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  1. I personally had no problem with LGB having their rainbow flag. However, like countless other organizations and institutions they were infiltrated with Marxists who have brought us where we are today. There is IMO a silent majority within the LGB community who want no part of this insanity, Gays against Groomers for example. But that is all gone now, the Marxists have accomplished what they do best...destruction. In that sense I agree, the pride flag in its entirety is now cultural poison.
  2. Roundy, Quack and others have been parroting the propaganda that cultural Marxism is a ...... you guessed it a conspiracy theory! Why don't we turn to one of the groups leading the charge in recent years and the words of one of their founders. Of course useful idiots after viewing the short clip below where BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors describes herself and her partner as "trained Marxists" it will only dig in its heels in deeper. After all isn't it obvious to everyone that when a cultural leader self identifies as a Marxist, it can only be a conspiracy theory when others call her movement rooted in Marxism.
  3. This is your daily reminder that the progressive pride flag represents a regressive, authoritarian movement hell-bent on sterilizing and mutilating an entire generation of children, and to use them as sacrificial lambs to the gender ideology cult. We never co-signed on being force-teamed into this lunacy. Affirming delusions is not kindness. Cutting off children’s body parts is not care. Letting males dominate girls’ spaces and sports is not inclusive.
  4. 🎯 We had endured an excruciatingly drawn out battle, so there was all the more reason to celebrate the anniversary of legal same-sex marriage every June. But as the years went by, this celebration morphed from one of love and equality to a raunchy display of overt sexuality and debauchery in our name. We became tired of the predictive pandering from companies looking to exploit us for profit by pretending to support us. We found ourselves exhausted by fellow members of our community who put their sexuality and "gender identity" on a pedestal as if it were their singular personality trait. And most of all, we find ourselves incredibly disturbed by the inclusion of children in these annual sexual exhibitions.
  5. 1995 LGB community: Don't judge us based our sexuality. 2024 LGBTQIA+ community: Honor us for an entire month, and multiple other days throughout the year, based on our sexuality.
  6. And marxists like Finding either continue to lie or have us believe they haven't been to a grocery store or restaurant or paid a utility bill the past three years. It goes beyond useful idiocy or being an avowed marxist. It's pure evil.
  7. 🎯 What is described here is as obvious as Joe Biden's dementia. The media was just as uniform with its immediate post election coverage as well. Mere days after election week, after counting the most total votes and by far the most mail in votes ever cast in an election, the media with incredible uniformity dubbed it the most secure election in US history and anyone who even raised an eyebrow at the results? Well you bought the big lie! Right and game 6 of the 99 Stanley Cup final was the most perfectly officiated game in NHL history too. They could not have possibly been more transparent with these ridiculous en masse declarations. So transparently blatant that they might as well have printed It Was Rgged for weeks on end.
  8. Tib-stain responds with an entirely predictable but Trump deflection? How out of character! But let's look closely at that Biden campaign ad. How much am I to assume is fake? 100% Why? Well because even though the narcissistic orange blowhard gives plenty of material for opposition campaign ad fodder, the Biden regime only prefers to use fake ones it seems. Like the good marxists that they are. I Immediately recognized Poland's first lady "snubbing" Trump. Fake. At 1:34 in the clip below after citing a bunch of other proven media Trump lies, there's the snub lie debunked.
  9. Yeah Rudy Giuliani was the only one who had the laptop. The NY Post didn't have it. They didn't verify its contents and publish a story about it only to have that reporting mass censored from media everywhere at the behest of the same FBI that had verified it 10 months earlier. Here's a hint. When the US media en masse censors ANY story its a problem. A big problem. But Finding got fooled! Let's check... https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276 Same story. Unchanged.
  10. Sadly many of us have witnessed older family members look like this at some point. No serious person can look at that clip or the hundreds of others over the past four years and claim that Biden is in good shape. Sadly we have many unserious people here as well.
  11. Maybe you Gen Z whiz kids can give us the probability of a 950-0 vote batch anytime, anywhere?
  12. Don't tell us Quack.... all those researchers who sponsored the HCQ research are all MAGA. We know. Perhaps HCQ might work for TDS?
  13. As I said H5N1 is not new. I used to collaborate with the CDC on pandemic preparedness projects. So..what are the odds that this pathogen, that has been known to virologists and monitored for decades without 99% of the population knowing the first thing about it, pops up as a threat and real concern to the general public via the MSM in 2024? A paper from 1998. The European Union faces up to the threat of a pandemic: meeting at the DGV on the influenza A (H5N1) of the ad hoc group on communicable diseases Luxembourg 14 January 1998
  14. Fact Check: True. But the more extreme calls for not just oversight scrutiny and political obstructionism but revenge prosecutions are coming from former senior Trump administration officials and people close to the former president who are expected to play even larger roles in a potential second term. Their message is often apocalyptic. There is no longer any room, they argue, for weaklings who fetishize decency and restraint. Mike Davis, a former top Senate Judiciary Committee lawyer who is a close associate of Mr. Trump, is calling for an investigation of the investigators, similar to how the Justice Department under Mr. Trump used the special counsel investigation led by John Durham in a yearslong, unsuccessful attempt to find a basis to accuse high-level Obama administration officials of a crime because of the Russia investigation. “The Republican attorneys general in Georgia and Florida and the county attorney in Maricopa County, Ariz., need to open investigations” into the prosecutors and investigators pursuing the indictments of Mr. Trump and his allies, Mr. Davis said. He added, “Then on Day 1, when he wins, President Trump needs to open a criminal civil rights investigation.” Only qualm with this and a prior @nytimes piece: I pointed to very specific evidence (Jonathan Su, Matthew Colangelo, and Nathan Wade’s billing of 2 meetings with Biden White House) of Biden’s fingerprints on all 4 Trump indictments. Fact Check: False. “They continue to put forward the theory, without evidence, that all four cases are the result of a conspiracy by Mr. Biden — implicitly or explicitly rejecting the notion that Mr. Trump has been charged with crimes based on evidence.”
  15. I'll add... 1994: Don't judge us based on our sexuality. This thread is littered with Marxists who will refuse to recognize a slippery slope as they merrily slide down the hill. Me? They lost me with the cakes.
  16. Lron f-stain! The covid pandemic: They will never be the same. It broke them. This pandemic shifted the entire history of the planet you friggin moron. Nobody will be the same.The entire friggin world shut down with mostly useless mitigation measures because of a virus that was genetically engineered in a Chinese lab. But....Get over it already! Useful idiot indeed.
  17. Welcome to the cesspool gents. So you're bored while wasting your time here with the rest of us?
  18. It's not they made educated guesses and were wrong. They KNEW the policies that they were pushing were useless, pushed them regardless and they censored other scientists who disagreed. So no, Finding and the rest of the Marxists won't admit that they were wrong. That's precisely what makes them the useful idiots that they are.
  19. Fact check: True For the last 3 1/2 years: Biden went to war against American energy. He intentionally spiked American energy prices. To force us to buy “green” (Chinese) energy. And Biden destroyed America’s border. He intentionally imported over 10,000,000 illegal immigrants, including unvetted and unvettable fighting-aged men. Don’t let Biden fool you now during an election year, with temporary political gimmicks. Like tapping our strategic oil reserve. And issuing political immigration executive orders. These are mere tactical retreats. Biden’s strategy remains the same. Illegal immigration and energy prices will get much worse, if Biden wins on November 5th. This is all by (Marxist) design.
  20. Remember Geofencing technology at the US Capitol on J6 that has specificity to detect individual phone signals within a few feet, even elevation data so you know what floor the device is on at any moment in time? For that application the technology works great. For tracking devices that made daily round trips 20+ times between democrat non profits and mail in drop boxes? For this application the technology doesn't work at all. The venn diagram of those who buy the above and those who drive with masks on? 100% overlap.
  21. None of them know the first thing about science. I'm looking at Finding, The King, Billsfuk.c all of them. They're just garden variety scientifically illiterate morons. But Fauci does indeed know science and the method that governs it. He knows it very well. Yet he still declared HIMSELF to be THE SCIENCE and used that fake anti-science status as a cudgel on society to do harm. Pure evil.
  22. It's past hypocrisy. It's not even two tiers of justice like you often hear. It's the Biden diabolical smile. It's one tier of justice. One for us and you get nada. Police state. Marxists.
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