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  1. The lost his fastball and by all accounts useful idiots have yet to download their masters' narrative.
  2. Following up on the recent NYT article on the huge CIA involvement in Ukraine, this short segment is a must watch to explain what has been going on there for the past decade. To the useful idiots: remember when you were screaming: NO WAR FOR OIL two decades ago?
  3. The useful idiots are angry today!
  4. This story, which was used as the impetus to not only bulk censor the Hunter laptop story everywhere on the internet and social media, but to then LOCK the account of the NY Post on Twitter and elsewhere, is STILL up on the Politico website with no updates or corrections. It should tell all non useful idiots everything they need to know about what sources they should completely dismiss before then considering what ones MIGHT be worthy of placing trust in. Newsflash useful idiots, even the WaPo, NYT and CBS news have acknowledged that Hunter's laptop always was authentic, even if they did so buried in paragraph twenty six. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276
  5. Hey good new FQ...now even paralegals can become federal judges I'll bet. Toss your hat in the ring, maybe? You've got the useful idiot part down, but you probably need some work with your marxist chops.
  6. In DC, NYC and elsewhere you can get a conviction on The Great Orange Menace for removing a mattress tag. And useful idiots will insist the case was bulletproof, as rock solid as it gets, all while accusing you of being blind. So it goes with useful idiots.
  7. Trump put out a video on Twitter calling for people to be peaceful, obey law enforcement and go home. This was in addition to Trump asking them to be peaceful and patriotic earlier that day. What did Twitter do with Trump"s video message? Well they took it down of course! Buying the coup/insurrection narrative is yet another useful idiot litmus test.
  8. Here's a simple rule of thumb. When the same group of useful idiot commies goes to same tired well of RUSSIA!! Then you know for certain and without a shadow of a doubt that what they are claiming is "russian disinformation," is in fact: TRUE. They've really made it quite simple for everyone.
  9. If everyone ignored it, it will go away. Nothing frustrates a useful idiot troll more than being ignored. Presenting facts and rational arguments only gives it more oxygen to troll
  10. There are many useful idiot pretenders here, most fall short simply because they don't spend every waking moment here being a useful idiot like the big 3.
  11. Keep in mind of course that the Russians hacked Hunter's laptop and put the above text message on it. They also planted all the other thousands of emails and correspondence on the laptop that just happen to match what's found on recipients emails with matching meta data. There's a reason that they're called USEFUL idiots.
  12. The point, which went over 4ths useful idiot head, is Olbermann wants people ARRESTED for stupid ***** like this. Did anyone here or conservative podcasters want Kathy Griffin arrested for her idiotic stunt? That absolutely was a fireable offense seven-ish years ago. Today? NFW. She'd get promoted today.
  13. Why does anyone bother with these useful idiots? The FBI informant was a friggin FBI witness. The committee knew nothing about him or the FD1023 until their investigation was well under way and mountains of evidence had already been collected. You people are despicable frauds. !@#$ off FQ.
  14. Remember, these are the outlets, that have lied repeatedly with unrelenting regularity, that Finding Qanon and The King demand that we trust. Newsflash for useful idiots...if you ignore these outlets and get your news from just about anywhere else, then you're much better informed by default.
  15. @ Finding Qanon. I'm sure this dude, if still around, is confused as to why he was tagged by a delusional useful idiot at PPP. Wait....maybe THIS poster is the real DR.......?
  16. A non citizen on a municipal election commission. Presumably she's a non citizen here legally, but you know illegals will be next. Sane? Only to useful idiots.
  17. No, you shouldn't worry about it at all. Your idiocy doesn't bother me in the least. It just explains everything about you. Trust me, the less we have of useful idiots like yourself voting, the better. It's been a fun few days and thanks for the entertainment, but now you can join the rest of them.
  18. Commies lie with stunning ease. They are able to do so only because useful idiots accept the lies with even greater ease.
  19. 🎯 This is precisely why I stopped engaging with the commies and useful idiots here long ago.
  20. I think most people know this. It's the commies/useful idiots who simply don't care.
  21. Again LRon !@#$ stain like all the other useful idiots ignores that even a commie jury found the orange dude NOT liable for rape. Not. Liable. For. Rape. But that won't stop a useful idiot like Lron fuk.c stain....
  22. Useful idiots are completely incapable of imagining such a scenario.
  23. Just like the suckers and losers hoax, these claims that become 'truth' among useful idiots have no video or audio evidence to back them up. Even when they do have video evidence like with Charlottesville and very fine people or J6 and peacefully and patriotically, they chop up the video to hide reality in order to support their "truth" Moral: if the MSM is reporting negatively on the orange dude (all the time) then you are extremely safe is assuming that they are lying.
  24. Actually, it doesn't know that. Its a useful idiot who is programmed by its masters, who are commie liars.
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