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  1. This of course is old news, but since we have so many useful idiots who consume fake news, here you go.... From a first hand witness who was there when Trump gave the authorization. He's also testified under oath multiple times to this very same fact pattern outlined in the video below. Why hasn't he been charged with perjury yet?
  2. You remember Anthony Ornato, right? He was supposedly Cassidy Hutchinson's "source" who said that Trump lunged for the steering wheel to try to get to the Capitol on J6.... Well that fairytale nonsense is also put to bed with this previously hidden testimony now seeing the light of day. Tldr; Trumps handlers had decided days before that he wouldn't go to the Capitol. But on to the the national guard issue.... Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato’s first transcribed interview with the committee was conducted on January 28, 2022. In it, he told Cheney and her investigators that he overheard White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows push Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to request as many National Guard troops as she needed to protect the city. .... All of the transcripts will be released by September 2022, right King? However, transcripts of fewer than half of the 1,000 interviews the committee claims it conducted are posted on that site. It is unclear how many of the hidden transcripts include exonerating information suppressed by the committee. A January 6 committee staffer asked Ornato, “When it comes to the National Guard statement about having 10,000 troops or any other number of troops, do you recall any discussion prior to the 6th about whether and how many National Guard troops to deploy on January 6th?” Ornato surprised the committee by noting he did recall a conversation between Meadows and Bowser: “He was on the phone with her and wanted to make sure she had everything that she needed,” Ornato told investigators.
  3. No National Guard on J6 despite Trump's pre-authorization. CIA? Yes, yes indeed.
  4. So a transcript is revealed from the J6 committee, that for some reason they kept hidden from the public record about the National Guard, the White House and J6. This transcript reveals testimony from a Trump white house official that corroborates previous claims and testimony that the Trump white house did indeed authorize up to 10k national guard troops for J6. Keep in mind once again that this testimony was kept hidden from the public until yesterday. Given these facts Billsfuk.c is claiming that the messenger is lying? Well golly gee.... Next you'll tell me that water is wet and that Billsfuk.c is a useful idiot.
  5. NEW: Trump's Defense Secretary Chris Miller alleges the January 6 Committee threatened to 'make his life hell' if he didn't stop saying Trump authorized National Guard deployment before the Capitol riot. Miller specifically implicates Liz Cheney in this intimidation effort, alleging committee members warned him of additional hours of questioning if he continued defending Trump's actions on TV. Additionally, the committee allegedly withheld a transcript from a senior White House official who corroborated Miller's claim that Trump sought to deploy 10,000 troops to the Capitol before January 6. General Milley also reportedly informed the Department of Defense Inspector General that Trump had requested a National Guard presence at the Capitol, an offer that the DC Mayor turned down. Why did the January 6 Committee choose to conceal so much evidence that exonerates Trump?
  6. This has all been gone over dozens of times already, so useful idiots will always parrot their masters narrative no matter what. Yuri Bezmenov, ideological subversion and all that.... But here is Kash Patel's testimony to J6 committee. Lying to Congress, at least for conservatives, is no small matter these days. How come Kash got away with "lying" to Congress Billsfuk.c? https://archive.org/details/january-6th-committee-witness-testimony-20211209-kashyap-pramod-patel/page/38/mode/2up?q=guard Oh, so you remember stuff like that. So, going off just the memory, and we can go back to the article when you bring it up, there was a meeting with the President of the United States, Acting Secretary Miller, and some others -- | can't recall off the top of my head -- where we were discussing, as the article states, something related to Iran. And, in that same meeting, | believe it was on or around January 4th, 3rd, 4th, or 5th, the -- as | stated earlier, in order for the Department of Defense's National Guard to be activated in any way we needed Presidential authorization. And President Trump at that -- [Discussion off the record.] BY Q Sure. Go ahead. A Okay. And so this question appears to implicate core executive privilege concerns. I'm prepared to answer it, but | want the record to reflect my serious concerns about congressional overreaching of this matter. So what | remember is that we knew, in order to get the National Guard even mobilized, we needed the President to at least say yes first. So what -- my recollection of that meeting is the President preemptively authorized 10 to 20 National Guardsmen and -women around the country -- sorry? 10- to 20,000. Mr. Sofer. You said 10 to 20. The Witness. Sorry, 10- to 20,000 National Guardsmen and -women to be utilized around the country. The second part of that, of course, would have to be the Governors, the Federal agencies, and the mayors would have to ask us for that to satisfy the law. But what he, | believe, and the Acting Secretary at the time were working out was we would not need to come back to the President should Mayor Bowser or anyone ask for 100, a thousand, 5,000, up to 20,000. Here's the memo where Mayor Bowser refused NG dated 1/5/21 and the memo outing multiple denials from Capitol police. The Capitol Police official timeline provides the most succinct summary of a series of events around Sund's request, some of which have been disputed and at times misreported in the news media. "COP Sund asks Senate Sergeant at Arms (SSAA) Michael Stenger and House Sergeant at Arms (HSAA) Paul Irving for authority to have National Guard to assist with security for the January 6, 2021 event based on briefing with law enforcement partner and revised intelligence Assessment," the timeline recorded. "COP Sund's request is denied. SSAA and HSAA tell COP Sund to contact General Walker at DC National Guard to discuss the guard's ability to support a request if needed."
  7. The fact is that Jan 6 was a deadly insurrection in which Trump supporters beat cops with flagpoles, full stop. That’s it." The FACT is that not a single cop died from injuries due to J6 rioting. The FACT is not a single homicide charge was brought. The FACT is no one was charged for a so-called "insurrection" where people did not even bring firearms into the capitol building. The FACT is the FBI knew months in advance and had informants within the extremist groups planning to be there. The FACT is there were numerous undercover police officers in the J6 crowd. The FACT is Capitol Police held open doors and even escorted the "Q Anon shaman" to the Senate chamber. The FACT is there were photographers and videographers all over the Capitol building. But the DOJ has charged independent and conservative journalists who were there reporting on it. The FACT is Donald Trump is on record wanting 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the electoral college challenges. The FACT is Speaker Pelosi refused to send National Guard troops even after former Capitol Police Chief requested them multiple times. J6 was a SET-UP. If we had news outlets instead of propaganda outlets, Nicolle Wallace would be thrown off the air.
  8. Water is wet and Bilksfuk.c cherry picks edited video? NFW! For the 1000th time Trump, or any POTUS, does not have the authority TO DEPLOY THE ***** NATIONAL GUARD UNILATERALLY. He can only authorize it, which he did. In order to deploy the NG, LOCAL AUTHORITIES have to make an official request. In this case it required either the DC mayor or official at the Capitol to MAKE THAT REQUEST. The DC mayor and the officials at the Capitol DECLINED requesting the NG MULTIPLE TIMES.
  9. "You had one of the first-hand witnesses in myself, in the Oval Office days before January 6 with the President and his national command team, where President Trump authorized 10+ thousand National Guardsmen and women. We've been saying that since that day. That hasn't changed. I testified before the January 6 committee on it. I got subpoenaed by the special counsel's department of Justice on it. I've done media interviews across the country on it. It has never changed. That authorization occurred. We sent senior DoD employees to Mayor Bowser 's office and the Capitol Police with Nancy Pelosi because they're responsible for DC. And consistent with DoD history and the law, they have to make a request for the National Guard before it can be deployed. President Trump, step one, authorizes it, like any president must, then they make the request, like any governor would, say, after a national disaster in California or any big sporting event in Kansas. Here it's DC, so it's the mayor. In writing, Mayor Bowser and Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police rejected it. We put those receipts out. It's their written word, not ours. But the mainstream media has spent a number of years attacking that truth because it guts their narrative of disinformation - the campaign that they have put on about 'insurrection.' And so, it's nice to be vindicated, but the important thing is to get the truth out." - Kash Patel
  10. Once again the facts: Trump pre-authorized up to 20k national guard to be in DC for J6. POTUS cannot, under the law, deploy the NG unilaterally. Some dictator though, right? DOD/POTUS in ADDITION to the authorization must receive a request from local authorities to deploy the NG. Local DC authorities in the form of house/senate sergeants at arms and mayor of DC all declined to make the necessary lawful request multiple times in the days before J6. Leftist useful idiots and commies can try to spin and deny the above facts, and they repeatedly do, but it can't change the facts of history. You lose commies
  11. Fact: Trump authorized 10k national guard for J6. Fact: POTUS cannot unilaterally deploy the NG, a request must be made. Fact: House Sergeant at arms and DC mayor refused to make official NG request multiple times prior to J6. Fact: Kash Patel testified to both J6 committee and in Colorado case to the above facts Fact: Kash Patel still hasn't been charged with lying under oath. Because he didn't. Fact: Useful idiots know about none of the above.
  12. 🎯 The J6 Pipe Bomb Threats Were the "Back-up Plan" The DNC & RNC pipe bomb threats were the "back-up plan" in the plot to frame Donald Trump and his supporters for an "insurrection" on January 6. They would have been a secondary justification to adjourn the Congress and suspend the election objections, should the manufactured riots not materialize as expected. In fact, the RNC/DNC pipe bomb threats led to the evacuation of the Cannon building and a Library of Congress building. This was no accident. Despite the "pipe bombs" — which appear to be non-functional because they lack batteries, and appear much like FBI training pipe bombs — sitting at the RNC & DNC headquarters for approximately 17 HOURS, they were both discovered within 30 minutes of Speaker Nancy Pelosi beginning the election certification in Congress. The DNC video shows MPD and Secret Service who are unperturbed by the presence of the "pipe bomb" and even allow pedestrians, including children, to walk nearby. Then, they dismantle the apparently inert pipe bomb with a robot. All while Kamala Harris, a U.S. Senator who should have been at the Congress, and a "historic" Vice President Elect, was inexplicably and secretively at the DNC headquarters. This goes beyond oddity. Especially when you learn that the cell phone data from the suspect was "corrupted," the J6 suspect footage was manipulated, and the Secret Service texts from both January 5th and 6th were "deleted." The DOJ to this day is still hunting down MAGA grandmas for merely looking at the Capitol on J6 — regardless of actions or intent — but "cannot" find the J6 pipe bomb suspect, despite extensive surveillance footage, knowledge of the person's license plate, and where several of the bomb components were purchased. But not only has the FBI failed to find the suspect, law enforcement failed to find the DNC "bomb" that sat in broad daylight for hours (someone even had a cup of coffee next to it). Somehow this Wile E. Coyote-looking device eluded detection by MPD and Secret Service. What are the odds? The J6 pipe bomb 'discoveries' came right as Trump ended his speech and moments prior to the expected election challenges in Congress. The RNC pipe bomb was 'discovered' by an intel-connected staffer whose report was handled by Capitol Police. The DNC pipe bomb was 'found' by a plainclothes Capitol Police officer. Both report to Pelosi. Who wasn't allowed to be questioned by the partisan J6 committee? Pelosi. Whose House Sergeant at Arms could have called for the National Guard at any time? Pelosi's. Whose House SAA turned down Capitol Police Chief Sund's requests for help from the National Guard? Pelosi's. It is painfully obvious what happened on January 6. All it takes is a pair of eyes, functional brain cells, and a mind open enough to investigate and process it.
  13. Wrong. Disputed. Wrong. Disputed. Well no *****? He was saying for days prior to J6 that he planned to do this. Again, no ***** *****. This is why he asked for national guard troops. Pelosi and DC mayor denied requests repeatedly. Why? Wrong. Disputed. Many of them have already testified, as sourced above from ABC News. Others have asked that their testimony be released repeatedly. But the J6 committee won't share the transcripts of their testimony. I wonder why? Your idiocy has been answered. Yes, you are.
  14. Dear commies, Trump authorized the national guard for J6. The LAW requires that local governments or Congress officially request the national guard. The POTUS CANNOT unilaterally deploy the NG. Mayor Bowser and Pelosi both declined to request the NG for J6 MULTIPLE TIMES despite warnings of potential violence. Despite what your commie propaganda "news" sources tell you, you cannot alter reality. The sky is still blue.
  15. Actor Jussie Smollett 71. Various dates: Other faked attacks reported by the news as if confirmed A week before Trump was elected, Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Mississippi was torched and the words "Vote Trump" found painted on the outside. The mayor condemned the incident as a hate crime and stated it was "an attack on the black church and the black community." However, police later arrested a black church member for the arson. They say the man staged the fire to look like an attack by Trump supporters. Even today, some of the corrected news reports retain headlines seeming to blame Trump. The day after Trump was elected, an incident at Elon University in North Carolina made national news. Hispanic students found a "hateful note" written on a classroom whiteboard reading, "Bye Bye Latinos." After the story made news, it was learned that the message was written by "a Latino student who was upset about the results of the election." Also the day after Trump was elected, a gay man, reportedly a filmmaker ? claimed that homophobic Trump supporters smashed his face with a bottle outside a bar in Santa Monica, Calif. A bloody photo was posted on Twitter, and he was said to have been treated at a local hospital. Police investigated the media reports. They said no complaint was ever filed, there was no evidence of a crime, and a check of local hospitals showed no victim in such an incident. The week after Trump's election, a Muslim student at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette, claimed Trump supporters pulled off her head covering, and assaulted and robbed her. She later admitted fabricatingthe story. A month after Trump?s election, a Muslim-American woman claimed Trump supporters tried to steal her headwear and harassed her on the New York City subway. She ultimately was arrested after confessing she made up the whole story. 72. Feb. 26, 2019 It's as good a day as any to point out that The Washington Post and others reported last November that Trump was imminently about to fire DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. The Post confirmed this with five anonymous sources. The firing was said to be likely to happen the following week. Nielsen remained on the job for five more months before resigning. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen 73. Feb. 27, 2019 Testimony by former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen seemed to put the final nail in the coffin of the "dossier" claim reported by many-- that Cohen had visited Prague to meet with Russians to help collude on Trump's behalf. Cohen told Congress he's never been to Prague or the Czech Republic, for that matter. McClatchy even reported that Cohen's cell phone had pinged off Prague towers. Where did this apparently false information come from? "Four people spoke with McClatchy on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of information shared by their foreign intelligence connections. Each obtained their information independently from foreign intelligence connections," reported McClatchy. Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen 74. March 1, 2019 The Washington Post deleted a tweet containing false reporting about a January 19 incident regarding a standoff between Trump-supporting pro-life Catholic high school students and a pro-choice Native American activist. The Post wrongly stated, without attribution, that the activist had fought in the Vietnam War. The activist also falsely stated that a high school student had blocked him and "wouldn't allow him to retreat." These events were later called into question, and the Washington Post is being sued in a multi-million dollar libel suit over its allegedly false reporting and misrepresentations. The Post also posted an "editor's note" on this date stating that "a more complete assessment" of the incident contradicted or failed to confirm accounts as originally reported, including that a particular student was trying to instigate a conflict. 75. Various dates Multiple reporters and media outlets have provided false information and/or quoted incorrect anonymous sources as to the timing of the release of Special Counsel Mueller's report on Trump-Russia collusion. The Washington Post said it would be out in summer of 2018. Bloomberg said it would be shortly after the 2018 Midterm elections. In February 2019, CNN, The Washington Post and NBC reported the report was coming the last week of February. However, it was not announced at that time. The release of the Mueller report in April 2019 belies countless news stories over more than two years. The report does not find collusion between Trump and Russia President Putin and also concludes there's no evidence that any American conspired or coordinated with any Russian. The many who claimed there was hard evidence of collusion in hand proved to be wrong, yet there is no record of media apologies and corrections on these points. Robert Mueller, former FBI Director, Special Counsel investigating alleged Trump-Russia collusion 76. May 29, 2019 The Wall Street Journal reports the Navy used a "tarp" to cover the name of the U.S.S. John S. McCain so that President Trump wouldn't see it on his recent visit to Yokosuka, Japan. (The late Sen. John McCain frequently attacked Trump and cast a deciding vote contrary to McCain's campaign promise to repeal Obamacare. Trump also attacked McCain and derided McCain's performance as a soldier in Vietnam where McCain was held as a Prisoner of War.) After the tarp news is reported, reporters quote McCain's daughter attacking Trump as if he had given the orders to cover the name. It is further reported that the U.S.S. John McCain was kept out of Trump's view, and that sailors wearing hats with the ship's name on it were turned away and/or given the day off so that Trump would not see the McCain name. However, shortly after these news reports, key parts of the storyline began to fall apart. The one grain of truth appeared to be that, in advance of Trump's trip, a military official sent an email directing that the U.S.S. McCain be kept from Trump's view. However, importantly, that direction was not followed. Further, Trump and White House aides indicated Trump played no role and was unaware of the direction. Significantly, military officials stated that it was untrue that a tarp was placed over the ship's name to block it from Trump's view. They say it was the other way around: a tarp on the ship for maintenance was removed for Trump's visit. Further, U.S. officials said a paint barge in front of the U.S.S. John S. McCain was ordered to be moved for Trump's visit and was gone by the time he arrived. Though the main components of the Wall Street Journal story appeared to have been debunked, the New York Times' Maggie Haberman oddly tweeted out a statement that the Times had confirmed the Wall Street Journal's "excellent scoop." The main part of the story that the Times seemed to have confirmed was that unnamed White House officials were concerned about Trump seeing the McCain name and that sailors wearing ball caps that sported the ship's insignia were turned away. However, CBS News pointed out that "it is possible the reason they were turned away is that ball caps were not part of the dress code for the event." U.S. officials said about 800 sailors from more than 20 ships and Navy commands were present for the president's visit and "all wore the same Navy hat that has no logo, rather than wearing individual ship or command hats." Support Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI 77. July 4, 2019 Several news outlets seemed to be victimized by a bad case of wishful thinking when they reported that President Trump's Fourth of July celebration did not draw crowds. One analysis incorrectly claimed there were "small crowds." The Guardian featured a photo of an empty podium in Washington D.C. prior to the celebration and claimed the White House was "struggling" to draw crowds. However, by any factual assessment, the crowds were, in fact, huge. That's in spite of the bad weather. 78. January 2019 In January, New York Times, Vice and others reported on the "lost" immigrant children of the Trump administration. However, AP and other fact checks stated this was a misleading term. According to AP, the "lost" children were a matter of the government not being able to track them once placed with sponsors. In some cases this was because the sponsors-- many in the U.S. illegally-- would not respond to the government's follow up phone calls. 79. July 13, 2019 In a story about a lawsuit alleging that candidate Trump forcibly kissed a campaign worker, CNN failed to mention that that lawsuit had been dismissed. It later corrected its story to include the information. 80. July 21, 2019 Many in the media uncritically report a Georgia State legislator's racist and false claim that a "white" man at a grocery store told her to "go back where you came from." Media reports link the supposed hateful comment to President Trump because Trump recently said several Democrats in Congress should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came." However, the following day, the legislator acknowledges the man did not say she should "go back to your country" or "go back to where you came from," as she originally claimed. She goes on to say she told him to "go back." The man adds he is not white, but a Cuban and a Democrat. After the legislator changes her story, the local news plays up the headline that the man "admits he swore," rather than the far more important acknowledgement that her major claim was false. (See around 2:05 in the video near the end of the story.) Even after the legislator retracted her original accusation, it remained widely published in national headlines and news reports. 81. July 21, 2019 An MSNBC contributor and law professor falsely tweets that Fox is not going to show upcoming Congressional testimony by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller on the Trump-Russia investigation. When the error is pointed out, the contributor says she was just kidding and deletes her tweet--but not before it has been "liked" and "retweeted" thousands of times. 82. Aug. 2019 Multiple news outlets including CNN and MSNBC falsely reported that an illegal immigrant had her nursing baby ripped from her arms. The mother was not lactating, CNN later acknowledged. 83. Aug. 28, 2019 MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell apologizes for and retracts anonymous, unverified claims stating that Trump had loans with Russian co-signers. At last view, it appeared that far more people had seen or remarked on the initial information than the apology. The now-deleted original tweet by O'Donnell stated: "A source close to Deutsche Bank says Trump's tax returns show he pays very little income tax and, more importantly, that his loans have Russian co-signers. If true, that explains every kind word Trump has ever said about Russia and Putin." 84. Aug. 28, 2019 Ken Dilinian of NBC News corrects a false report he and others disseminated claiming that starting October 29, "children born to U.S. service members outside of the U.S. will no longer be automatically considered citizens. Parents will have to apply for citizenship for their the [sic] children in those situations." 85. Sept. 7, 2019 CNN and nearly every major media outlet criticized President Trump for tweeting that Alabama would likely be impacted by Hurricane Dorian. They claimed that was never the case. However, Trump was correct that multiple official hurricane advisories had put Alabama in a projected impacted area. Watch for yourself. There is no record of any corrections to these incorrect news stories. In fact, there are multiple follow ups repeating the false claims that Alabama was never in a projected path, and doubling down on the claim that Trump was inaccurate. Rather than admit an error, some news outlets skirted the issue, parsing probabilities, "would" vs. "could," the National Weather Service vs. the National Hurricane Center, and whether tropical storm force winds really qualify as hurricane effects. (Above: Politico title) (Above: New York Magazine Intelligencer title) 86. Sept. 10, 2019 Citing anonymous sources, CNN and the New York Times reported-- and other media repeated-- claims that the CIA had to remove a top U.S. spy from Russia in 2017 because of concern over President Trump's handling of classified information. The CIA, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and the White House strongly refuted the story. Other media, including The New York Times and Washington Post, also contradicted CNN and reported the decision to remove the spy happened before CNN said it did and for different reasons. At least some of the original stories remained posted a day later without correction, clarification or updating to include CIA's refutation. 87. Sept. 16, 2019 The New York Times publishes an editor's note about its recent story recounting a newly-reported accusation about an incident decades ago involving Trump-nominated Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The editor's note discloses for the first time that the Times never spoke to the alleged victim, and that the alleged victim had told friends she had no recollection of any such event. The Times reporters explained that that information had mistakenly been edited out of the story. 88. July 24, 2019 In testimony to Congress, special counsel Robert Mueller puts to final rest the widespread reporting in 2016 originating with Slate.com that claimed a Russian bank server had been illicitly communicating with Trump Tower. When asked about it by a member of Congress, Mueller replied that "my belief at this point is...not true." 89. July 29, 2019 Vox.com's Aaron Rupar tweeted that Trump suggested he was a "9/11 First Responder." In fact, Trump stated the opposite: "I'm not considering myself a first responder." 90. Sept. 25, 2019 The Washington Post, quoting anonymous sources, reported that President Trump's Director of National Intelligence threatened to quit over an alleged whistleblower issue. Daily Beast headline However, DNI Joseph Maguire issues a statement indicating the Post article was entirely false. "At no time have I considered resigning my position since assuming this role," wrote Maguire in a statement. 91. Sept. 25, 2019 The Daily Beast and other media outlets reported that President Trump asked the President of Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, eight times in one phone call. Daily Beast headline However, the released transcript notes reveal Trump mentioned Biden's son (not by name) one time. However, many in the media claimed the "eight times" allegation was really true because they counted each phrase in which Trump referred to possible corruption or the need for some sort of investigation. (There are other areas of possible mistaken reporting regarding the same phone call, but they are generally subject to interpretation.) 92. Sept. 29, 2019 CBS News's 60 Minutes reports "the government whistleblower who set off the impeachment inquiry of President Trump is under federal protection because they fear for their safety." Shortly after that report, the attorney for the unnamed "whistleblower," Mark Zaid, tweeted out a statement that read: "NEWS ALERT: 60 Minutes completely misinterpreted contents of our letter." (Sixty Minutes says it stands by the Scott Pelley report.) 93. Sept. 30, 2019 When a black girl claims white boys at school held her down, cut off her hair and called her "nappy" and "ugly," the story makes national news. Multiple news outlets improperly report some details as if they are established as true, without proper attribution. For example, NBC writes, "The attack happened Monday..." and "The second boy grabbed her arms, while the third cut off some of her dreadlocks." A local NBC affiliate writes: "...she was at recess and about to go down a slide when one of the boys grabbed her and put a hand over her mouth. Another boy grabbed her arms. A third boy cut off some of her hair." CBS writes, "The incident took place..." (as if an incident had been factually established rather than was an allegation). Many news reports also connect the attack to President Trump's Vice President, Mike Pence, by stating that the "attack" happened at "a Christian school in Virginia where Vice President Mike Pence's wife works." However, it turns out there was no attack or "incident." Three days after the initial reports, the child's family reported the whole story was made up, and they apologized. 94. Oct. 13, 2019 ABC airs video purportedly showing a "slaughter" and "horrific report of atrocities" against Kurds by Turkey after President Trump withdrew U.S. troops. (The video is not combat video at all. It is file tape of a training show in the U.S.) ABC tweets out the following: CORRECTION: We've taken down video that aired on "World News Tonight" Sunday and "Good Morning America" this morning that appeared to be from the Syrian border immediately after questions were raised about its accuracy. ABC News regrets the error. 95. Oct. 16, 2019 Many major news outlets including Yahoo, USA Today, Roll Call, NBC, ABC and Fox quotes President Trump as saying Turkey's invasion of Syria "is not our problem." In a subsequent correction, NBC and others said, Trump actually said "it's not our border." However, hours after NBC's correction, the initial allegedly false quote remains on Yahoo, USA Today, Fox, Roll Call, the Washington Times and other news sites. 96. Sun. Oct. 27, 2019 Multiple media claims state that President Trump was golfing during the U.S. raid in Syria that captured the head of the Islamic terrorist group ISIS, al-Baghdadi; and that a White House situation room photo had been "staged." It turns out, according to later reports, that Trump had finished golfing and was at the White House during the operation. (Obama White House photographer Pete Souza had apparently originally tweeted out incorrect information on timing.) 97. Nov. 16, 2019 Rampant speculation ensues after a contributor to The Hill claims President Trump visited Walter Reed National Medical Center due to chest discomfort. A White House statement from Trump's physician issued two days later stated that was not the case. "Despite some of the speculation, the President has not had any chest pain, nor was he evaluated or treated or any urgent or acute issues. Specifically, he did not undergo any specialized cardiac or neurologic evaluations," the president's physician stated. 98. Nov. 19, 2019 London's Daily Mail posts a sensational headline during the impeachment hearings against President Trump. It claims that a key witness, Ambassador Kurt Volker, had "walked back" his testimony in a way that was detrimental to Trump. When Volker was asked, in real time at the hearing, if the Daily Mail headline was correct and he had, indeed, changed his testimony, Volker stated that no. The headline was wrong. 99. Nov. 19, 2019 Agence France Press publishes a sensational story saying that more than 100,000 children are being held in migration-related detention in the U.S. under President Trump. It turns out that was the number in 2015 under President Obama. 100. Nov. 28, 2019 Newsweek falsely reports that President Trump is spending Thanksgiving golfing in Florida at his Mar-a-Lago Resort. He was actually in Afghanistan serving dinner to U.S. troops. It's the second year in a row that national media makes the same mistake. (The reporter, Jessica Kwong, was reportedly later fired.) 101. Nov. 24, 2019 It turns out the same Newsweek reporter, Kwong, reported an allegedly misleading story the week before about President Trump's tipping implying he'd been cheap. Newsweek later updated the story to remove the headline reference to a "thin stack of cash" and include that it was 100 dollar bills, and above and beyond what Trump had already tipped the servers. 102. Dec. 3, 2019 (Allegation) Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) files a $435 million defamation lawsuit against CNN over a Nov. 23 CNN story that claimed Nunes had flown to Vienna, Austria in December 2018 to meet with a former Ukrainian prosecutor in to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Nunes says at the time CNN claimed he was in Vienna, he was actually in Benghazi, Libya and Malta for meetings; and Nunes produced photographs he says proves that. Additionally, he says he has never met with the named former Ukrainian prosecutor in Vienna or anywhere else. (If evidence ultimately shows CNN was correct and Nunes is incorrect, this post will be updated and removed from the count.) 103. Dec. 9, 2019 It would be difficult if not impossible from a practical standpoint to list the thousands of the media reports, from the New York Times to CNN, that have now been proven false by information documented in Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on the FBI's misbehavior in investigating the Trump campaign. Here, they will all be grouped together as one media mistake, but include nearly every major national media outlet that falsely reported, as if fact, that the discredited Democrat-funded "dossier" -- submitted by the FBI to get a wiretap to spy on Trump associate Carter Page -- was only a "small part" of the wiretap application. Also, the reports that Page was a Russian spy and the conduit between Trump and Putin. Also, the many insistences that Trump was a "Putin stooge" and coordinating with Putin or Russia, when the FBI's own evidence now shows they never found anything remotely close to that. In fact, they appeared to disprove it. 104. Jan. 31, 2018 (Out of chronological order because it just came to my attention.) Media reports in Dec. 2017 claimed the Trump administration banned officials at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from using seven words. In response, doctors posted photos of themselves with tape over their mouths. It turns out documents showed there was "not a ban or prohibition on words but rather suggestions on how to improve the chances of getting funding." 105. Dec. 25, 2019 (Allegation) An unusually unequivocal denial of a Wall Street Journal report come from the Trump administration. Trump officials say the anonymously-sourced report is "total false, untrue and baseless. It did not happen." If information comes to light that proves the Wall Street Journal source was accurate at the time, this post will be updated to reflect that. 106. Dec. 16, 2019 The news media widely misreport that the report by Dept. of Justice Inspector General Horowitz found "no political bias" in the Russia probe. As Horowitz made clear in his Congressional testimony, that is false. Instead, Horowitz gave a limited, qualified opinion about a narrow part of the opening of the investigation, stating he could not find documentary or testimonial evidence that the serious political bias of various FBI officials impacted the original decision to open the probe into Trump campaign-related Americans. Horowitz explicitly acknowledged that various FBI officials involved in the probe, including Peter Strzok and Lisa Page had political bias against Trump. He also stated, in Congressional testimony, that Christopher Steele, the political opposition researcher hired by the Clinton campaign to provide the anti-Trump "dossier" to the FBI, had political bias. And he stated that it's possible political bias was behind other inexplicable and egregious errors the FBI made during the probe, which he did not say was free of bias. Those matters, Horowitz testified, have been referred to the criminal probe and to the FBI to handle. 107. Aug. 5, 2019 (Out of chronological order because it just came to my attention.) MSNBC's Nicole Wallace falsely claims that President Trump had talked about "exterminating Latinos." She apologized the next day stating, on Twitter, "I misspoke about Trump calling's for an extermination of Latinos. My mistake was unintentional and I'm sorry." 108. Jan. 9, 2019 (Out of chronological order because it just came to my attention.) Ken Vogel of the New York Times corrects a story that falsely claimed Trump adviser Paul Manafort had wanted to share polling data with a Russian oligarch close to President Putin. 109. Dec. 27, 2019 The New York Times corrects a report it published to demonstrate how people who voted for Donald Trump no longer support him. Their featured example was a man who-- it turns out-- never voted for Trump in the first place. 110. Jan. 7, 2020 MSNBC wrongly reports up to 30 U.S. deaths after an Iranian rocket attack. In fact, no Americans were killed. The number was a fabricated number reported by the Iranians. 111. Jan. 16, 2020 MSNBC's John Brennan, former CIA Director, falsely reports that Trump personally wrote a note regarding wanting Ukraine's president to announce an investigation into possible corruption related to the former vice president and his son. 112. Feb. 21, 2020 The New York Times and multiple other news outlets report on a secret briefing to Congress that supposedly told lawmakers that Russia is interfering to try to get Trump reelected in 2020. The report is later followed up by stories indicating that the warnings may have been "overstated." In fact, officials told CNN the US "does not have evidence that Russia's interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump." 113. Feb. 26, 2020 Amid the coronavirus outbreak, multiple media outlets imply or state that President Trump slashed, cut or gutted the budget for the Centers for Disease Control. In fact, the CDC budget has increased each year. 114. Feb. 28, 2020 Numerous media outlets falsely report that President Trump called the coronavirus a "hoax." In fact, the president called the Democrat's politicization of the outbreak a hoax. 115. March 1, 2020 (Allegation) Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) announces plans to sue The Washington Post over what he says was false reporting about him. The Post claimed Nunes went to the White House and talked to President Trump about a Congressional briefing by then-Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire about prospects of Russia interference in the current 2020 campaign. The Post report then claimed that Trump "erupted" at Maguire before replacing him. Nunes says he never talked to the president about Maguire and did not go to the White House when The Post claimed he did. If information comes to light showing that The Post was correct, this post will be updated. 116. March 5, 2020 The Washington Post editorial team refers to many of America's "hundred of millions" of voters in the U.S. supporting Joe Biden. But there are not that many voters in the U.S. (There were 153,000,000 people registered to vote in 2018. Tens of millions of them do not vote.). 117. March 15, 2020 An anonymously-sourced news report alleges President Trump attempted to bribe a German coronavirus vaccine maker and wants to hoard the vaccine so only Americans will have it. Reuters reported that the German Health Ministry confirmed the report. However, the German Health Ministry clarified it had not verified the report, just a quote attributed to one of its spokespersons. The Trump administration denied the report altogether. (If the original report is verified and turns out to be true, after all, this entry will be removed from the list.) 118. March 18, 2020 The New York Times and Jeremy Peters publish an article with multiple false claims about Sharyl Attkisson and Rob Schneider, claiming they and others have "minimized" coronavirus risks and "insisted" it it is overplayed. In fact, Peters altered an Attkisson quote and made at least nine false claims about her work. Peters also manipulated a Schneider quote and quoted him out of context in order to make him appear as though he had violated recommendations not to eat at restaurants, when he had not. More details here. April 1, The New York Times lawyers issue multiple Corrections to the false article. They: Partially fix a deceptively-altered quote Remove a section Amend three parts Publish a "correction" 119. March 19, 2020 Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post wrongly blames Republican leader Senator Mitch McConnell for delaying a coronavirus package vote. The Post later issued a correction, stating: "An earlier version of this article incorrectly said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) delayed a vote on the House's coronavirus relief package. In fact, McConnell vowed to move at "warp speed" on the bill and it was only delayed due to a demand from Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) for an amendment on the bill. This version has been updated." 120. March 27, 2020 The New York Times issues a correction after falsely reporting that the U.S. was short at least 800 thousand ventilators in the coronavirus crisis because a million would be needed and there were only 200k on hand. In fact, a study actually projected a million people may need a ventilator over the course of the pandemic, not at one time. 121. March 28, 2020 A New York Times timeline about the slow implementation of coronavirus testing in the U.S. is corrected. The date of the country's first confirmed case of coronavirus through travel was almost two weeks later than stated in the original timeline. 122. March 30, 2020 CBS This Morning airs a story supposedly showing video of a New York hospital crowded coronavirus patients. Some viewers recognized it as the same video shown to represent a hospital in Italy. CBS News issues a correction saying the network mistakenly used the Italy video in the U.S. story. "It was an editing mistake. We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows," a CBS News spokesperson said. 123. April 6, 2020 CBS News airs social media video of a crying woman who says she was a nurse and quit her job due to not having masks while treating coronavirus patients. The video got more than eight million views. When questions were raised about the video, CBS left it up but added a "clarification": "Imaris Vera, the nurse in this video, clarified her experience on Monday in a tweet: 'We were each assigned 1 N95 per 1 covid patient?s room but was not allowed to wear it outside of the room, wear our own N95 mask around the Nurses station or Halls, which I came prepared with'." The clarification did anything but clear up the facts, but it seems to indicate nobody was asked to treat coronavirus patients without masks, after all. 124. April 8, 2020 Days after CBS News mistakenly uses shots of an Italian hospital as if it is in New York City, and apologizes for the mistake (Mistake #122 above), the network uses the same Italy video again in a discussion about coronavirus-overrun Pennsylvania hospitals. 125. April 15, 2020 A Facebook "science fact check" incorrectly flags as "false" an Epoch Times coronavirus documentary about the virus's possible link to a Wuhan, China research lab. That's despite the fact that none of the documentary's information is proven false, and the documentary draws no conclusions. In addition, contrary to Facebook's fake "fact check," the government has explicitly announced it is investigating information that the Covid-19 outbreak started with a leak at the lab. It turns out the first named reviewer referenced by Facebook's fact check is a U.S. scientist who has been working at the Wuhan lab. 126. April 14, 2020 The U.S. government publicly confirms it is looking into possible links between coronavirus and a research lab in Wuhan, China. On Feb. 17, 2020, Paulina Firozi of The Washington Post had falsely declared the idea of the virus coming from the Wuhan lab to be "debunked." It had not been debunked. In fact, a more recent April 14 article by The Washington Post debunked the earlier Washington Post article's claim that the Wuhan tie had been debunked. 127. April 22, 2020 Reuters and other new outlets claim President Trump tapped a "former Labradoodle breeder... to lead U.S. pandemic task force." They imply the official, Brian Harrison, is unqualified and blame him for supposed slowing the U.S. coronavirus response. The stories from multiple outlets appear on the same day. However, Harrison never led the coronavirus task force. Additionally, while he did briefly own a family business raising Labradoodles, he has also served three administrations in high level posts and was not plucked from dog breeding obscurity to serve on the pandemic task force. 128. April 25, 2020 After Marketwatch and The Washington Post report coronavirus checks may or "will" be delayed several days to get President Trump's signature on them, the Treasury Department announces the checks are being issued "on time, as planned" and that there was no delay. 129. April 25, 2020 In a widely distributed report, Politico reports that President Trump owes the Bank of China tens of millions of dollars in a loan coming due in 2022, as he deals with China on coronavirus. However, the Bank of China issued a statement saying it only held the loan for 22 days and sold it to a U.S. real estate firm in 2012. Politico changed its headline and details of the story but did not issue a "correction" or apology, and still maintains Trump has improper ties to China. Update: Politico belatedly issued a correction three days later, acknowledging that they committed a basic mistake by not asking the Bank of China for comment before publication. 130. April 28, 2020 Yahoo reporter Hunter Walker asks Trump a question with false information in it: “Overall, South Korea has done five times more tests than the U.S. per capita,” Walker asked Trump during an Oval Office meeting that included Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) “Why is that?” "I don't think that's true," Trump replied. “That is true,” Walker insisted. In fact, South Korea’s testing was 11 per 100,000 people and the U.S. is at 17 per 100,000. Walker later apologizes in a Tweet: "We have passed South Korea in the number of tests conducted per capita. I misread the mobile version of this chart and am sorry about that, @realDonaldTrump." 131. April 6, 2020 Maggie Haberman, Peter Baker, Katie Rogers and David Enrich at The New York Times report that "Trump has seized on [hydroxychloroquine] as a miracle cure." In fact, the day before the article was published, the president repeatedly qualified his support for hydroxychloroquine-- as he usually does-- and did not call it a miracle cure. "It may work, and it may not work. But if it doesn’t work, it’s nothing lost by doing it," said Trump at an April 5 media availability. He also stated, "in case it does work, we want to have it," and "Now, it may not work, in which case, Hey, it didn’t work. It may work, in which case it’s going to save a lot of lives. Now, a lot of people say...it has a profound effect. Well, maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t." 132. May 10, 2020 NBC's Chuck Todd on Meet the Press used a deceptively edited comment made by Attorney General William Barr about the case of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. The network later apologized for the error. 133. May 10, 2020 CBS 60 Minutes falsely tweets that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo "attempted to resurrect a debunked theory that the virus was man-made in China." Pompeo had said the opposite. “Look, the best experts so far seem to think it was man-made. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point," said Pompeo. When asked, “Your Office of the DNI says the consensus, the scientific consensus, was not man-made or genetically modified,” Pompeo then replied, “That’s right. I agree with that. I’ve seen the summary that you saw that was released publicly. I have no reason to doubt that that is accurate at this point.” When asked further, “So just to be clear, you do not think it was man-made or genetically modified?” Pompeo replied, “I’ve seen what the Intelligence Community has said. I have no reason to believe that they’ve got it wrong." One other flaw with the 60 Minutes tweet is that the news organization cannot claim to know, first hand, the origin of coronavirus since nobody from the news agency was present for its birth. 134. June 2, 2020 Mediaite writes an account of demonstrations outside the White House, quoting numerous reporters as saying tear gas was unjustifiably used. Fox News host Laura Ingraham said no tear gas was used. Mediaite quotes numerous reporters as "fact checking" Ingraham and concluding she is wrong. However, the U.S. Park Police releases a report that recounts a litany of violent acts the protesters had allegedly been committing, including pelting officers with objects and trying to grab their weapons. The police confirmed that during the efforts to control the crowd, no tear gas was used. "Correct your article, please," tweeted Ingraham. As of this posting, Mediate had not corrected its article or reverse fact-checked the apparently false claims about Ingraham and tear gas. 135. June 22, 2020 The New York Times, NPR and others unquestioningly link, as if a fact, the discovery of a "noose" in a black NASCAR driver's stall to racism. An investigation quickly concluded it was a garage door pull rope, and had been there for months, long before the driver had been assigned the stall. 136. July 12, 2020 USA Today used a "Fact check" to connect a Trump campaign T-shirt design using an eagle-- to a Nazi eagle. The newspaper later "clarifies" its article to note that "the eagle is a longtime US symbol, too." 137. Fri. July 17, 2020 On this date, newly-released documents reveal at least nine factual errors or misrepresentations in a New York Times article by Michael Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo about alleged Trump-Russia collusion in 2017. Among other issues, internal notes made by then FBI official Peter Strzok-- but kept secret until this date-- contradicted claims in the Times article including: that Paul Manafort had been picked up communicating with Russians, that Roger Stone had been investigated by the FBI, and that Trump advisers had gotten caught communicating with Russians. Details here. 138. Thurs. July 23, 2020 The Atlantic issues a series of corrections to a false story it published, “How I Became a Police Abolitionist,” written by social justice activist Derek Pernell who claimed she became scarred and anti-police because, as a child, she witnessed a police officer shooting her cousin, a "boy" for skipping a basketball sign in sheet, and that the police officer wasn't held accountable. It turns out, it wasn't a police officer, it was a private security guard; the victim, who was shot in the arm, was an adult, not a child; and the guard did not escape serious consequences, he was charged with assault. Dereka Pernell Photo from Twitter 139. Thurs. Aug. 5, 2020 An AP report about groups named in an FBI affidavit regarding an alleged Ohio corruption scheme false reported that one named figure, D. Eric Lycan, is the current counsel for the Republican Party of Kentucky. But Lycan left that position more than a year ago. 140. Sat. Aug. 8, 2020 Multiple analysts, news outlets, politicians, and advocacy groups falsely report that President Trump has announced plans to eliminate Social Security and/or Medicare if he's re-elected. In fact, the executive order signed by the president clearly shows a temporary cut in payroll taxes (which fund the entitlement programs) applies to those earning under approximately $105,000 a year. Others continue paying. Others in the media, such as the LA Times' liberal and pharmaceutical propaganda columnist Michael Hiltzik, left false implications, though stopping short of claiming Trump announced a policy to eliminate the entitlements. Michael Hiltzik Photo from Twitter 141. Sat. Aug. 8, 2020 The Washington Post publishes the "Mother of all Corrections," a 579 word correction of a July 23 article written by food writer Korsha Wilson. The correction consists of 15 bullet points. Post executive editor Martin Baron said the paper was “embarrassed by the widespread errors in this freelance article." The article was titled “Black families once lived off their southern farmland. Their descendants are struggling to hold onto it.” The Post acknowledged it “contained many errors and omitted context and allegations important to understanding two families’ stories.”. Korsha Wilson Photo by: Celeste Noche Photography 142. Sat. Aug. 22 AP publishes a fact check that concludes President Trump's true statement about an event at the Democratic National Convention was something other than true. Trump had tweeted: "The Democrats took the word GOD out of the Pledge of Allegiance at the Democrat National Convention." AP labelled the true claim to be misleading even as the news agency acknowledged, "the Muslim Delegates and Allies Assembly and the LGBTQ Caucus meeting, both Tuesday, left out 'under God,' from the pledge." AP argued that because others Democrats had cited the pledge accurately, Trump's tweet did not qualify as true. 143. Aug. 31, 2020 The Washington Post's Yasmeen Abutaleb and Josh Dawsey publish allegations in an article entitled: "New Trump pandemic adviser pushes controversial ‘herd immunity’ strategy, worrying public health officials." The headline contains no attribution and states the allegation as if it's an established fact. The article itself relies on unnamed, anonymous people. However, the subject of the allegations, Dr. Scott Atlas, stated in unequivocal terms that he has never pushed nor spoken to President Trump about the described strategy, nor has anybody that he knows of. (If evidence arises showing The Post was correct, after all, this item will be updated.) But I'm sure THIS time....they've got him! Absolutely sure.
  16. Bush isn't running on his national guard service or lack thereof. Kerry on the other hand is/was running on his Vietnam record.
  17. https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/jan-6-capitolriot-murielbowser-nancypelosi/2021/12/27/id/1050123/ Two days before Jan. 6," Patel told "Spicer & Co.," we "were in the Oval Office ... [where] basically the president authorized 10 to 20,000 National Guards' men and women around the country if needed, and the law requires that authorization. So President Trump preemptively took that action. "We then, the Department of Defense, went to Mayor Bowser, the Capitol Police, who are, of course, reporting to Nancy Pelosi and said, 'Look, we have the authorization, but we need the request under federal law to come from the mayor and the Capitol Police for National Guardsman on Jan. 6. They said 'no,' in writing." ... Having run the Russia-gate investigation and doing proper congressional oversight," he adds, "I do think it's important for the American people to have ... the transcript ... and I've asked them repeatedly" to release it. "My lawyers, which cost me a fortune, have asked them repeatedly, and they just sort of kick the can down the road and say, 'You know, maybe we'll get to it' or something like that."
  18. @John from Riverside Wrong again. Shocker. On January 6, even while we’re under attack, I was restricted by federal law (2 U.S. Code § 1970 Assistance by Executive departments and agencies) from bringing in federal assistance, to include the National Guard, without FIRST obtaining approval from the House and Senate Sergeants at Arms. (Irving was the House SAA. Stenger was the Senate SAA) Courage Under Fire p. 137: “Between 12:58 and when I finally receive approval for the National Guard at 2:09, I have made thirty-two calls to coordinate response support for my officers, including at least eleven calls to the sergeants at arms regarding my request for the National Guard.”
  19. You are an unequivocal moron. There was no order from Trump because... THE POTUS HAS NO AUTHORITY TO UNILATERALLY MOBILIZE THE NATIONAL GUARD ON HIS OWN. But since you want to take the word of former secretary of defense Miller, laundered and cherry picked by the J6 committee, here he is in his own unedited words. https://www.newsweek.com/chris-miller-donald-trump-deploy-jan-6-troops-capitol-riot-contradiction-testimony-1728207 A clip of Miller on Sean Hannity's show has also gone viral showing him say that he testified under oath that Trump authorized 20,000 troops. It is not clear on what date Miller was on Hannity's show, however. While on the show, former Defense Department official Kash Patel said: "Mr. Trump unequivocally authorized up to 20,000 National Guardsmen and women for us to utilize. Hannity asked: "Let me be very clear. Both of you said this under oath, under the threat of perjury, to the committee? Miller replied: "Absolutely Sean and to be clear, Kash brought it up best. The meeting was one of the most serious kinds of heavy meetings I have been in. "It was about a foreign threat that was directed towards the United States. Obviously, we can't talk to you about that for fear of ending up in jail. He continued: "The president, as we are leaving, says one more thing and we all sat back down and we discussed what was going on on January 6. "The president was doing exactly what I expect the Commander in Chief to do, he was looking at the broad threats against the United States and he brought this up on his own, we did not bring it up."
  20. I go with reality as it exists in the world under a blue sky. I know that you do not. And before you once again attack the messenger news site, the link to the pdf of the J6 timeline memo produced by the Capitol police is in the article. It confirms the Trump DOD was prepared authorize the NG request once it was formally requested, as is required by law. The sergeants at arms and mayor Bowser all rejected DOD efforts to receive a formal request. It's all there in writing from the very organizations that rejected the NG. Are we having fun yet? https://justthenews.com/government/congress/trump-pentagon-first-offered-national-guard-capitol-four-days-jan-6-riots-memo
  21. How did I know this would be what you'd say. This has been gone over many times. The POTUS doesn't have unilateral authority to call up the national guard. He can request the National Guard, but in DC it must be approved by either the house or senate sergeant at arms or the mayor of DC to deploy them. Trump did indeed request the NG for J6, and was denied by both the mayor and the sergeants at arms. Thanks for playing, but your masters don't program you with these types of inconvenient details.
  22. Next thing they'll tell you is that the chief of the Capitol Police isn't an expert on policing the Capitol because The National Pulse is the source of the interview and Tucker Carlson did the interviewing. Delusional useful idiots living under a green sky. In the hour-long interview, Sund laments the behaviors of then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who he says had intelligence to suggest problems on Capitol Hill, which they failed to communicate with Sund and his cops on the ground. “If I was allowed to do my job as the chief we wouldn’t be here, this didn’t have to happen,” Sund begins, around 19 minutes into the conversation, during which he describes himself as “pissed off” about being “lambasted in public” over the events. “Everything appears to be a cover up,” says the decorated police chief, explaining that most things to do with his department were political, specifically because he reported to politicians including then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “Like I said, I’m not a conspiracy theorist,” Sund explains, “…but when you look at the information and intelligence they had, the military had, it’s all watered down. I’m not getting intelligence, I’m denied any support from National Guard in advance. I’m denied National Guard while we’re under attack, for 71 minutes…” “It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence,” Carlson quizzed, to which Sund stunningly responds: “Could there possibly be actually… they kind of wanted something to happen? It’s not a far stretch to begin to think that. It’s sad when you start putting everything together and thinking about the way this played out… what was their end goal?”
  23. Let's examine a few passages... By their own admission, Democrats set up the hearings to evade such scrutiny. They declared any questions about what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew about the potential for Jan. 6 violence and when she knew it were off limits. What you say? Why would asking Pelosi and her staff questions about J6 be off limits in any universe that wants the whole story? A Capitol Police timeline obtained by Just the News shows the Trump Pentagon first offered National Guard troops to the Capitol Police on Jan. 2, 2021, four full days before the event. The police turned down the offer but then began to have second thoughts. The Capitol Police then asked their political minders — the House sergeant at arms chief among them — for permission to accept the troops on Jan. 4 but were turned down on the ground that such a show of force would create bad "optics," the records show. Since when have the dems ever needed to worry about optics with a friendly media? Even still the optics angle is ludicrous since had the National Guard been deployed on J6 and the right bellyached over it, they could have just released the documents showing that the NG request was initiated by the friggin White House. The very same documents that the committee refuses to show now in their hearings.
  24. Exactly. Kash Patels testimony would be interesting to hear given he was the DoD point person trying to get congressional leadership or Mayor Bowser to sign off on Trumps National Guard request. The National Guard not being present seems like a major failure that allowed events of J6 to spiral out of control. Yet the committee seems uninterested in probing that aspect.... Why I wonder if they are interested in leaving no stone unturned in determining why it happened and preventing it from happening again?
  25. For the 1000th time Trump cannot unilaterally order the NG to deploy. So Miller would be correct in that testimony because Trump or any President does not have the authority to deploy the National Guard. Trump can, through the DoD, ask if those who are required by law to make the request to deploy the NG (SSAA, HSAA or DC mayor) if they would like to make that request. Which is exactly what happened. The entities whose formal request is required turned down the opportunity for NG deployment multiple times. Crickets indeed.
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