but just because they are the best is really different from saying they are good. In fact, the media is at its worst when they look to foment controversy were there isn't or try to play on the players good and natural competitiveness to try to emphasize things which create controversy. I think the Bills are far better off when they take the attitude offered by WM that Henry is the man and the RB as long as he produces and WM will simply have to make do even if it means he has to pretend to like it if he gets too few touches a game. Henry has committed obvious errors which could lead to it making sense to bench him (heading the wrong way on his cut on the aborted Bledsoe role out is only one of the key reasons this play blew up. his two slips were a big problem), but for now Henry gained almost 100 yards and he has played a man's game in the past and the team is helped most by him getting another chance to do well rather than sinking into some funk or a controversy even if it would sell papers. In fact Henry's errors make all the more reason for WM to shut the hell up and not to do something that causes a cancer on the team, because if Henry makes another round of similar errors to his slips or running the wrong way, he can easily be benched and WM will get his chance to shine without the stupid controversy. WM has waited almost a year and a half to recover physically to this point. There seems to be little he can do to determine whether this team makes the playoffs or not because he gets 24 touches instead of 12 over 3 games. It may suck for the media and some posters but the best thing for him to do is wait in silence for now and maybe sooner rather than later we will see him get 75 touches over 3 games because he is our feature back. Having an argument about this in publc will actually retard his progress if TD or MM dig in their heels to change.
  8. I'll start with an example. Before the season started, what would you have predicted for Drew Brees, considering they have ONE name receiver in Reche Caldwell, who hasn't done much, and a completely REVAMPED offensive line - more revamed than ours...? You would have said he's toast. No one in your fantasy league drafted him. You never would have guessed that he'd be the #1 rated passer through 5 games. He hasn't thrown an INT yet this season. He has been sacked ONCE. Is it their makeshift line is somehow magic? No. But he can move enough to buy himself time, take some pressure off his line, and get the job done when the play breaks down. DEs and DTs are waaaay too good for a truly immobile passer. I'm not talking rushing QBs like Vick. I'm talking MOBILE QBs like Brady and Pennington. Guys who can shuffle and slide and buy themselves second chances. Let me ask you this: How often do you see Bledsoe make a play - even a little gain of 3 yards - when the play breaks down? RARELY is the correct answer, but I'll accept NEVER. You can't win at this level when this is the answer to that question. You just CAN'T. Because this game is about which team makes the fewest mistakes. Every play that an offense or defense makes is basically a mistake by the opponent. Plays break down at least 1 in every 4 snaps avg, league wide. Either an unexpected or unblocked blitzer, a fallen WR, a wrong route, disguised coverage, etc. If your QB can't make something out of nothing, if he can't solve problems on the fly because he's so pathetically 1 dimensional, you can't win at this level. It's all numbers and probability. The math will catch up to you every time. If you have a QB that is INCAPABLE of buying himself time, your OLine will look worse than it really is. Your OLine coach will appear to have no answers. Your WRs will appear to not be able to get open because by the time they reach their timed assignment, the QB has been forced to adjust. But he doesn't have the ability to do that: Sack or worse. (He also doesn't know how to throw the ball away, even after 12 years in the league.) If you want to really know the truth about why the Bills suck with all the talent they have, look no further than a guy I really like: Drew. He forces this offense to do things that put them behind the 8 ball before the game even begins. The math always catches up to you. If you can expect a defense to make a play on your line every 4 snaps that forces your QB to move in the pocket (which is CONSERVATIVE league-wide), that means that the Bills are going to get stuffed or lose yardage about every 4 snaps. So far this year, Drew is getting sacked every 7 times he drops back. To get to this conservative figure of 25% of every snap, all you have to do is count the number of times he throws a terrible ball or tries to run forward for a yard to avoid an official sack (his actual numbers are worse). When does he do these things? Whenever a defense makes a play on our line. Don't take my word for it. Rewind the tapes and count it up, establish the averages, and tell me that Drew's one-dimensional play doesn't hamstring this team. Drew is the worst decision the Bills have made since their last worst decision: Rob Johnson. RoJo was bad because he was made of glass and didn't care about football. Drew is bad because his awareness and feet have deteriorated terribly over the past 5 years. I was pissed and bewildered when we re-signed him. I was quietly hoping that he'd be cut and we'd bring in a journeyman caretaker. Also: 5 offseason moves that I believe could have made all the difference: 1. Tell Bledsoe he's welcome back at 2 million per season and will have to compete with a rookie QB we're about to draft. If he balks, tell him, See Ya. He's simply not worth a cent more than that. There are better arguments that he's worth less. Our cap cost to cut him this past offseason: $0.00. Cap cost to cut him after this season with his new contract: $2 million in dead cap. 2. Sign FA T John Tait to play RT. A big, *smart* lineman who won't forget his blocking assignments pre-snap. 3. Find out what part of the country Big Mike hates most, what team he dislikes most, and tell him he's gonna convert 5 million of his salary to non-injury performance incentives or we're going to trade him there. If he balks, trade him. If he agrees, move him inside to RG. Mike can't be bullrushed but he sure as hell can get beat in space. Therefore, remove the space. GUARD DUTY. 4. Trade Josh Reed for something. Anything. I mean, what has he shown that any 6th round bench receiver can do? He was supposed to be a YAC receiver. What YAC? What *Catch*? What the hell happened to this kid? Well, maybe it's Bledsoe. 5. We tried to trade up with Houston to nab Big Ben. Probably didn't offer enough. Offer more. THis is not a jab at Losman - I have high hopes for him. But Ben was more ready to step in immediately, or at least that's what the Bills are passively saying by having re-signed Drew to a 3 year contract, which I still don't understand. RE: Losman. I hope he's everything he believes he can be. I like his attitude and hope he's one of those gamers who has "it". We have to play in the same division as a future hall of famer and another QB (Pennington) who also looks the part, even if his arm strength is questionable. If we can't compete at their level, the Bills had better hope that there's a re-alignment. This has been brought to you by realism.
  9. Travis Henry spoke to media link to it on Buffalo Bills.com the coach has news conference at 3:30 Travis was straight. News Conferences
  10. http://www.meforum.org/article/649 In fact, being a freedom fighter, however defined, does not foreclose on the possibility that one is a terrorist. The Israeli terrorism scholar Boaz Ganor has put it well: "When you deliberately choose to attack civilians, you cannot say any more, 'I am not a terrorist because I am a freedom fighter.' Maybe you are a freedom fighter, but you are also definitely a terrorist." Kind of what I said the otherday.....
  11. I have been amazed at the media orgy over the “death in process” of the terrorist Arafat. I could not imagine any such hype if this was Sharon instead of the scumbag Arafat. The last time I saw this much coverage over someone’s death (or almost death) was Princess Diana. Ironically both events happened in France…hmmm, maybe just a coincidence. Anyway, it just goes to show the love affair that the liberal media has with this murderous, animal. I wonder if his funeral precession will pass thru the Arc de Triumph.
  12. The bills should make this thing into a pdf file or something. Sure, it costs about $10 or so in print, but it should be available to download. Now that my rant is up, i'm going to search to see if this actually does exist. if it does, the first person to make a crow from scratch from photoshop will be serving me dinner.
  13. By Craige McMillan, a commentator for WorldNetDaily. Lately I've been wondering how stories we read in "Big Media" would be different if 90-plus percent of reporters and editors were Republicans – not Democrats. Here's how I think the swiftboat-vets story might read. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A "band of brothers" nearly 300 strong asserted today in a new TV advertisement that John Kerry lied about his service in Vietnam, then "shot his fellow sailors in the back" following his 4-month "service," when he assumed leadership of the Vietnam Vets Against the War and offered false testimony before Congress about nonexistent atrocities committed by American servicemen. Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, a nonpartisan group formed under last year's campaign finance reforms allowing independent groups to comment on presidential elections, launched the advertisement with less than half-a-million dollars in the bank. Contrast that with the $100-plus million already spent by MoveOn.org and America Coming Together, groups attacking President Bush and funded by big-bucks liberal contributors with billions in the bank. The Kerry camp immediately fired back at the veterans, stressing that none of them had actually served under John Kerry's command or on his boat. But further investigation by this newspaper has revealed that swiftboats frequently traveled in groups, and other sailors on other boats often had a better view of the action and clearer grasp of what was happening than the boat "in the thick of it." "Unfit for Command," a new book still backordered at the nation's bookstores, elaborates on what these vets point out are Mr. Kerry's lies and distortions about his "service" in Vietnam. Only about a dozen swiftboat veterans support John Kerry's recollection of events in Vietnam, while hundreds say he's lying. As readers are no doubt aware, the controversy began when Mr. Kerry used a 1969 photo of himself and fellow swiftboat commanders published in Newsweek Magazine on March 8 of this year, to promote his campaign for the presidency. These vets tried to avoid a public conflict and requested the Kerry campaign stop using the photo and implying they supported him for president. Here is an excerpt from their June 1, 2004 letter, signed by their attorney Alvin A. Horne: Below are listed the names of eleven swiftboat officers of a total of 20 depicted in the referenced photograph with your client, Sen. John Kerry. They are: George Bates, Thomas Heritage, Terrance Costello, Robert "Rocky" Hildreath, Robert Elder, William Houle, George Elliott, William Schumadine, Al French, Larry Thurlow, Jim Galvin. These officers demand that Sen. Kerry's campaign cease and desist from all uses of that photograph, taken on Jan. 22, 1969. To my knowledge, of the remaining eight individuals, Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Crosby are deceased and Messrs. Baker, Bernique, Imbrie and MaCann have not indicated a willingness to presently take any position regarding Mr. Kerry. Only when this letter failed did the vets go public in an effort to save the nation from what they had experienced firsthand. Mr. Kerry has made his medals and Vietnam service the centerpiece of his campaign, but its interesting that even his own diary calls into question whether his first Purple Heart was earned – or the result of fabrications ("Diary refutes Kerry claim," Washington Times, Aug. 25, 2004). Mr. Kerry has repeatedly refused to release his diary, his complete service record, or to authorize the reprinting of his 1971 book, titled "The New Soldier," in which he "details" atrocities by American soldiers in Vietnam that most veterans say never happened. Many Vietnam veterans say the lies Mr. Kerry propagated upon his return hurt them even worse than their battle wounds. Former POW Paul Gallanti is one of them. He says in a new Swiftvets.com advertisement that, "John Kerry gave the enemy for free what I and many of my comrades in North Vietnam, in the prison camps, took torture to avoid saying. It demoralized us." The question of Mr. Kerry's medals and service could be easily settled, but the candidate has been less than forthcoming by releasing only selective portions of his military records. Instead, Mr. Kerry's campaign manager directed attorneys to threaten TV station managers with a lawsuit should they run the Swiftvets.com advertisements. This attitude concerns many First Amendment experts, who worry what a Kerry presidency might mean for the freedom of the press. Meanwhile, MoveOn.org launched a series of personal attack ads against the veterans who have challenged Mr. Kerry's Vietnam "service." MoveOn.org is financed and run by numerous Clinton-era Democratic donors, and staffers and election watchers are worried the group may be violating campaign finance law by illegally coordinating their actions with the Kerry campaign. MoveOn.org did not immediately return calls for comment. Republicans in a parallel universe
  14. Too Funny! Douglas faults fans, media Former Jaguars defensive end Hugh Douglas cited the team's fans and unnamed members of the Jacksonville media as contributing factors in his unproductive play. Douglas, a former All-Pro with Philadelphia, was released Monday after just one disappointing season with the Jaguars and immediately re-signed with the Eagles. Douglas told Philadelphia reporters on Tuesday that the Jaguars' poor attendance "wasn't good for Hugh Douglas.'' Douglas added that some Jacksonville reporters "were just killing me. I mean, killing me. And I can't go around choking reporters because that's going to cost me money. No, I'm not blaming [poor play] on the media. But I never knew words could sting so much.''
  15. http://jumpinginpools.blogspot.com/2009/08...itution-is.html What? You mean they have already?!? http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared..._but_accura.php
  16. The tittle says it all. I know the big 4 in the 90's got star attention but they didn't make nearly as much news as TO. Flutie was was adored by the media but I don't remember exactly how much coverage he used to get and I wasn't around for the OJ years so the only media coverage I remember on him was the trial(s). Have Bills fans ever experienced what they're about to experience with TO?
  17. We've had some spirited discussions on this board -- usually in regard to whether Jason Peters was any good last year -- about the validity of "sacks allowed" as a stat. I saw this blog from the Boston Globe's Mike Reiss and wanted to share it. To see the sack Tom Brady endured against Cincy, you would say it was right tackle Nick Kaczur's fault all the way. Totally obvious, 100 percent. No other Patriot was remotely close to Robert Geathers, who ran around Kaczur and bolted in cleanly ... http://www.boston.com/sports/football/patr...siting_the.html This is a reminder that unless you're in the huddle, you can't say for sure.
  18. To the ladies and gentlemen of this board: The national media does not have a vendetta against buffalo. They are not trying to hammer little buffalo with every shot they get. Every time a clayon carucci or king comes out and says buffalo wont land a big name coach, many people on this board freak out and say they hate buffalo or attact their reporting skills. On the PTI thing today, King said he spoke to a candidate who was NOT impressed with the Nix hire. So is King lying? Believe it or not these national media people have contacts and sources! Is it that hard to believe they talk to people close to a cowher who tells them he doesnt want the job? Clayton and King are hated because they are skeptical the best coach available wont come to buffalo. Yet some dude in a basement in florida is "the only one ill listen to" on this board. Well im sorry ill take the guys with years of credibility and work in the business over a guy with a buffalo source. If you guys only want to read or be told what you want to hear, then simply listen to chris brown on buffalobills.com. Why is it so hard to believe that a big coach like a cowher or billick wouldnt want to coach players drafted by a 70yr old first time GM? Have you looked at this roster? What would the new coach be building with? We have a promising LG, RB, and WR. Thats it for offense, we dont have any wrs on this roster outside of evans and out other promising guard destroyed his leg. What would you be building with? Defense we have a promising secondary and a bad front 7. Not to mention we have a 91yr old owner to meddles with coaching decisions. Ultimately i hope and am still open to the idea of us actually landing cowher....i hope this is all posturing by his camp for more money...but im also pretty realistic..something some of you guys should try!
  19. Who in the local media is reaching out to Brandon and Wilson for comments about this game, and the state of thier team? I'm not in Buffalo so its hard to know if any of the local outlets are making attempts to get answers from the people that matter....as sad as that may be.
  20. USA Today - Jauron's time in Chicago over Yahoo Sports - Bears' Jauron Fired After 5 Seasons (See comments in the message board and see the same disturbing trends we're experiencing today) Desipio Chicago Sports - Dickless Yahoo Sports - Decision to fire Jauron in Buffalo, should be a no brainer NBC Sports - Bills retain Jauron after another 7-9 season USA Today - Bills won't fire head coach Dick Jauron NBC Sports - Coaching hot seat warmest for Turner, Jauron Chicago Bears Message Board - Dick Jauron wanted a "pop warner" offense LOL Fire Dick Jauron Website - www.firedickjauron.com Fire Dick Jauron Blog - firedickjauron.blogspot.com Fire Dick Jauron Petition - www.petitiononline.com/FireDJ/petition.html Looks like a pretty solid resume to me. Wow, how has Ralph let this go on for so long... New additions since I first posted: ESPN - Tim Graham: Getting 97 Percent to Agree Ain't Easy
  21. It has been posted that there are reports out there saying that plans are already underway creating a new stadium in California and an article quotes a John Semcken as saying "Of the other six teams mentioned, Semcken said "one of those six teams will play in our stadium." This makes it sound like something is already worked out for him to make a statement like that. One of those teams mentioned is the Bills. (http://losangeles.bizjournals.com/losangeles/stories/2009/10/05/daily22.html) While the Bills max out their stadium in attendance on a yearly basis, the other teams on this "list" do not (namely Jacksonville). Are the Bills on such a list purely on the speculation of Wilson's death somewhere in the future, or is it because they are not "viable" in the WNY market? If so, how are the Bills any different than franchises like Kansas City? Is there any credence to this report? And with Ralph Wilson on record as saying that the team will be sold until his passing, how can these plans be put in motion before a team like the Bills is even "available?" My skepticle side tells me that this is all a huge set up, not unlike the movie "The Natural," which ironically was shot in Buffalo. In a nutshell, why has the local, or national media not reported any of this? The possible relocation of an NFL team from a 50 year old home would seem to be newsworthy? If they have, I've missed it.
  22. Plug it into both my home computers and receive an immediate Blue Screen critical error message!
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